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Wounds in General.

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Presentation on theme: "Wounds in General."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wounds in General

2 Conflict of Interest Declaration: Nothing to Disclose
Presenter: Dr. Sajay Azad Title of Presentation: Wound Care I have no financial or personal relationship related to this presentation to disclose.

3 What the mind does not know
The eyes do not see

4 Dermafacta confusiformis
What is

5 Content-Wound in General
Wound Basics—Theory and Practice 10 Wound Scenarios—Q&A session Top Tips for wound management

6 LFM-CICC Say it as LFM-Kick!!

7 LFM Look, Feel, Measure

8 Simple techniques to assess wounds---Skin System First step---LFM
LOOK(site/size/edge/floor/surrounding skin) FEEL (slough (loose/tough),underminings/suppleness/induration/odor/adherence to bone and tendon/ lymphadenopathy/joint mobility/neurovascular status) MEASURE (length/width/depth)

9 Culture/Investigate/Control/Consult
CICC (Kick) Culture/Investigate/Control/Consult

10 Second step---CICC CULTURES (aerobic/anaerobic)---deep tissue/bone cultures. Blood cultures as well INVESTIGATE (Hgb/WCC/ESR/CRP/HbA1c/Wound or bone biopsy/CT Scan/MRI scan/Bone scan etc) CONTROL (DM/smoking/obesity/IVDU/cardiac) CONSULT (Wound care/ ID/CCDC/Physio/OT/family/Nutritionist/ ICU/Psychologist/Vascular/ortho/plastics/derm)



13 Undermining Indicate disease process
Need for ‘hidden area debridement’ Indicates no healing of tissues due to lack of healing potential More complicated process








21 Culture, Investigate, Control and Consult
CICC “The Kick” Culture, Investigate, Control and Consult

22 Further imaging CT scan MRI Bone scan/gallium scan

23 Classify Wounds Acute Chronic (>4wks)

24 Wound management Describe Document Dress appropriately Refer

25 Key Common Dressings Adaptic Inadine Aquacell Mepilex Honey


27 Surface wound consider non-adherent dressing

28 Dressings can cause allergic reactions
Watch out for this especially tape which is notorious for blisters and contact allergies

29 Dressings Wet to dry dressings---defunct
Packing---deeper cavity wounds? Adherence control---Adaptic/Inadine Exudate control---Alginates/Hydrogel/Hydrocolloid Smell control---Metronidazole gel Healing…………..Hopefully

30 Frequency of dressings
Infected/oozy/smelly-Daily Not overtly infected wound---Alternate day dressings Burn/Stable wound---twice a week

31 NPWT Not the answer to every wound Not substitute for flap
Best in deeper wound with discharge Cannot remove deep slough

32 NPWT No concrete evidence to suggest type of sponge/pressure/mode makes any difference. No evidence to support use of antibiotic infusion or irrigation modes





37 10 Wound Scenario Quiz (Brief history provided)
What is this?? What will you assess?? What will you do??

38 Case 1

39 Cases Diabetic foot Pyoderma gangrenosum Pressure ulcer
Necrotic skin cancer Cellulitis of the hand Leg ulcer Granulating wound Deep sloughy wound Bruised hand due to thin skin Necrotizing soft tissue infection









48 Top tips for Wounds in General

49 Any wound not healing after 3-4wks should be considered a problem wound
Why is it not healing

50 Never forget the ‘Skin system’ in your regular clinical examination
Twice a week on rounds Highlight to residents/nurses/therapist THIS PATIENT HAS A SKIN SYSTEM PROBLEM!!

51 Factors worth addressing
Personal hygeine Smoking Diabetes Substance abuse Vascular issues Foreign body in wound (retained stitch) Positioning issues Family support Educating the patient regarding the wound

52 When in doubt perform a punch biopsy

53 Shallow slough versus deep, adherent slough
When deep it probably needs surgical debridement

54 Deep yellow or black tissue requires debridement
Thin yellow tissue on wound should be ok, but always think of Biofilm

55 Always consider doing culture swabs or tissue culture where possible

56 When in doubt consider using non-adherent dressing like Adaptic or Jelonet

57 Wound washing Desirable---clears surface debris, promotes hygiene, facilitates healing


59 Pain relief critical To aid compliance To facilitate dressing changes
Must be non-addicting Facilitates mobilization Overall better healing plan

60 Establish boundaries of care Compliance is critical to improvement
Wound treatment Establish boundaries of care Compliance is critical to improvement

61 Deep wound Complex wound, vital structures involved, probably plastic surgery intervention for closure

62 Any wound without exposed deeper structures and less than a ‘looney size’ will heal typically with good wound care

63 Exposed bone/tendon/cartilage/nerve/blood vessel/joint
Flap---piece of tissue with its own blood supply

64 Rapid disease progression
Necrotizing soft tissue infection---NSTI (Nec Fasc)

65 Raised, heaped edge Consider Skin cancer

66 Frequency of labs Twice a week adequate for most
Hgb/Albumin/ESR/CRP/WCC Cultures at most dressing changes

67 Urgency of specialist review
NSTI---Immediate Infected and discharging wound---Urgent Gr A strept---Urgent Chronic wound/leg ulcers---Non-urgent (2-3days) Pressure ulcers---Non-urgent (2-3days) Large wound---review in ambulatory care by specialist

68 Streptococcus spells trouble and must be cleared before any reconstruction
Because of fibrinolysis, ability to spread infection, high graft and flap failure

69 Amputation versus salvage for Diabetic foot
Hind foot bone involvement Multiple deep plane involvement Severe N-V compromise Smoker Diabetes ++ Lack of compliance Failure of trial of limb salvage for 3months Limb salvage Forefoot and mid foot involvement Non smoker Well controlled DM Motivated and compliance receptive Contralateral limb amputation

70 Special wounds Diabetic Pressure ulcers
Necrotizing soft tissue infections

71 If no suspected cancer or deep slough in a deeper wound
Black sponge NPWT at pressure of mmHg at either Continuous/Intermittent mode Intermittent mode is better when wound is starting to granulate

72 Cavity wound consider NPWT

73 All specialists feel that it is not their total domain?
Wound care would be useful to consult to direct patient care

74 MRP status issue? Specialist find it useful to have FP/Internal medicine input as MRP status requires that broad expertise

75 Dry, shrivelled toe or finger??
Betadine application daily Natural autoamputation Proximal infection---Surgical removal and drainage Significant chance of Whole Limb Loss

76 Vascular intervention??
Good for macroangiopathy Will not address microangiopathy

77 Wound healing not complete??
Complete wound healing is aim but partial wound healing is reality and should be emphasized to patient and family

78 Is this wound palliative??
Frail/elderly/severe cardio-pulmonary disease/DM++/protein deficient despite full intervention/smoker/non compliant/IVDU/2 failed major reconstructions/lack of family support





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