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Stink and the ultimate thumb-wrestling smack down.

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Presentation on theme: "Stink and the ultimate thumb-wrestling smack down."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stink and the ultimate thumb-wrestling smack down.

2 I like this book because it was very creative and fun really weird and I like that stuff. Stink was kind of like my life. He was silly and has a lot of friends. He also go’s to school. And I want other people to read this book because I think they would like it because reading is fun. ANJIKA! Especially when the book is funny. And once you start this book its like you cant stop! And then once you start one of the authors books you will read all of them. Once I finished this book I started Judy Moody. I think others should read this book because it was really realistic. I’ll let you guys figure out the rest. If you read this book.

3 In this first event Stink gives
his report card to his parents. And Stink thinks he has good grades. He does but he got a U in P.E (Un-Satisfactory) His parents say “You need to start a sport.” And that’s were thumb wrestling comes in.

4 In the next picture its Stink and
one of his classmates thumb wre- sling. And they have a noise light. Its basically just a traffic light. If they were quiet the light would st- ay green. If they were talking the light would turn yellow. And if they were really loud the light would turn red. And once the light was red… red sirens go off. And that is exactly what happened.

5 Stinks parents say that thumb wrestling
isn’t a sport. So stink tries Kung Fu. He loved it. In the first picture it shows his first class. Once he starts the class he starts to do Kung Fu everywhere. In the second picture he is chopping pencils with his hands.

6 In this picture Stink is chopping pencils
with his hands. Like I said in the previous slide. Stink has gone….. KUNG FU CRAZY!

7 In this picture it is what Stink and
his friend Webster's thumb-wrestling masks look’s like. On the left you will see Shark hammer smash. That is Stinks thumb-wrestling mask. He is way more scary than his friends mask. And on the right you will see T-rex wasabi. He is Webster's mask Webster decided to put a batman mask on his thumb-wrestling mask. They are both ready to thumb-wrestle.

8 This is Judy Moody. Stink Moody's sister
This is Judy Moody. Stink Moody's sister. She gets good grades just like Stink. She is in third grade. Judy is not an ordinary girl. She is very lets say…. wacky. You should read her books too. They’re called Judy Moody and the whatever the rest is. Like Judy Moody and the not bummer summer. That was a really good one. This author is very funny and creative. Her name is Megan McDonald. The illustrations are by Peter H. Reynolds. You should really read the books. Judy is very wacky,weird,funny and unique. She is one of a kind.

9 This is Stink. Stink is a big trouble
maker. He gets good grades just like Judy. Except in P.E. Just like it said in the book. Stink has a cat. I think he is in second grade. He is 8 years old. Stink is a huge fan of big foot. He loves him. (Not in the love love way.) Stink is very annoying to Judy. He could cause a lot of trouble.

10 This author is cool, fun, funny, weird and awesome. She is 10 years old. And she is short She loves the book Holes. She has read it 5 times now. She loves her best friends. Some of them are cool and some are nice. She really loves to dress up. And her favorite thing in the whole wide world is her mom. She goes nuts over candy and donuts. She loves to make funny jokes that don’t make any sense at all. She loves the game movie star planet and to Skype her friends. She loves to help her mom cook and bake mostly bake. She has a big sister and a little brother. Well that’s all about the author! Thank you for watching my slide show!

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