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“Reading” Art.

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Presentation on theme: "“Reading” Art."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Reading” Art

2 “Reading” Art Form: Representational, Abstract, Stylized, Non-representational

3 “Reading” Art Form: Representational, Abstract, Stylized, Non-representational Content: What is it about? What’s in it?

4 “Reading” Art Form: Representational, Abstract, Stylized, Non-representational Content: What is it about? What’s in it? Context: What is the culture, time period, story, artist?

5 “Reading” Art Form: Representational, Abstract, Stylized, Non-representational Content: What is it about? What’s in it? Context: What is the culture, time period, story, artist? Symbolism: iconography

6 Edward Hopper Gas, 1940 Oil on canvas


8 “Reading” Art Form: Representational, Abstract, Stylized, Non-representational Content: What is it about? What’s in it? Context: What is the culture, time period, story, artist? Symbolism: iconography Theme (portraits, landscapes, still-life, political art, etc.)


10 What are the only two things certain in life???
Death and…

11 What are the only two things certain in life???
Death and… Taxes

12 Vanitas: (Latin for “emptiness”) Refers to the fleeting nature of earthly life and happiness.

13 Juan de Valdes Leal Vanitas 1660

14 Audrey Flack Wheel of Fortune Vanitas

15 Juan de Valdes Leal, Vanitas, 1660
Audrey Flack, Wheel of Fortune (Vanitas),

16 Gustav Klimpt Death and Life, 1916 Oil on canvas

17 Elements of a traditional Vanitas
Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Worldly knowledge Chance Reflection

18 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance
Holbein the Younger The Ambassadors 1533 Oil on oak London

19 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection

20 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection Trophime Bigot

21 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection Antonio de Pereda

22 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection


24 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection Philippe de Champaingne

25 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection Paul Murt

26 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection
Kirstin Lamb

27 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection Bertozzi Cassoni

28 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection Ori Gercht

29 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection Helen Lundberg

30 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection Robert Geisha

31 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection "O'Keeffe Georgia Ram's Head". Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia - O’Keeffe

32 Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Knowledge Chance Reflection Damian Hirst


34 Siri Walther 2013

35 Assignment: Create your own Vanitas collage’
Start with a full page background picture Find magazine pictures which represent: Death Beauty Passage of time Wealth Worldly knowledge Chance Reflection Add these images to your background in a way that makes them look like they belong in the picture Mount your Vanitas on construction paper On the back of your collage’ write down (and explain) the images you chose to represent each concept.

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