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Welcome To The Presentation on FTTH on AIDOTSOFT.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To The Presentation on FTTH on AIDOTSOFT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To The Presentation on FTTH on AIDOTSOFT

2 Integrated Telecom Database System for Commercial, Billing, Accounting, Fault Repair Service & Directory Enquiry running on a Wide Area Network ANDHRA PRADESH TELECOM CIRCLE HYDERABAD

Outdoor MDF Indoor/NIB/Internet Test Desk Potential Customer COM Enquiries Working Customer Reports DQ and Other Enquiries Commercial Section FRS TRA Payments & Refunds Complaint Booking Billing & Accounting System Administration

4 About All-India Dotsoft
Dotsoft is in-house developed software, integrating the Commercial Activities, Telecom Billing & Accounting, FRS and Directory Enquiry which is being used for landline, WLL, ISDN, Broadband services. All India DOTSOFT server is located at Hyderabad for handling of FTTH and Wi-Max operations. Details about implementation of Wi-Max and FTTH services by SSA’s in AI-Dotsoft server are given in Dotsoft website .


6 User Code Creation


8 Station Code Master

9 MASTERS This basic data pertains to both Commercial and TRA. While some part of this data is Station-dependent, some part is Station-independent. On the whole this data does not change regularly. Hence this data is called Master Data. The files, which store this master data are called Master tables or Masters. Data fed through the input forms is stored in the related master tables. Any inaccuracies during master data input will seriously affect the operation DOTSOFT. Since DOTSOFT is an integrated online system consisting of Directory Inquiry, Commercial Services and TR Billing & Accounting, entry of data in one master table becomes a pre-requisite for entry of data into another master table. For example, entry of Activity Codes is essential before entering data in Activity Tariff table.

10 Different Buttons in Masters
INSERT: To insert records into the concerned master table. MODIFY: To make changes to the displayed record. DELETE To delete the displayed record. FIND: To query the master table on the basis of query criterion. SHOW: To Show the record fulfilling the query criterion. Use the up- arrow and down-arrow keys to move along the records. SHOW ALL: To display all the records in the master table in the form of a list. Using the scroll bar to your left in the list, you can view all the records in the master table. EXIT: To close the form and go back to the main menu. SAVE: To save the record entered. CANCEL: To cancel the current operation. Note: Save and Cancel buttons appear in place of Find and Show buttons depending on the current operation.

11 Different types of Masters
Commercial Independent Master Commercial Dependent Master TRA Independent Master TRA Dependent Master

12 Commercial Dependent Master

The Commercial Officers in the SSA are given a Code and such codes and the names of Commercial Officers are stored in the Commercial Officer Code master. This is a Site Dependent Master. E.g., CO_Code CO_ Name CO1 Rakesh Tandon CO2 Vinod Bhave Another way of representing the CO Code is to suffix the SDCA/Station code to the first two letter i.e. ‘CO’.


15 Exchange Code Master All exchanges in the country are allotted a code consisting about four to Six letters. Exchange code master is a Station dependent master. Enter Exchange Code, Exchange Name, Exchange Area, Station Code and Rural/Urban for each of the exchange in a SSA. If Exchange Area is not defined, enter ‘X’ to mean not applicable. While entering Rural/Urban, enter RM for Rural Metered, UM for Urban Metered. Enter SDCA code in Station Code column. Data entered through this module is stored in Exchange Code master table.


17 Exchange Type Master Indicates the types of exchanges available in a SSA. As such all possible exchange types are listed in this table. It is site independent master. For FTTH it will be GPON

18 Exchange Office Control
Through this module, enter Exchange Code, Commercial Officer code for New Lines, CO code for working lines, DE(external), AOTR code and AO Cash code in respect of all the Exchanges in a SSA where DOTSOFT is being implemented. AO(TR) column is non-operative in this module The data is stored in Exchange_Office_Control table. Before entering data through this module, it may be ensured that the Exchange Codes, CO Codes and AO codes are already fed through the respective modules. Commercial and TRA related activities are controlled and carried out by the concerned CO or AO based on these details. Access of a CO or AO to a given exchange is decided using this master. Note: In the earlier versions, the Commercial officer used to route the advice notes to the field officers. In the new version, the DE(External) of the concerned exchange does this job. The C.O. releases the advice notes to D.E.(Extl) who in turn route them to the concerned field officers. However only one DE(Extl.) can exercise this, in case the exchange falls under the control of more than one DE ( Extl.). If there is only one field officer under the DE(Extl), the advice notes will automatically get routed to the field officer at the time of release of Advice notes by the C.O. In order to facilitate the above procedure, a new master 'DE External Codes Master' is included under the MastersCommercial menu.


20 Exchange Field Control
Details such as Exchange Code, Exchange Type, AEs concerned with the MDF, Indoor and Test Desk of that exchange are entered in the form of codes only. These details have to be given in respect of all the exchanges in a SSA. Before invoking this module, it may be ensured that the relevant data is fed into the Exchange Code, Exchange Type and SDO_AE_Code master tables as already explained earlier. Advice notes issued by the CO are routed to concerned MDF/Indoor/Test desk for execution based on these details.


22 Exchange Level Master Enter Exchange Code, Exchange Type and levels served by the exchange in respect of all the exchanges in a SSA. Before entering data through this module, relevant entries must have been made in the Exchange Code and Exchange Type masters. For FTTH levels are “297” and “298”


24 SDO/SDE Code Master This module is used to input all the SDOs/SDEs/JTOs in the SSA, who execute the Work Orders in the field. As such, the designation of the Officer namely SDO/SDE/JTO followed by the station code or exchange code in case of a big town constitute the SDO_AE_CODE. Enter the name of the officer in the SDO_AE_Name column. This information is picked up by Advice Note release module operated by the Commercial Officer. Sample data is given below for reference. The table used to store the data is SDO_AE_Code. The Commercial Officer who does issue of Advice Notes, may enter the particulars of SDOs/SDEs/JTOs executing the work orders. SDO_AE_COD SDO_AE_NAME SDOPANGR MADHAVA REDDY K SDEEANGR RANGA MASTAN S JTOOD1TEN G SRINIVASA RAO SDEMDFPBZR SUBBA RAO D SDEMDFANGR AHMED SK SDOTGTR VARA PRASAD AS


26 Exchange SDO Mapping Exchange SDO master table contains Exchange Code, Exchange Type and code of SDO/SDE/JTO concerned with the outdoor work concerning that exchange. Enter this data in respect of all the exchanges in the SSA where DOTSOFT is being implemented. The commercial officer inputs the SDO/SDE/JTO outdoor code while releasing the Advice Note. The Advice note is routed to the concerned SDO/SDE/JTO outdoor only.


28 Exchange VAS Control


30 Normal Bills: In telephone bills the L.C.C. is the major component, there is a separate module as L.C.C. is created in this Package. TRA LCC Local Call Charges are calculated on the basis of OMR and CMR. The system gets OMR for particulars billing schedule from any of the following sources:- Advice Note in case of first billing. From C.M.R of previous bill. From system itself in case of Change of indicator. C.M.R. C.M.R. can be inputted in the system by any of two :- Manual Through Disc Drive/Floppy. Manual:- C.M.R. inputting is the operator’s activity. TRA-LCC-Inputs- CMR Manual (Normal bills) The module displays followings First Block: 1. BILL CYCLE: N refers for ISDN & PT Bills R refers for rural and U for Urban. Normal bills. A refers for All bills.

31 LCC PROCESSING (Normal bills): TRA  LCC-Process-Normal Pre-requisites: Bill schedule and corresponding dates like bill date, OMR date and CMR date should be checked. The bill schedule stations/exchanges and their phone number series should be checked. If a new exchange is installed or a new series is added into an existing exchange, it should be entered in the corresponding bill schedule. The stations/exchange meter readings (CMR) data on the CMR date should be fed into the system. If any meter changes are found during bill schedule period, they have to be fed. All advice notes (offline) up to the CMR date should be fed LCC PROCESS MODULE HAS 3 BLOCK: Bill Cycle Details Process stage Status of process

32 BILL CYCLE DETAILS:- It displays bill cycle, schedule, bill-date, OMR Date, CMR Date and bill period days. After making entry in bill cycle date all other columns automatically displayed by system as it takes information from information already fed in bill schedule and bill schedule date master and other related masters.

33 Process Stage: LCC process gets completed in 4 stages. The work done by the system in these 4 stages are:- Stage-A Creation of LCC master is done in this stage, comparing the working lines data and the bill schedule. The billing cut-off date is the CMR date. All the working lines whose inst. Date is up to the CMR date will be billed.

34 Stage B: The following are done in this stage: OMR Procesing from previous bill. CMR Processing from manual entries. CMR Processing from tape/floppy entries. Advice note Old phones process Advice note New Phone process Meter changes process Schedule change process

35 Stage-C: This is the data errors process
Stage-C: This is the data errors process. The following things are done in this stage. (a) Error Processing of LCC master data Error Processing of LCC Master data Error Processing of Meter Changes data All the no-data-error cases will be processed for the following : (a) Gross Call Process (b) Free Call Process (c) Net Call Process (d) Calculation of slabwise calls, Slabwise amount and total LCC amount.

36 For LCC Processing after display of all clumns of first block Click on Stage A. System takes few minutes for this process. Whe the Stage-A get completed, Click on Stage ‘B’. As during this stage system has to work many jobs it takes much time if there are many TC nos. are required to be billed for. After completing Stage-B, Click on- Stage-C. This is the data error process and mainly two types of error are found. X Errors -Due to difference between the CMR mentioned in Advice note (in case of closure) and final CMR received from Exchange by Manual Records or Tape. Y Errors -These errors are due to 3 reasons :- Wrong CMR or Wrong OMR CMR or OMR are in (-) figure If CMR < OMR

37 Supervisory Updation Module
After processing Stage-C these errors may displayed in respective columns. These error list can be seen in LCC supervisory updation module. TRA  LCC Supervisory Updation. Module appears. It gives full information about all type of errors for each telephone number. By clicking on X Error; Y Error list the complete list of Telephone nos. with respective error is displayed. Now the correction can be made in third block of this module for each telephone no. one by one. Number of corrected data displayed as ‘Updated”. After making correction in data, reprocessing is done under this module itself. The corrected data after reprocessing are displayed against column –reprocessed. Various type of corrections can be made under this module by selecting respective buttons of right side block of the module. All corrections made here must be saved by clicking Save button. After completing this module, the LCC process module may be opened again. Now get initialize stage C by clicking such button. The data available in Stage – C will be updated through entry already made in supervisory updation module. Click on Process-C. No error data will be processed now. Before clicking this button it is better to find out current status of the processing.

38 (3) STATUS OF PROCESS: This block displays followings:- Status of Stage-A Status of Stage-B Status of Stage-C Status of Stage-D No.of Y errors No.of X errors Un addressed nos. billed for unaddressed nos. not billed for .

39 Stage D: After getting completed Stage C, Click on Stage D
Stage D: After getting completed Stage C, Click on Stage D. This stage gives the calculated LCC figure in LCC Master which was created during Stage ‘A’.

40 BILL PROCESSING: Normal Bill Processing:
Click on TRA  Bill Processing  (Normal monthly) Prerequisites: Bill process should be started after feeing the offline advice notes, offfline credits/debits, meter readings (manually or through tape) through the respective offline entry modules and SQL Loader. Meter change details, if any, have also to be fed. Also ensure entry of trunk calls, phonograms and overseas call ticketes through trunks/phonograms module. After inputting the LCC related data, supervisory or OMR corrections have to be carried out where necessary. LCC processing should have been completed and errors (‘X’ and ‘Y’) should be cleared before commencing operation this module. Input Bill Schedule No. (Say E1, E2, E3 (Even months) and 01,02 03 (odd months), Bill date, due date and pay by date. The system displays Unique ID No., phone number and exchange code from LCC Master.

41 By clicking on L.C.C. PROCESSING, It will capture OMR, CMR, free calls, LCC amount which is already calculated in the LCC master (already calculated). By clicking on RENT PROCESSING, it will process monthly rental for working lines and in the cases NPCs from the date of installation and in other cases the rental will be calculated as per activity codes. By clicking on TRUNKS PROCESSING. Before running this process, it may be born in mind that there might be some masterless records in the Trunk Master. To search for availability of masters after entry of trunk/overseas/phonogram tickets, it is imperative to run clear no-masters process in the Trunk Supervisory menu. To invoke this module, click on TRA-Trunks-Supervisory-Clear No Masters. During Trunk processing, the trunk charges are summed up unique ID wise from the trunk master and posted in the bill master proc. By clicking on DEBITS PROCESSING, whatever debits available against each unique ID entered through offline and debits created by the system (online) will be taken and posted unique ID wise. By clicking on ADJUSTMENTS, All credits available in the system i.e., excess payments, double payments, interest, balance of deposits, voluntary deposits available unique ID wise (entered through off line or online) will be taken into account by the system.

42 Deposits: Some times due to certain offer and scheme NPC is provided without getting deposit of sufficient required amount. In such cases This processing works out amount required to be billed for by processing this module. After completion of above process, the pre-bill for normal connections will be ready. Pre-bill inquiries can be made to find out the correctness of the bill before it is actually generated. Corrections are possible only at the Pre-bill stage. Bill once generated is not open for any type of corrections.

43 Click on TRA-Bill Processing checking-Pre Bill checks (Normal):
The module appears Enter bill date against which pre bill has been prepared and for which bill has not yet been generated. Remember that this check must be get completed before generation of bill because once the bill is generated no correction or reprocessing of bill is allowed. This module gives the information about different type of mistakes occurred during LCC processing and bill processing and also number of bills against each type of mistake.

44 Also a report called –Prebill K sheet can be got printed through
Printing  Prebill K sheet summary. With the help of this K sheet following checks can be done. Sample check may be carried out on pre bill K sheet report for rental of different categories and different exchanges especially for the exchanges newly opened during billing period. Total LCC amount shown in the LCC statement should be tallied with LCC amount in pre bill K sheet. Sample check may be done in respect of debits/adjustments billed. Please total ABF with the component of rent+Icc+ debit+trunk+pgs + os call + adbla rent +accessory rent + facility rent and total amount with total abf + service tax –adjusted amount. If grand total is not tallied, identify the exchanges where the mistake lies and those may be analised and rectified and reprocess the bill.

45 GENERATION OF BILLS: Here all the above process are brought together to a main table. After generation of the bills no reprocessing is allowed by the system. If after generation, any bill is found incorrect, the bill can be cancelled to the extent of excess billed through separate module (TRA Misc. Bills  Cancel Bill) explained separately under the heading ‘Miscellaneous Bills”. A revised bill can be explained there. Under no circumstances, supplementary bill should be issued in place of regular bills. If any bill is not created due to some reasons through the required information is available, in such cases supplementary bill can be created through supplementary bill module and issued to the subscriber. Note:- The AO (TR) concerned shall ensure that all the telephones/PTs available in the working lines master are invariably covered in one of the Bill Schedules in the Bill Schedule Master Normal Bill Checkes:- Click on TRABill Processing/ CheckingNormal Bill checks. This checking is same as being done at Pre-bill stage. Also a reported bill K-sheet can be printed through Printing-Bill K Sheet summary. These checks must be done before printing of bills for getting assured that no incorrect bill is sent to subscriber.

46 NEW LINES FLOW DIAGRAM Allotment O B Outdoor Application Counter
PTs B Outdoor Application Counter M Respective Application Stores MDF Released A/N M A Single SDO Returned A/Ns A NIB/Internet No Deposits A T Raise D/N Generate A/N Test Desk Routing A/N D/N Payment C.O. G C G Payment Process Deposits, Debit, Credits Master D Revised A/N Gen. A/N Cancel Meter Readings Vacant No. Store Refunds S X A/N Store Wait List Working Lines Store A.O. Refunds Store

Request Registration Shift (AI/IE/ME) O B Transfer Outdoor Acc/Facilities M Safe Custody M Working Lines Counter MDF Reconnection Released A/N I Closure R Single SDO Returned A/Ns Indoor Conversion Change of Add/Ind T CO Request Approval Test Desk Generate A/N Release A/N AO Clearance G C G Meter readings Debit Master Z Raise D / N Vacant No Store Revised A/N Gen. A/N Cancel S Update Working Lines Store Payment Process D/N Payment X Request Cancellation Account Settlement History Files Closed Wkg.Lines

48 BILLING FLOW DIAGRAM First Entry LCC Master Store Working Lines
CTMX Store Debit Master Second Entry Supr Corr. Initialization Trunk/PG/OS Store Debit Process LCC Process Rent Process Trunk Process Gross Amount Process Service Tax Process Credits Master Adjustments Process Bill Master Surcharge Process Deposits Master Deposits Process Bill Re-Process Bill Generation

Instant Bill Final Bill Year-wise Analysis Cancel Bill OS List Store Installment Bill Receipt Classification Disputed Bill OS List Process Bill Master Store Suppl. Bill DisHon Chq Write Off Payments Offline Payment Store Online Payment Store Ledger Posting Store Ledger Process Paid D/N Store ABF, Stax, Sur Ledger

Bill Master Store Ringing List Process Discon List Process Closure List Process Ringing List Discon List Closure List AO CO A/N Store Recon List Indoor MDF Outdoor Test Desk Meter readings Delay loop 15 days Closed Working Lines Store Working Lines Store

51 Thank you

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