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Brett J. Trout © 2003 Brett J. Trout P.C.

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Presentation on theme: "Brett J. Trout © 2003 Brett J. Trout P.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brett J. Trout © 2003 Brett J. Trout P.C.
e-Ethics Brett J. Trout © 2003 Brett J. Trout P.C.

2 New Ethical Considerations
Websites Referral Services and LawLists CLE online

3 Websites

4 Lawyer “Advertising” Subject to restrictions on
Dissemination methods DR 2-101(B) Biographical content DR 2-101(C) Fee information DR 2-101(D) Practice areas DR 2-101(E)

5 Lawyer “Advertising” Subject to restrictions on
Recommendations re institution of litigation DR 2-101(F) Designation as legal clinic or center DR 2-101(G) Size of Disclosures DR 2-101(H)

6 Not “Advertising” Communications or solicitations for business between lawyers Communications between a lawyer and an existing or former client, provided the lawyer does not know, or have reason to know the attorney-client relationship has been terminated

7 Not “Advertising” Communications by a lawyer that are in reply to a request for information by a member of the public that was not prompted by unauthorized advertising by the lawyer

8 Old Rules Website=Advertising Prior to February 15, 2002
Websites had to comply with: DR (Advertising) DR (Description of Practice Area)

9 New Rules Hyperlinked webpages ≠ Advertising
If your Homepage complies Hyperlinked webpages no longer subject to: DR (except (D) and (F)) DR 2-105

10 New DR 2-101 Information available through a hyperlink on a lawyer’s Web site shall not be considered advertising subject to DR and DR 2-105

11 New DR 2-101 A lawyer or law firm hosting a site on the World Wide Web shall display any notice required by these rules notice on the website’s homepage

12 New DR 2-101(B)(5)(b) Whenever rules require a disclosure or notice, the lawyer hosting the website on the WWW shall display the required disclosure or notice on the website’s homepage

13 Notice no longer required
The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. This disclosure is required by Rule of the Supreme Court of Iowa.

14 Notice no longer required
Memberships and offices in legal fraternities and legal societies, technical and professional licenses, and memberships in scientific, technical and professional associations and societies of law or field of practice does not mean that a lawyer is a specialist or expert in a field of law, nor does it mean that such lawyer is necessarily any more expert or competent than any other lawyer. All potential clients are urged to make their own independent investigation and evaluation of any lawyer being considered. This notice is required by rule of the Supreme Court of Iowa." 

15 New Rules Homepage Still must comply with disclosure requirements
DR 2-101(D) Fees DR 2-101(F) Institution of Litigation

16 Allowable Fee Information DR 2-101(D)
Initial Consultation Fee Availability of Fee Schedule Contingent Fee Schedule-Must disclose If % is before or after costs Client liable for costs win or lose

17 Allowable Fee Information DR 2-101(D)
Fixed fee or fee range Must state Only if within described services Must offer fee until new publication issues or 90 days

18 Institution of Litigation
If communication seeks to advise institution of litigation Must state bringing case solely to harass or coerce settlement could be illegal and could lead to liability for malicious prosecution or abuse of process

19 Online Audio DR 2-101(B)(5) Single non-dramatic voice
Not voice of the attorney No other background sound

20 Online Video DR 2-101(B)(5) No visual display other than that allowed in print as articulated by the announcer

21 Online Audio/Video Appears to apply only to Homepage Hyperlinked pages
Not “advertising” Apparently not restricted in this manner

22 Articles and Other Materials
Not on Homepage DR 2-104(A)(4) Lawyer may speak or write publicly on legal topics Must not emphasize lawyer’s own professional experience or reputation Must not undertake to give individual advice

23 Record Retention DR 2-101(B)(6)
Lawyer shall preserve a copy of all information placed upon the World Wide Web for at least three years Record names and dates of medium through which material appeared

24 Optional Notices Website information does not constitute legal advice
Unsolicited s Non-confidential Do not create attorney-client relationship

25 Optional Notices Do not rely upon website information without independent verification as to its accuracy and timeliness Acknowledging accessing webpages is a request for information

26 Take Home Homepage is advertising Keep it simple
Include Menu for access to more information Nothing unverifiable, emotional or relating to quality of legal services

27 Take Home Webpages Keep Copies Do not give specific legal advice
Do not create attorney/client relationship Keep Copies At least three years Record dates and medium


29 Types of email Non-sensitive information Sensitive information
No unique restriction on communication Sensitive information Lawyer shall not knowingly reveal a confidence or secret of a client DR 4-101 Must obtain written client acknowledgement of risk of violating DR 4-101 Must obtain written consent from client to sensitive information

30 Non-Sensitive Information
Ethics Opinion 96-33 Pure exchange of information or legal communication with clients is an exception to Homepage regulation

31 Ethics Opinion 96-33 Sensitive material transmitted via email
Must have written acknowledgment by client of the risk of violation of DR 4-101 Acknowledgment must include consent Must be protected as agreed between counsel and client.

32 Sensitive Material Question of fact Ethics Opinion 96-33
Determined on a case by case basis

33 Sensitive Material DR 4-101
Minimal Test Information gained in the professional relationship disclosure of which would be embarrassing to client disclosure of which would likely be detrimental to the client or that client has requested be held inviolate

34 Sensitive Material Client’s opinion alone insufficient
Client's judgment should be augmented by counsel's independent judgment Best guideline would favor the most strict standards.

35 emailing Sensitive Material
This strategy not specifically approved Send client initial non-sensitive Include text of DR 4-101 Include written statements in Client acknowledges risking violating DR 4-101 Client consents to of sensitive information over the Internet

36 emailing Sensitive Material
Request client Read and respond Not send sensitive information in response Respond with “I agree” in subject line Store client response Digital back up Hard copy

37 Encryption Highly sensitive information
Reason to believe higher likelihood of interception Defendant has demonstrated capability Others may read Client’s Employees Client’s IT administrator

38 Optional Header for All Client email
The following and associated attachments (if any) are intended solely for use by the above-identified party. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, store, disclose or utilize this communication in any manner. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to this , stating you received this in error before deleting the and any attachments from your system. Thank you.

39 Storage and Destruction
Back-up all critical s Coordinate destruction with other document destruction programs Make sure deleted is deleted

40 Referral Services and LawLists

41 Referral Services ≠ Impermissible
LawLists = Permissible

42 DR 2-103 Lawyers cannot recommend employment of themselves, their partners, or associates, as a private practitioner, to a non-lawyer who has not sought advice regarding employment of a lawyer.

43 DR 2-103 Lawyers cannot compensate or give anything of value to a person or organization to recommend or secure the lawyer’s employment by a client, or as a reward for having made a recommendation resulting in the employment by a client

44 DR 2-103 Lawyers shall not request a person or organization to recommend or promote the use of the lawyer’s services or those of a partner or associate, or any other lawyer affiliated with the lawyer’s firm, as a private practitioner

45 Prohibited Referral Services
Attorney Find, Inc Ask the Expert 02-04 00-07 ACEPA 00-03 LAW PHONE 89-42 Lawstar 97-16

46 Non-monetary fees also prohibited
Giving “one hour free” coupon 00-09 Giving “$25 off title opinion” coupon 99-15 Collecting fees for referring clients to registered investment adviser 99-04 Allowing client to advertise your name 94-22

47 Allowed Referral Services
Iowa Bar Association DR 2-103(C)(1) Better Business Bureau referral program 95-26

48 Law Lists DR 2-101(C) No rule prohibits inclusion in reputable law lists and law directories intended primarily for the use of the legal profession whether in print or online

49 Law Lists DR 2-101(C) A law list is "intended primarily for the use of the legal profession" if it does not act as a client referral service or engage in active marketing to the lay public.

50 Reputable Legal Directory ICPR
Contains a list of lawyers or firms Designated geographical areas Only information permitted under DR 2-101

51 Reputable Legal Directory ICPR
Lawyers’ information presented in same size and type Information presented in a dignified manner Sole purpose is to assist lay-persons and lawyers in selecting a lawyer in the geographical area which it covers

52 Fee-based Directory Not reputable unless:
Listing available to every practicing lawyer in the geographical area Listing available on the same terms and conditions as every other lawyer in the area.

53 Fee-based Directory Always permissible if:
Received the formal written approval of the Iowa Supreme Court Board of Professional Ethics and Conduct; or Received certification of the Law List Committee of the ABA

54 Continuing Legal Education

55 CLE DR 2-105(B)

56 For Each Field of Practice
100 hours practicing in that area 10 percent of practice of law in that area 10 hours of CLE in that field Must report in writing which CLE applies to which area of practice

57 Practice Limited to Practicing Primarily in
400 hours practicing in that area 40 percent of practice of law in that area 15 hours of CLE in that field

58 Hardship Extension Must use Commission forms No more than six months

59 Iowa Online CLE Effective July 1, 2002
Up to six hours per calendar year Must be interactive

60 Iowa Online CLE Live with online discussion forum; or
Computer-based transmission May be prerecorded Must be interactive

61 Must be Interactive Not defined in rule Determined by Commission
Definition may vary over time Interactive forum Must review all prior questions and answers Must answer new questions within two business days

62 Substantiation Requirement
Certificate of Completion Activity ID Signed Dated Attach to CLE Report

63 Additional Links Ethics Opinions

64 Additional Links Standards of Professional Conduct

65 Additional Links Code of Professional Responsibility

66 Brett J. Trout
Thank You Brett J. Trout

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