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Presentation on theme: "CCMP UPDATE and DRAFT of ACTION PLANS"— Presentation transcript:

1 BTNEP Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) DRAFT ACTION PLANS

BTNEP MC Meeting, February 9, 2017

3 Introductory Chapters:
Chapter 3: Map of BTES -Map of Watershed, Map of Estuary, Map of Each Basin – Barataria and Terrebonne  Chapter 4: BTNEP Habitats and Need for Protection and Restoration -What it Means to be the Fastest Disappearing Land Mass on Earth -Graphic of Habitats within the Estuary -Description of the value of each of the identified habitats Chapter 1: Understanding BTNEP Mission, Vision, Goals, Stakeholders Chapter 2: Value of BTNEP Management Conference and BTNEP Program Staff Importance of MC, BTNEP MC Member List, NEP’s Program Structure

4 Comparison Sheets

5 BTNEP CCMP Revised Action Plans

6 General Changes: 51 Action Plans to 35 Action Plans
Updated NEW or Combined More recent information More modern approach Similar titles More streamline approach to solving a problem Addresses needed changes Deleted No longer relevant

7 Coordinated Planning and Implementation

8 COMMITTEE 1: Coordinated Planning and Implementation
PI-1 Barataria-Terrebonne Management Conference PI-2 Barataria-Terrebonne Program Office PI-3 Maintain Points-of-Contact for the State of Louisiana

9 CP-1 Government Affairs and Education
(Formerly CP-3 Sustainable Development Training for Public Officials and SR-8 Legislative Education) CP-2 Emergency Response, Recovery, and Resilience –NEW CP-3 Participation in the Development of Communication of State Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines (Formerly CP-4 Public Involvement in the Development of State Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines)

10 Deleted in Coordinated Planning and Implementation
DELETED Common Ground Solutions and Decision-Making DELETED Wetlands Permitting Information Centers DELETED Agency Performance Reviews of the Wetlands Permitting Process

11 Ecological Management

12 COMMITTEE 2: Ecological Management -Restoration
EM-1 Hydrologic Restoration and Management - INCOMPLETE (Formerly EM-1 Hydrologic Management and EM-7 Marsh Management) EM-2 River Reintroductions - INCOMPLETE (Formerly EM-2 Freshwater and Sediment Diversion) EM-3 Freshwater Reintroduction into Bayou Lafourche (Formerly EM-3 Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Reactivation of Bayou Lafourche as a Distributary Channel of the Mississippi River)

13 -EM-4 Beneficial Use of Dredged Material and Dedicated Dredging
-EM-5 Preservation and Restoration of Barrier Islands -EM-6 Shoreline Stabilization, Induced Sediment Deposition and Living Shorelines -EM-7 Flood Risk Reduction and Coastal Resiliency – NEW - INCOMPLETE

14 COMMITTEE 3: Ecological Management –Water Quality
EM-8 Pollutant Identification and Assessment (Formerly EM-8 Nutrient, Bacteria, and Toxic Contaminant Load Evaluation, and EM-13 Contaminated Sediments Data Base) EM-9 Oil and Produced Water Spill Prevention and Early Detection

15 -EM-10 Improvement of Water Quality through the Reduction of Sewage Pollution
-EM-11 Improvement of Water Quality through the Reduction of Agricultural Pollution -EM-12 Improvement of Water Quality through Storm Water Management

16 EM-13 Urban Green Spaces (Formerly SR-6 Urban Green Spaces) EM-14 Assessment of Harmful Algal Bloom

17 COMMITTEE 4: Ecological Management – Living Resources
EM-15 Protection and Enhancement of Native Biological Resources (Formerly EM-15 Protection of Habitat for Migratory and Resident Birds) EM-16 Reduction of Impacts from Invasive Species (Formerly EM- 16 Reduction of Impacts from Exotic Vegetation and EM-17 Zebra Mussel Monitoring and Control)

18 EM-17 Improvements of Water Quality through the Reduction of Inshore and Marine Debris – NEW

19 Deleted in Ecological Management
DELETED: EM-18 Centralized Data Sets DELETED: EG-3 Nutria Market Development

20 Sustained Recognition and Citizen Involvement

21 COMMITTEES 5 and 7: Sustained Recognition and Citizen Involvement - Citizens
SR-1 Community Engagement - NEW (Formerly SR-1 Community Sector and Team Leaders, SR-3 Citizen Involvement Programs and Activities, SR-4 Citizen Monitoring Program, and SR-7 Storm Drain Stenciling) SR-2 Civic Engagement - NEW (Formerly SR-2 Participatory Meetings and Forums) SR-3 Media Engagement – NEW (Formerly SR-9 Media Support) SR-4 Public Information - NEW (Formerly SR-10 Speakers Bureau, SR-11 Written, Audio, and Visual Materials, SR -12 Distribution of Informational Materials, SR Number)

22 COMMITTEE 8: Sustained Recognition and Citizen Involvement - Formal and Informal Education
SR-5 Estuarine Curriculum and Development SR-6 Continuing and Informal Education Programs SR-7 Financial Support for Educational Initiatives DELETED SR- 17 Educational Resources Network

23 COMMITTEE 6: Sustained Recognition and Citizen Involvement - Cultural Heritage
SR-8 Cultural Heritage and Lifeways (Formerly SR-5 Cultural Heritage)

24 Economic Growth

25 COMMITTEE 9: Economic Growth
EG-1 Economic Education -NEW EG-2 Technology (R&D) and Market Development -NEW EG-3 Business Assistance -NEW EG-4 Marketing Sustainable Products and Practices -NEW (Formerly EG-1 Funding Sources for New Businesses, EG-2 Nature-Based Tourism and Recreation, EG-4 Technology Exposition, EG-5 Export of Resources, Products, and Technology, EG-6 New Technology Research and Development, EG-7 Cooperative Incentives, EG-8 Education About Regulatory Intent)

26 REVIEW PERIOD FOR BTNEP MC Comments due: March 15, 2017

27 Last Chapters of New CCMP
Chapter 6: Finance Strategy Current Funding Partners Possible Future Funding Partners Chapter 7: Programmatic Monitoring Possible Chapter 8: BTNEP Stakeholders Living Along a Changing Coast BTES as an Example for the Nation and the World Appendix: BTNEP – A Climate-Ready Estuary

28 Remaining Timeline March 15, 2017 – Final date for BTNEP Management Conference to provide comments Draft of text will be edited by Dr. Turner this spring Draft that includes text will be provided to graphic design artist, Phyllis Lear, for layout BTNEP Staff will provide review for contractors in July 2017 July /August 2017 draft to be sent to BTNEP Management Conference November 2017 public comment period December 2017 final draft sent to EPA for approval

29 We are in the home stretch!
THANK YOU! We are in the home stretch!

30 Additional Questions or Comments?


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