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Setup File Uploading Assignments

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1 Setup File Uploading Assignments
NATC Training Canvas 101 Setup File Uploading Assignments Rich Content Editor

2 New course? Use the setup checklist to help you get started.
Setting Up Your Course New course? Use the setup checklist to help you get started.

3 Use to import content from other learning management systems like Blackboard and Moodle

4 Use to import content from other learning management systems like Blackboard and Moodle
You don’t have to enroll students. Canvas will even take care of transfer students, but if you ever need to manually add someone, here’s how.

5 Use to import content from other learning management systems like Blackboard and Moodle
You don’t have to enroll students. Canvas will even take care of transfer students, but if you ever need to manually add someone, here’s how. Drag and drop to change the order of the links on the left side of your course, or disable them from student view altogether!

6 Use to import content from other learning management systems like Blackboard and Moodle
You don’t have to enroll students. Canvas will even take care of transfer students, but if you ever need to manually add someone, here’s how. Drag and drop to change the order of the links on the left side of your course, or disable them from student view altogether! Change the appearance of your page. You can set it to show an activity stream, the list of course modules, a syllabus, or a custom page

7 Use to import content from other learning management systems like Blackboard and Moodle
You don’t have to enroll students. Canvas will even take care of transfer students, but if you ever need to manually add someone, here’s how. Drag and drop to change the order of the links on the left side of your course, or disable them from student view altogether! Change the appearance of your page. You can set it to show an activity stream, the list of course modules, a syllabus, or a custom page Field trip? Picture day? Add events to your class calendar

8 To get a preview of what your course will look like to students, click on “Settings,”

9 and then select “Student View”
To get a preview of what your course will look like to students, click on “Settings,”

10 Uploading Files Once you’ve set up your course, upload the files you want to include here

11 Uploading Files Once you’ve set up your course, upload the files you want to include here It’s grey because you have not uploaded files yet, so it’s not visible to your students. Once you upload files, the link will appear active for your students.

12 Or you can create different folders within the course and add your files to them.
You can click here to browse to your files and upload them to the course folder

13 Or you can create different folders within the course and add your files to them.
You can click here to browse to your files and upload them to the course folder

14 Add an assignment to your course by selecting “Assignments,”
Adding Assignments Add an assignment to your course by selecting “Assignments,”

15 Adding Assignments Add an assignment to your course by selecting “Assignments,” and then clicking the “+ Assignments” button.

16 Give it a name

17 Give it a name Use the text tools and content editor tools to add instructions for your assignment. You can embed images and videos, add hyperlinks, tables, math equations.... even a video of yourself! Hover over the icons to see what they are.

18 Enter the number of points the assignment will be worth and select how you would like the grade to be displayed.

19 Select whether you want the students to submit their work online, on paper or not at all. If you choose online, enter the format: text (students type directly into Canvas), website URL (enter a web address), media recording (film their response) or file upload.

20 Enter the due date, and the dates you want the assignment to be available for your class. If the assignment is complete, click “Save and Publish” to make it visible to the students. If you still need to work on it, just click “Save.”

21 Rubrics Quizzes Question Banks Speed Grader
NATC Training Canvas 201a Rubrics Quizzes Question Banks Speed Grader

22 where we walk through one, then you take a stab at your own
Rubrics where we walk through one, then you take a stab at your own

23 1 - Start with the Outcomes menu on the left
2 - From here you will find the option to Manage Rubrics on the far right of the Outcomes screen

24 Since you don’t yet have any rubrics, just click to Add Rubric.
If you did have any, you could find them and edit them from this screen.

25 1 - Name the rubric 2 - Modify the description of your criteria/criterion 3 - Add additional criterion 4 - Link to outcomes (let’s talk) 5 - Adjust ratings 6 - All finished

26 Name the rubric something descriptive, but if you don’t get too specific you can reuse rubrics for different assignments. I’m not going to follow my own advice, here.

27 Once you have it named, begin adjusting your criteria and your ratings
Once you have it named, begin adjusting your criteria and your ratings. The total points will move with you. You can change these, but Canvas will distribute them evenly by default. Outcomes are a special case that we should talk about here.

28 When you are finished you will be taken back to the Course Rubrics page and see any rubrics you have (including whatever you just added). Notice that you get more than just the title (useful when you use brilliant names like “Essay Rubric 1” and “Essay Rubric 2”).

29 Now try it on your own. You are already at the rubrics page, so make one that you can use later. Try to add four or five criteria and more than the default two ratings.

30 Rubrics ?

31 Now try it on your own. You are already at the rubrics page, so make one that you can use later. Try to add four or five criteria and more than the default two ratings.

32 where we walk through the options, then you make one on your own
Quizzes where we walk through the options, then you make one on your own

33 1 - click Quizzes from the left-hand menu
2 - add a quiz with the + Quiz button

34 the first screen gives you all the options to setup OTHER than the content (so format is the first tab, questions are on the second)

35 this screen allows you to add questions to the quiz

36 here you have the formats for the questions
here you have the formats for the questions and they are substantial, so it is more useful to walk through one

37 Quizzes ?

38 remember to start here and try creating your own quiz

39 Question Banks where we show you how to reuse and randomize your questions, then you add a few of your own for later use in quizzes

40 1 - click Quizzes from the left-hand menu
2 - this time, use the gear beside the + Quiz button

41 add a new question bank from here (or view/edit existing banks once you have some)

42 the options on the right are to manage banks quickly, but the same options are available later when you click the name of the bank (notice it is a link)

43 1 - add a question, just like from a quiz
2 - change the name 3 - if you had more than one question to put in this bank (this can be super helpful) 4 - hmmm 5 - if you have them, this option lets you connect them (esp. good for analytics and RTI)

44 Question Banks ?

45 now make your own remember that by putting questions in a bank, you can automate lots of your quizzes later, so even if you make a bank of 10 now you won’t have to start over later when you want a 20 question quiz (or 5, or whatever)

46 Speed Grader for this segment you’ll really just have to watch (it won’t make much sense without some student submissions to work with)

47 NATC Training Canvas 201b People Groups Discussions Feedback Modules Grade books E-Portfolios (a special case)

48 People a look at how to find and analyze student activity within
a course (data here are static, but we will look at some “live”)

49 the People link is a bit like a roster for your course, but there is FAR more available to you than just a list of names

50 here is an example of a course with two teachers and no students
(notice the +Group Set button we’ll come back to that later)

51 This is a snippet of the HGHS faculty course used for our faculty meetings. A couple of things to notice are the dates and the times.

52 Here is an excerpt from a Spring 15 class at HGHS
Here is an excerpt from a Spring 15 class at HGHS. Again, notice the times. We will go ahead an click on one of the student names.

53 Here is the opening screen for the User Account Details page
Here is the opening screen for the User Account Details page. You have a number of interesting options on the right, plus “more user details . . .” at the bottom. Let’s look at the “more user details . . .”

54 We get a list of other courses, plus some login information.
Go to Analytics on the top right.

55 This is a small piece of static data
This is a small piece of static data. If we take a look at the real data in Canvas they show us far more detail.

56 If we go back to the user’s detail and click Grades, we get something like this.
This particular piece is nice to offer up when mom doesn’t know why Johnny is doing so poorly. So is the next piece, the Access Report.

57 1 - links to the actual pages visited
2 - time-stamp of the page visit 3 - number of minutes spent on that page 4 - your downloadable record, should you want it

58 People ?

59 Groups creating groups within a course

60 from the People menu, you’ll see both +Group Set and View User Groups

61 first you must name your group set (I tend to do this based on the assignment; you’ll name the groups of students later) you have some options here

62 if you choose to automatically split students you have the option for “Leadership”
Save your set

63 once you have a group set (mine here is the tab called “Project Groups”) you have to add groups to the set (+Group on the right)

64 now name the groups (by table, by row, by book
now name the groups (by table, by row, by book I guess whatever, but the students will see this, so don’t make “turtles” and “cheetahs”)

65 once you have groups created it is just a matter of dragging and dropping into the correct group

66 Here’s why we went to all that trouble.
When you create a new assignment, one of the options is to make it a Group Assignment. Why, yes, I would like to give everyone the same grade (or not). No, I do not need 51 copies of the project if there are only 10 groups.

67 Groups ?

68 and the options provided
Discussions how to use Canvas to hold a discussion and the options provided

69 Discussions (from the Discussion menu) are a way to organize student responses or group communication (if you allow). You can control some of the delivery and choose to grade them or not.

70 before anything else, consider the options you have
some of these might depend on you, the class, the grade level, etc. you can change these per topic/discussion if you want

71 in addition to the topic and the RTE, there are some options here that changed as you choose them

72 Not to dissuade you, but I use discussions far less than I anticipated.
Make sure that if you have a discussion, it really requires them to discuss it with EACH OTHER, not just you. If you want them to discuss something with you, this is really not the best (or even a good) way to do it.

73 Discussions ?

74 Feedback some of the great ways Canvas
allows feedback so your students can see / hear / read what you think about their assignments

75 Feedback this is so much better in person, so
instead of static slides, I want you to see it in action (and hear it, etc.)

76 Feedback ?

77 Modules another way to handle the organization of your
assignments and some automation tips for timing and pacing

78 you’ll find the Modules menu on the left
if you have experience with Moodle, you may love this you might have to train students to use this

79 1 - make a new module (just the container, not the contents)
2 - add contents to the module 3 - publish the module (separate from the contents) 4 - due dates for each piece of the module 5 - point value for each piece of the module 6 - individual publishing and editing options

80 1 - type of content to add to your module
2 - don’t have it yet? here’s a shortcut 3 - existing content of your selected type 4 - visual organization (my experience was mixed)

81 now go back to the Modules menu and try making your own
create the module, add a couple of assignments, change due dates, etc.

82 Modules ?

83 Grade book where the results live and how you might make Canvas
and INOW/Chalkable play nice(r) together

84 you’ll find the Grades menu on the left
to head off the number 1 question: no, INOW will not import these grades but we have another solution (at the end)

85 1 - working with sections or cross-listings
2 - options for the grade book (more later) 3 - running average (you can move this column as I have here) 4 - grades as x/x 5 - grades as % green - no submission, no grade blue - late submission, no penalty (between “late” and “until”) ungraded submissions not show (I don’t have any, but I can show you)

86 Grade book options, some for viewing ease, some for grading ease

87 SpeedGrader takes you to that application
Download Submissions gives you a local copy of all submissions Mute Assignment “mutes” notifications all the others are on the following slides

88 this is the Assignment Details window
*I THINK* the boxes at the top are (left-to-right) on time, late, unsubmitted

89 Message students who . . . this is one of my favorite pieces of Canvas, as it automates reminders, + and - feedback, and TRACKS that communication for you

90 I’ve never used this, but it could be a way to almost mimic INOW’s “Fill All” option. Just set the default grade and don’t check the box. All ungraded assignments will get filled in with the supplied score.

91 this is a nice, visual way to adjust curves when you want them
if you change your mind, you will have some work ahead of you, so be sure when you do it you really want it done

92 and THIS is one way to make INOW work (warning: it isn’t elegant, but it is a decent compromise)

93 Grade book ?

94 E-Portfolios a special case in Canvas, where the content exists
outside of all courses

95 E-Portfolios left menu is within a course
top menu is “global” or within an account ePortfolios can pull content from all your courses, but save them outside so you can access them after a course sunsets (good and bad)

96 since ePortfolios are part of the user’s account, not the course, click on your name at the far top-right

97 your last option on the left menu is now called “ePortfolios”

98 on the far right you have the option to create a new ePortfolio (you will be asked if you want to make it public when you name it)

99 from your list of all ePortfolios, click the name of the one you want to view and/or edit

100 let’s go to an ePortfolio and look at these pieces

101 Finally ?

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