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1 - recruitment - selection - orientation
Group members: Ahlam idael Nagham arqam Yasmeen salahat ala’a mghari Majdoleen hasson

2 objectives 1. Recruitment Purpose of Recruitment
Factors governing Recruitment Recruitment Process Sources of Recruitment 2. Selection Recruitment VS Selection Outcomes of Selection Selection Process Barriers to Effective Selection 3. Placement Benefits of Proper Placement 4. Induction Steps in Induction Programme


4 Recruitment & Selection Needs
Determine Recruitment and Selection Needs Job Analysis Human Resource Planning

5 RECRUITMENT Meaning: In simple terms, recruitment is understood as the process of searching for & obtaining applicants for jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. Definition: “It is the process of finding & attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants form which new employees are selected.”

6 Contd…… William F Glueck – Recruitment acts set of activities and organization uses to attract job candidates possessing appropriate characteristics to help the organization reach its objectives. Byars & Rue – Recruitment involves seeking & attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job vacancies can be chosen

7 PURPOSE & IMPORTANCE Determine the present & future requirements of the organization. Identifying potential job applicants. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Help reduce the probability of candidates leaving the organization. Meet the organization’s legal & social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. Increase organizational & individual effectiveness

8 Recruitment and Selection Process
Planning for Recruitment & Selection Step 1 Recruitment: Locating Prospective Candidates Step 2 Selection: Evaluation and Hiring Step 3 Job Analysis Job Qualifications Job Description Recruitment & Selection Objec. Recruitment & Selection Strategy Internal Sources External Sources Screening Resumes and Applications Initial Interview Intensive Interview Testing Background Invest. Physical Exam Selection Decision and Job Offer 3

9 Factors Governing Recruitment
Internal Forces Recruitment Policy HRP Size of the Firm Cost Growth & Expansion External Factors Supply & Demand Unemployment rate Labour Market Political – social Image Recruitment

10 RECRUITMENT PROCESS Personnel Planning Employee Requisition Job
Analysis Job Vacancies Recruitment Planning - Numbers - Types Screening Potential Hires Selection Strategy Development -Where -How -When Applicant Pool Evaluation & Control RECRUITMENT PROCESS


12 SELECTION Selection is the process of picking individuals with requisite qualifications & competence to fill jobs in the organization. It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job

13 Recruitment vs. Selection
Positive in approach. Attracts as many candidates as possible Selection Negative in approach Seeks to eliminate as many unqualified applicants as possible

14 Selection Process Rejected Applicants External Environment
Internal Environment Rejected Applicants Preliminary Interview Selection Tests Employment Interviews Reference And Background Analysis Selection Decision Physical Examination Job Offer Employment Contract Evaluation

15 Types Of Tests Intelligence Tests: Mental ability tests
Measure the learning ability e.g. Stanford-Binet test, Binet - Simon test Personality Tests: Measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality like motivation, emotional balance , self confidence Include tests like projective tests, interest tests and preference tests

16 Types Of Tests (contd…)
3) Achievement Tests: Designed to measure what the applicant can do the job 4)Assessment Centre: Extended work sample Exercise designed to simulate the type of work which the candidate is expected to do 5) Polygraph Tests: Recording physical changes in the body in response to certain questions

17 Tests as Selection Tools
Advantages: Uncover hidden talents Provides unbiased information that can be put to scientific analysis Errors: No scales which have a known ZERO POINT Fail to elicit truthful responses from testees Results depend a lot on the testers

18 Types of Interviews 1)Non Directive Interview: No specific format
Broad , open ended questions 2)Structured Interview: Predetermined questions Job related Eliminate bias and errors

19 Contd…. 3)Situational Interview: Hypothetical situation
Pre established benchmark standards 4)Behavioural Interview: Focuses on actual work incidents Behavior during a particular incident

20 CONTD…. 5)Stress Interview:
How applicants react to embarrassing insulting situations Stress producing situations 6)Panel interview: A panel of interviewers from different fields Limits the personal bias

21 Interviewing Mistakes
Favor applicants May not be asking right questions Show leniency Cultural Noise Stereotyping Biasness Halo Effect Influenced by unfavorable information rather than favorable information

22 Barriers To Effective Selection
Perception Fairness Validity Reliability Pressure


24 PLACEMENT Placement is the process of assigning a specific job to each one of the selected candidates. It is the actual posting of an employee to a specific job. It involves assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an individual.

The employees is able to :- Show good results on the job. Get along with people easily. Keep his spirits high, report for duty regularly. Avoid mistakes and accidents. Thus, Placement is an important Human Resource activity.

Induction or Orientation is: “the process of receiving and welcoming an employee when he/she first joins a company and giving him/her the basic information s/he needs to settle down quickly & happily and start work.” It is the process of indoctrination, welcoming and socialization. 26

An Orientation programme is designed to serve the following purposes :- To explain duties & responsibilities, company policies & rules and other relevant information to the newcomer. To help the person overcome his natural shyness & nervousness. To make the new entrant feel at home & develop a sense of pride in the organization.

To develop among the newcomers a sense of belonging & loyalty to the organization. To foster a close & cordial relationship between the newcomer and the old employees, supervisor. To give necessary information such as location of cafeteria, restrooms, leave rules etc.

CONTENTS 1.Organizational Issues: History of company Organizational structure Names & titles of key executives Employee’s title & department Company policies & rules Disciplinary procedures Safety measures

30 CONTD… 2. Employee benefits: Pay scales, pay days Leaves
Training & development avenues Counselling Grievance handling procedure Insurance, medical, recreation, retirement benefits. 3. Introductions: - To supervisors To trainers - To co-workers To employee counselor

31 CONTD… 4. Job duties: Job location Job tasks Overview of jobs
Job objectives Relationship with other jobs SOCIALIZATION FOLLOW UP

32 Thank You

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