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Asma AlJassim Maram AlTurki

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1 Asma AlJassim 200900579 Maram AlTurki 200900135
Wireless lan issues Asma AlJassim Maram AlTurki

2 The research contents Introduction Research methodology
Literature review Conclusion and recommendation References

3 Introduction What's wireless lan? Brief history Main purpose

4 What's wireless lan? Wireless-lan or (WLAN) is a network aims to connect two or more devices together and connect them to the internet as well using a modem, most importantly, without wires. become very popular due to it’s low cost and easy of use. The wireless medium can connect many modules in the network, which are divided to admission points and devices for use

5 Brief history it is one of the biggest inventions in communication, specifically in Telecommunication. According to Anthony cairns (2006), “the first WLAN was developed in by researchers at University of Hawaii, the system included seven computers deployed over four islands to communicate with the central computer on the Oahu Island without using phone lines” (Wireless local area network explained, 2006). Recently, at the end of the 1990’s the substitute cabled were substituted by standards so it became costless and available for the people.

6 Main purpose The main purpose of this research is to show the negative effect about using a wireless-lan and how to avoid it. Problem that will be discussed to be avoid are the limited battery, the network security, the capacity and the coverage.

7 Research methodology Primary Resources: a survey, which is about how people are welling to know the bad effects of wireless lan has been created. Secondary Recourses: 1- Searching in the Internet for problems that face the users of the wireless lan. 2- by research papers, which are written by the people who generate the wireless-lan or who have a direct knowledge of it

8 Analysis of the survey

9 First question Do you think using a wireless broadband in the home really damage your health? 30% of people checked yes, which means that all of the reaming 70% of people are not welling to know the bad affects of using wireless lan. f YES NO

10 Second and third question
Do you use the Wi-Fi signals of your neighborhood? 60% checked yes, that’s mean high percent of the Wi-Fi users are facing the dangerous but not knowing exactly what bad effects they might get through. Do you have a password on your Wi-Fi network? Mostly 45% say yes they put up a password.

11 Last question Do you turn off your Wi-Fi when not using?
Approximately just 20% of the users checked yes, which means the majority of people are keeping it on all the time.

12 Literature review History and Background. Wireless-Lan Security.
Battery Life Consumption. Coverage and Capacity. Solutions for : Security, Consumption, Coverage and Capacity.

13 History and Background
First Development. Wireless Lan at the beginning.

14 Wireless-lan Security
Using open public wireless network. Transmitting data over wireless area network area greater than the physical area of the building.

15 Battery Life Consumption
Different usages.

16 Coverage and Capacity Coverage and capacity definition. Edge user.

17 Solutions Security: Setting a wireless Password.
Install a firewall program. Battery life consumption insure the wireless feature is off when it is not needed. Narrow amount of download to the needed. Coverage and capacity - Insure the whole building is covered with the highest speed.

18 Conclusion Generally, wireless LAN proved to be a dependable and equitably fast mobile networks, which is to connect two or more devices together or connect them to the Internet without a wire by using a modem The survey we mentioned above has showed that people need to know more about the wireless networks problem to be protected.

19 Recommendation Discuss more problems to avoid them.
Use another sources for collecting the data we need like using books. To do another survey that shows the problems which people faced daily from using wireless lan and what solutions people recommended to solve those problems.

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