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Deception In Advertising and Marketing

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1 Deception In Advertising and Marketing

2 Methods Companies use three methods of appealing to consumers
PATHOS (emotion) LOGOS(logic) ETHOS (Ethics/credibility)

3 PATHOS Appeal to individual’s emotions Desire to better self Play off previous experiences (charities) FEAR MONGERING

4 Pathos “Charity” organizations collect donations through telemarketing
Appeal to individuals with previous experience Firefighters Charitable Foundation Collected $62.8 million in donations $58.3 million (93%) paid to solicitors Cancer Fund of America Collected $86.8 million in donations $75.4 million (87%) paid to solicitors

5 Pathos Susan G Komen Breast cancer research foundation
Shady business practices Litigation funds used for “education”) Pathos

6 Pathos/ETHOS Weight loss supplements EXTENZE :Natural Male enhancement


8 Pathos/ethos Gerber Claimed “Good Start Gentle” formula reduced risk of developing allergies Played off concern of mothers ETHOS: trusting the Gerber brand

9 Are you disappointed by your burger?

10 Have you ever been disappointed by a product?

11 Everyone believed them THEN, so why should you believe them NOW?

12 ACTIVIA’s actual benefits?


14 Slippery slope The slippery slope is used mostly in exaggeration to make a point. Saying that if one thing happens it will spiral out of control and lead to something crazy Ex: if we allow more electric cars on the road, next thing you know the power companies will skyrocket the price for utilities.

15 Generalization Generalization is when one looks at a small percent of a group and labels the entire group by the qualities of that small percent. Ex: Enron was a large corrupt company, therefore all large companies are evil and corrupt.

16 Straw man The Straw man is when you misrepresent another's statement.
Ex: when a person says “no, I did not do that.” and someone says that they said they told someone to do it.

17 False dichotomy This is when one is made to think that there are only two options You use the towel that has never been washed. …or use the fresh towel that hasn’t been used before

18 Non sequitur This is when a statement makes little to no sense at all. Such as when two parts of a statement have no correlation with each other.

19 Works Cited "Logical Fallacies in Advertising." Biodork. N.p., 28 Mar Web. 26 Oct "FTC Charges Gerber with Falsely Advertising Its Good Start Gentle Formula Protects Infants from Developing Allergies." FTC Charges Gerber with Falsely Advertising Its Good Start Gentle Formula Protects Infants from Developing Allergies. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct "Your Doctor Wants You to Smoke - Photo Essays." Time. Time Inc., n.d. Web. 26 Oct "Laws Regarding False Advertising of Fast Food." Small Business. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct Taggart, Kendall, and Kris Hundley. "How We Identified America's 50 Worst Charities." Tampa Bay Times. Tampa Bay Times, 6 June Web. 26 Oct

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