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The Sermon Acts 2:13-41.

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1 The Sermon Acts 2:13-41

2 Peter Explained what had happened, biblically
V.15 – too early to be drunk V.16 – fulfillment of the prophet Joel the ‘last days’ had arrived, v.17 The Holy Spirit wouldn’t be the experience of a few any more but of everyone, v. 17,18 Judgment was over, grace had come, v. 19,20 The final evidence is salvation, v.21

3 Peter turned his audience to Jesus
v covers the life, death and resurrection of Christ as accredited and ordained by God and predicted by King David in Psalm 16 v , covers the exaltation of Jesus by God’s authority as predicted by King David in Psalm 110 v , he calls them to respond to Jesus with repentance

4 The End Result of the Holy Spirit’s Powerful Presence
V.41 – 3000 souls were saved The Process: v proclaimed Christ through the Scriptures v.36 called for a response v.37 the Holy Spirit brought conviction, ‘cut to the heart’ & the question ‘what shall we do?’ v.38,39 call to repent & be forgiven & to be indentified publically with Jesus v.40 more pleading V.41 reception – ‘those who received the word were baptised and there were added…’

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