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Christin Kuretich Director Product & Innovation Pam Handmaker

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1 Football frenzy: How Accident and Disability Income insurance protect on-the-field shenanigans
Christin Kuretich Director Product & Innovation Pam Handmaker Sr. Director Product & Innovation Chris Tyrrell Sr. Regional Sales Director Plains Region Mike Feeney Regional Sales Manager Mid-Atlantic Region


3 Trustmark Accident Insurance
Accident insurance is simple and straight-forward Typically easy to understand for employees Focus on out-of-pocket expenses associated with an accident Coverage stays with you to age 100 Four coverage tiers No underwriting, no pre-ex Great enrollment question: “Got kids?”

4 Trustmark Accident Insurance
Simple schedule Injury benefits Simple schedule determines benefit payable Initial care benefits Doctor’s office, urgent care or emergency room Ambulance Fractures Dislocations Lacerations Ligament, tendon & cartilage Follow-up benefits Physical therapy Appliances Doctor’s office Initial care benefits Follow-up benefits

5 Meaningful innovation
13 most used benefits accounted for 97% of all claims Doctor’s office/urgent care Emergency room Ambulance Follow-up visit Fractures Lacerations Tendon/ligament/rotator cuff Appliance Physical therapy Hospital admission Hospital stay ICU confinement Wellness Used data to create customer-focused plan by reviewing Trustmark’s block of accident claims.

6 $1,500 _______ $200 $400 $2,000 _______ $400 $600 $2,250 _______ $500
LOW MEDIUM HIGH $1,500 _______ $200 $400 $2,000 _______ $400 $600 $2,250 _______ $500 $600 Hospital admission Per admission Hospital confinement Daily benefit (up to 365 days) Hospital ICU Daily benefit (up to 15 days)

7 Let’s use a real life example…

8 How does Accident insurance work?
Trustmark Ambulance………………. ER…………………………. Leg Fracture………………….. Crutches…………………. Physical Therapy (2x)…. Follow-up………………… TOTAL: $5,375 $600 $250 $4000 $225 $150 Trustmark Accident High Plan Illustration: Broken leg

9 What would other plans pay?
Trustmark TOTAL: $5,375 Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Ambulance………… ER……………………. Leg Fracture……………. Crutches……………. Physical Therapy…. Follow-up………….. TOTAL: $4,270 $300 $200 $3300 $250 $120 $100 Ambulance………… ER……………………. Leg Fracture……………. Crutches……………. Physical Therapy…. Follow-up………….. TOTAL: $1,830 $0 $100 $1,600 $50 $30 Ambulance………… ER……………………. Leg Fracture……………. Crutches……………. Physical Therapy…. Follow-up………….. TOTAL: $3,075 $100 $2700 $50 $25

10 30% $0 Companies of all sizes can experience a decrease in costs by offering Accident and Disability. 30% of all employers experience a 25% or greater decline in costs while offer Accident and Disability Insurance. Accident and Disability can enhance an employer’s benefit package at no additional cost if offered through a carrier providing employee-paid benefits.


12 Why Income Protection? You never know when life becomes inconvenient… it’s not about the wheel chairs and the extreme situations; it’s about day-to-day accidents and sickness that leave you unable to work

13 Who is our customer? Families with school age children
Average issue age: 42 Income: $40,000 to $80,000 Annual premium: $430 Average benefit: $1,350

14 Strong emotional connection to their policy

15 Who Doesn’t Think They Should Buy?
“If I don’t get sick, it is $500 a year for nothing.” “I sit behind a desk all day.” “The ROI didn’t equal out.” “I don’t do strenuous physical activity at work. I sit behind a desk all day.” “$15 a drop, but over 25 years? I don’t think I’ll need it.” “I don’t need it when I’m young.”



18 Built-in benefits Built-in features
Total disability due to: Non-occupational sickness/injury Pregnancy (10 mo. after effective date) Complication of pregnancy Benefit amounts up to 60% Built-in features Fully portable Guaranteed renewable Level premiums Waiver of premium No offsets at time of claim

19 Flexible Plan Design  $100 Monthly Increments
WAITING PERIOD BENEFIT PERIOD Accident Sickness 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo 24 mo 0-Day 7-Day 14-Day 30-Day 60-Day 90-Day 180-Day $100 Monthly Increments Percentage of earnings (60%)

20 Waiver of pre-existing condition limitations
Eligibility age Employee: 17 to 67 Waiver of pre-existing condition limitations Guaranteed issue 20% participation required (waived with approved enrollment) Modified guaranteed issue 3 questions; no medical history or physical exams Missed more than five days of work in the last 90 days (excluding paid vacation and maternity leave)? Diabetes, back or knee disorder in the last 12 months? DUI in the last three years? Female Male Min Max Min Max 5’0” 5’2” 5’4” 5’6” 5’8” 5’10” 6’0”

21 17.9 years will have a car accident
5.3% $907 cost of car insurance $430 $907 $952 5.3% homeowners claim 18-64 $952 cost of homeowners insurance

22 $500 $430

23 Christin Kuretich Pam Handmaker Chris Tyrrell Mike Feeney
Director, Product & Innovation Pam Handmaker Sr. Director, Product & Innovation Chris Tyrrell Sr. Regional Sales Director, Plains Region Mike Feeney Regional Sales Manager, Mid-Atlantic Region

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