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Survey Design and Analysis

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1 Survey Design and Analysis


3 Lesson Objectives Performance Objective
The student employs appropriate research techniques to produce effective business communications. Specific Objective The student will be able to design, conduct, and analyze the results of a survey. Specific TEKS listed on the Scope and Sequence. Share this information with your students however you are required to.

4 Need-to-Know Terms Organize Effective Survey Design Conduct Analyze
All the definitions are provided in the Lesson Plan, or students can use online dictionaries and/or a search engine to look up definitions.

5 Introduction Do you know what a survey is?
Do you know the purpose of a survey? Have you ever participated in a survey? Have you ever designed, conducted, or analyzed a survey? Ask and Say part of lesson. Ask is on slide and Say is below: Say The purpose of surveys varies as much as the different types of surveys that can be designed, but all surveys have one commonality—to gather information. Say The key to a good survey is understanding what kind of information you want the results to yield, and then designing a survey that will give you the best results. Say The purpose of this lesson is to give you practice and understanding of how to design, conduct, and analyze a survey.

6 Project Overview Day 1: Decide whether or not you want to work on your own or with a partner; then determine a subject for your survey. Day 2: Create survey questions. Day 3: Conduct Survey. Day 4: Analyze Survey. Day 5: Revise/Edit/Submit final document. This information is also provided, in detail, in the handout, “Survey Design and Analysis Project Instructions.”

7 Review and Evaluation Can you design a survey?
Can you conduct a survey? Can you record results? Can you analyze results? What did you like most about the project? What did you like least about the project? What would be an improvement to this project? TEK 1.1a: addressed in Chapter 1 TEK 1.1b: did not cover this TEK TEK 1.1c: addressed in Chapters 1-4 TEK 1.1d: addressed in Chapters 1-4

8 Enrichment Take the teacher-created survey. Once completed, you will look at the results and then do a compare/contrast with your student-created survey and the teacher-created survey. Take the teacher-created survey. Once completed, you will look over the results and draw three conclusions to the results of your survey. Details for each of these is provided in the Lesson Plan.

9 Enrichment Find an online survey and complete on your own. Students can the instructor the following information: Survey Website Link Topic of Survey Did you like the way the questions were worded? Why or why not? If you didn’t like how a question was worded, what would you do to make it better? Were you able to see the results of the survey immediately posted on the website?

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