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Invited to take part in the Steering Group Meeting

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1 Invited to take part in the Steering Group Meeting
Danube Strategy PA7 , Ulm Prof. Sergio Paoletti (Representative of the Danube:Future Management Committee)

2 Danube:Future A sustainable future for the Danube River Basin as a challenge for the interdisciplinary humanities. A NETWORK Initiative Sustainable Future needs Long-Term Knowledge Danube:Future is a Joint contribution of the Alps Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC) and the Danube Rector´s Conference (DRC) to the EUSDR We are presenting our Application for Label Priority Area 7 Flagship Projects As A NETWORK Initiative The objective of the Danube:Future project is “A Sustainable Future for the Danube River Basin as a Challenge for the Interdisciplinary Humanities” and it is an innovative project because it will bring together researchers and experts from different fields, with a strong focus on the humanities, CLICK 1: which are necessary because a Sustainable Future cannot be achieved without a Long-Term Knowledge.

3 EU Presidency conference ‘Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities’ in Vilnius, Lithuania

4 Alps Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC): May 2012
Project preparation: Alps Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC): May 2012 Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC): December 2012 Start of activities: January 2013 EUSDR PA7 Project idea proposal: February 2013 Project proposal: August 2013 Endorsements: DRC & AARC September 2013 Formal project proposal applying for the Priority Area 7 Flagship Projects’ label: today! This is how the project has developed to this present stage. CLICK 1: The project was first presented and approved as one of the four common projects to be launched in the recent spirit of cooperation between two large universities’ organisations: the Alps Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC) and the Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC). CLICK 2: The project activities started in January 2013 even though it was still being defined in detail especially as regards its development from a first, preparatory stage, to a successive stage of actual implementation of the objectives achieved during the initial phase. CLICK 3: The project idea is not new to the EUSDR PA7, in fact it was presented in the Bratislava meeting of February 2013. CLICK 4: Since then it has achieved a finalised and detailed form, which has received the endorsement of both AARC and DRC and is being now presented to you as a formal project proposal applying for the Priority Area 7 Flagship Projects’ label.

5 Danube:Future already exists as a growing network of students for whom capacity building is offered and as currently not yet linked research projects. Administrative Capacity exists at UniTS for the period until April 2015 via the European Social Fund. This image you see is taken from the homepage of its website, which was set up by the Administrative Staff of the University of Trieste at the start of the project activities, and it is already being intensively used.

As you can see here, the Danube:Future project enjoys the support of the two rectors’ conferences, this image specifically shows the visibility offered to it by the DRC website.

7 Danube Future‘s two modules
(CAPacity building and RESearch ) contribute to Sustainable Development as mirrored in the Horizon 2020 priority areas with a focus on LTSER: Long-term Socioecological Research What does Danube:Future offer? DANUBE:FUTURE is a unique combination of regional, national and supra-national initiatives in interdisciplinary sustainability research with training and capacity building. It contributes to the sustainable development of the Danube River Basin (DRB) with particular focus on the contribution of the humanities. DANUBE:FUTURE will generate a knowledge base for the DRB enhancing sustainable development by adding a humanities and social science perspective to current approaches to sustainability which often remain in the realm of natural sciences. The output will support the creation of green jobs and strengthen civil society organizations thus enabling the DRB countries to cope with the Grand Challenges of the future and take steps towards a more sustainable development of their economies. WITH KLICKS GO THROUGH THIS LIST: Sustainable development, as mirrored in the Horizon 2020 priority areas is implemented via the macro regional strategy of EUSDR. Within the EUSDR Priority areas And pillars DANUBE:FUTURE is situated in the KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY priority area, Where it contributes in particular with long-term-knowledge to many of the EUSDR priority areas And is especially strong in the environment and innovation sectors.

8 Sustainable Development needs and creates Synergy between cultural and natural heritage
KLICK 1: Sustainable Development can mean anything from green accounting to fuelcells and back. The specific approach of the network is to link sustainable development with natural and cultural heritage KLICK 2: Kopački Rit in Croatia is a prime example of natural heritage, the remainders of Trajan‘s Bridge near the Iron Gates is a prime example of cultural heritage. KLICK 3 Both do exist at some tension in many places, but there are important synergies when both are brought into sustainable development planning. KLICK 4: AARC and DRC are the institutional knowledge bases where the interdisciplinary research and training capacity is housed and will be further strengthened via the network of DANUBE:FUTURE. KLICK 5: Both a sound knowledge base about natural heritage KLICK 6: and cultural heritage are needed KLICK 7+8: for a sustainable development which aims at creating the basis for Sustainable development.

9 Danube:Future Core Project (growing) Knowledge base, DF-WIKI
FUNDING SOURCES: Horizon 2020, European Structural Funds, Joint programming of national research funds, National project and network funds, Danube Region Research and Innovation Fund, European Science Foundation National, Bi-, tri-, and multinational sustainability research and development projects Project Results Existing Funding Sources will be used, projects will be national, bi. Tri and multilateral, already existing projects and new ones will be tapped to create an interdisciplinary knowledge base which in turn will aid the development of internationally competitive new projects. Training of PhD Students in the DIANET schools and Expert knowledge will be offered in the support structure which will also be responsible for the growing knowledge base – being able to use it will foster projects. LTSER Experts Network Support Training of PhD students Capacity building for SME and NGOs Danube:Future Core Project Support Structure (growing) Knowledge base, DF-WIKI

CAPACITY BUILDING PROJECTS (A1 & A2) € 2,770,000 RESEARCH PROJECTS (A3) € 6,605,000 CORE (A4&A5) € 3,800,000 TOTAL € 13,175,000 A1: International Schools, yearly cost (based on costs 2013) approx ,- € (30.000,- € of which from the European Social Fund); costs for three years thus ,- € A2: Capacity building projects, ,- /year/project; 2 projects ,- € per year; total for five years € A3: Currently on-going and recently finished research projects (here: URBWATER, DYNAFISH, ENVIEDAN, VIENNESE WOOD) € A3: New research projects; estimated sum based on assumption of up to 15 projects connected to DANUBE:FUTURE and delivering results to the knowledge base € A4.1: International Workshop € A4.2: Network building and network administration, meetings € Integrated Core project: A5.1: White paper ,- € A5.2 Interdisciplinary Danube:future WIKI (establishment and first contributions) ,- € A5.3. Knowledge base (creation, administration, integration and analyses of results from capacity building and research projects), Decision Support tools, start-up idea pool € Total costs € Existing funding sources used or applied for in the future European Social Fund by Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT) Region € In-kind contributions of AAU, BOKU, UniTs € Existing and recently finished research projects of DANUBE:FUTURE team members (URBWATER, DYNAFISH; ENVIEDAN; VIENNESE WOOD) € Existing and recently finished projects to which DANUBE:FUTURE has established links and aims at integration as DANUBE:FUTURE projects (see also A3.2., FloodChange, Taming the Postsocialist Nature, Nature-Society interaction in the Danube Delta area, Cultural change in a fishing village in the Danube Delta, Investigating the Lower Danube during the Ottoman period); minimum estimated budget: € Total existing sources €

11 EXISTING BUDGET: Austrian Ministry for Science and Research € 56,000
In-Kind (Universities: AAU, BOKU, UniTS) € ,000 ESF (FVG region: DIAnet) € ,000 Existing projects € 3,605,000 TOTAL € 4,211,000 A1: International Schools, yearly cost (based on costs 2013) approx ,- € (30.000,- € of which from the European Social Fund); costs for three years thus ,- € A2: Capacity building projects, ,- /year/project; 2 projects ,- € per year; total for five years € A3: Currently on-going and recently finished research projects (here: URBWATER, DYNAFISH, ENVIEDAN, VIENNESE WOOD) € A3: New research projects; estimated sum based on assumption of up to 15 projects connected to DANUBE:FUTURE and delivering results to the knowledge base € A4.1: International Workshop € A4.2: Network building and network administration, meetings € Integrated Core project: A5.1: White paper ,- € A5.2 Interdisciplinary Danube:future WIKI (establishment and first contributions) ,- € A5.3. Knowledge base (creation, administration, integration and analyses of results from capacity building and research projects), Decision Support tools, start-up idea pool € Total costs € Existing funding sources used or applied for in the future European Social Fund by Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT) Region € In-kind contributions of AAU, BOKU, UniTs € Existing and recently finished research projects of DANUBE:FUTURE team members (URBWATER, DYNAFISH; ENVIEDAN; VIENNESE WOOD) € Existing and recently finished projects to which DANUBE:FUTURE has established links and aims at integration as DANUBE:FUTURE projects (see also A3.2., FloodChange, Taming the Postsocialist Nature, Nature-Society interaction in the Danube Delta area, Cultural change in a fishing village in the Danube Delta, Investigating the Lower Danube during the Ottoman period); minimum estimated budget: € Total existing sources €

12 DIAnet - general outline
Project name: DIAnet Danube Initiative and Alps Adriatic Network Financed: ESF Operational Programme 2007/15 - Axis of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. 1,3 M € Duration: from Jan 2013 to Apr 2015 Project leaders: University of Trieste, University of Udine, SISSA, AREA Science Park. Objective: actions, inter-regional networks and transnational paths of study and research with AARC and DRC Fellowships: 27: 13 incomig + 14 outgoing The DIAnet International School is one of the actions of the DIAnet project. So, what is the DIAnet project? CLICK: - The name DIAnet stands for Danube Initiative and Alps Adriatic Network - It is a project funded by the European Social Fund Operational Programme of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy). - It started last January and will continue until April 2014 - The project leaders are the main university and research systems in Friuli Venezia Giulia, specifically: the University of Trieste, the University of Udine, SISSA – the International School for Advanced Studies, and AREA Science Park of Trieste - Its operational objective is to support actions, inter-regional networks, and transnational paths of study and research involving the member institutions of the Conference of Rectors of the Alps-Adriatic Universities and the Danube Rectors' Conference.

13 DIAnet - fellowships PRESENT:
4 incoming fellowships: for researchers coming to the FVG region from partner universities 4 outgoing fellowships: for FVG researchers going to partner universities SOON TO BE ADVERTISED: 9 incoming fellowships: for researchers coming to the FVG region from partner universities 10 outgoing fellowships: for FVG researchers going to partner universities We have already talked about the DIAnet International School, another action of the DIAnet Project is a series of fellowships. CLICK: These fellowships are both incoming (meant for researchers coming to the FVG region from partner universities) and outgoing (meant for FVG researchers going to partner universities). As you can see this action too has already started, in fact some fellowships are already in progress, but more are to come.

14 1st Edition Interdisciplinary Methods for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Region. Gorizia (Italy), 13th – 22nd April 2013 37 participants from 19 universities of 12 different countries of the network School Proceedings including the participants’ project works in October 2013 The DIAnet International School is organised by the University of Trieste in partnership with the Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt and with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) of Vienna; and it is linked to the Danube:Future Project because it is part of its initial phase. CLICK 1: The first edition of the School focused on the subject of “Interdisciplinary Methods for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Region”, … CLICK 2: …and was held last April in Gorizia, Italy. CLICK 3: It proved to be very successful, in fact we received many requests to participate from universities of many different countries of the network area. Because of the successful launch of the DIAnet International School and in consideration of the significant project works produced by the participants… CLICK 4: …we have decided to publish the Proceedings of the 2013 edition, this book I am holding is a draft copy of what is soon going to be published.

15 The Role of the Natural Heritage for the
2nd Edition The Role of the Natural Heritage for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Region. Gorizia (Italy), 22nd - 31st March 2014 Call for participants to be issued by November 2013 and sent to the member universities of AARC and DRC The next edition is being organised in these months. CLICK 1: It will cover the subject of “The Role of the Natural Heritage for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Region” … CLICK 2: …and will be held from 22nd to 31st March 2014. CLICK 3: The call for participants is going to be issued and sent to the member universities of AARC and DRC in the next few months, and we expect a similar response since the feedback we have received from the 2013 School participants is very positive. There will be a third edition in 2015 which will be organised after the 2014 edition.

16 DIAnet - network area Framework: AARC-DRC cooperation
Network partners: members of AARC and DRC, and their public/private partners Network area: countries or regions where such universities are located Countries/Regions: Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany (Baden- Wurttemberg and Bayern), Hungary, Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino, Veneto, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna), Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine (Odessa),. Albania (North-west), As already said the name DIAnet stands for Danube Initiative and Alps Adriatic Network and it refers to the network area for which it is intended. CLICK: - The DIAnet project in fact was conceived in the framework of AARC and DRC cooperation… - …and intends to promote and strengthen relations among the university and research systems in Friuli Venezia Giulia and those involving the member institutions of the Conference of Rectors of the Alps-Adriatic Universities and the Danube Rectors' Conference and the respective partners, both private and public. - The network area that the DIAnet project involves is therefore made up of all countries and regions where such universities are located. - Specifically these countries and regions are: Albania (North-west), Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany (Baden-Wurttemberg and Bayern), Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino, Veneto, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna), Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine (Odessa), Hungary.

17 AREA Science Park of Trieste - 15 Thematic Seminars
DIAnet Project – Thematic Seminars AREA Science Park of Trieste - 15 Thematic Seminars Aim: sharing good practices and transfer competences Focus: Internationalization, Innovation and tools to support Mobility Dedicated to: those who are involved in access, in the preparation and implementation of actions related to European programs. Intended firstly for: researchers, technical - administrative and managerial staff working for the DIAnet network member institutions. 3 major areas: 1- International incoming services and related issues 2- Funding for research and innovation towards Horizon 2020 3- Organizing research internationalization and support services Another action of the DIAnet Project is series of 15 thematic seminars, organised by AREA Science Park of Trieste. CLICK: - These seminars are addressed to sharing good practices and transfer competences… …and are focused on Internationalization, Innovation and tools to support Mobility. - They are dedicated to those who are involved in access, in the preparation and implementation of actions related to European programs. - The seminars are intended firstly for technical, administrative and managerial staff working for the DIAnet network member institutions. - The Project envisages the organization of seminars focusing on 3 major areas: International incoming services and related issues Funding for research and innovation towards Horizon 2020 Organizing research internationalization and support services

Thematic Seminars: The programme EU PROGRAMMES FOR MOBILITY OF HUMAN CAPITAL (May 2013) HORIZON 2020 (September 2013) MANAGEMENT OF MOBILITY (November 2013) In 2014: ATTRACTIVENESS EU POLICIES FOR TRANSNATIONAL MOBILITY The programme of these 15 thematic seminars is already under way. CLICK 1: As you can see the first theme, “EU Programmes for Mobility of Human Capital” was covered in May 2015… CLICK 2: …and the second set of seminars on the theme of “Horizon 2020” has just taken place CLICK 3: The third set of seminars will take place in November 2013, covering the theme “Management of Mobility” CLICK 4: Further seminars will take place in 2014: CLICK 5: they will cover the themes :“Attractiveness”… CLICK 6: …and “EU Policies for Transnational Mobility”.

19 Welcome Office FVG - Help Desk
All the envisaged actions are supported by the Welcome Office FVG Help Desk, available to provide customized advice. Welcome Office Friuli Venezia Giulia is in charge of the provision of information and advice to ensure ad hoc support for researchers, students and institutions belonging to the DIAnet network, a one-stop-shop offering dedicated services to solve the main issues related to international mobility and concerning the DIAnet project.

20 Health Impact of Nanotechnologies
H.I.No. Health Impact of Nanotechnologies Framework: AARC – DRC common projects Project leader: University of Trieste Partners: 18 (presently) Objective: fill the gap in understanding the health impact of nanotechnologies, putting together scientists working on chemical, biological and pathological effects of Nanoparticles (NP) in countries along the Danube river Another project conceived in the framework of AARC – DRC cooperation is HINO – Health Impact of Nanotechnologies. This project, presented by the University of Trieste, was approved by AARC in 2012 as one of the four AARC-DRC common projects. It has not been launched yet but will soon be. This project is directed at the network of member universities of AARC and DRC and will contribute to the EUSDR Knowledge Society by increasing collaboration among scientists along the Danube river, producing high quality research that will increase knowledge on Nanoparticles safety and future uses for the whole society. All the outputs (guideline) should be used by all stakeholders of the macro-region.

21 H.I.No. Alps Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC): May 2012
EUSDR PA7 Project idea proposal: February 2013 Project proposal: work in progress NEXT: AARC/DRC request of endorsement (late 2013) Another project conceived in the framework of AARC – DRC cooperation is HINO – Health Impact of Nanotechnologies. This project, presented by the University of Trieste, was approved by AARC in 2012 as one of the four AARC-DRC common projects. It has not been launched yet but will soon be. This project is directed at the network of member universities of AARC and DRC and will contribute to the EUSDR Knowledge Society by increasing collaboration among scientists along the Danube river, producing high quality research that will increase knowledge on Nanoparticles safety and future uses for the whole society. All the outputs (guideline) should be used by all stakeholders of the macro-region.

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