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LESSON 4 Quality System Audits

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1 LESSON 4 Quality System Audits
15November2013 Lesson 4: Safety Stock

2 Lesson Introduction Given a FAR higher-level Quality Management System (QMS) requirement, the student will recognize the process for conducting a quality system audit.

3 Lesson Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to: Relate the importance of QMS audits to Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Government Contract Quality Assurance (GCQA) surveillance. Distinguish between the three types of QMS audits: First Party, Second Party, and Third Party. Recognize the five principles of auditing. Identify factors that affect the decision to conduct a system audit. Outline the steps for initiating an onsite system audit. Lesson 4: Safety Stock

4 Lesson Objectives (cont.)
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to: Relate the importance of the document review to the onsite system audit. Outline the system audit activities. Find commonly used system audit checklists and other system audit support documents. Lesson 4: Safety Stock

5 Lesson Topics Importance of QMS Audits Audit Types
Five Principles of Auditing System Audit Decision Factors Initiating an Onsite System Audit System Audit Activities System Audit Checklists and Support Documents

6 WIIFM This lesson will help you to:
Understand the DCMA Quality System Audit Policy, a Core Plus Quality Assurance Specialist (QAS) skill Recognize the elements of an adequate quality system audit, which includes: Auditing principles Audit requirements Steps for initiating and conducting a system audit Data to evaluate and analyze

7 Overview

8 Policy Requirements – FAR 46.104
DFARS DCMA Policy Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Contract Administration Office Responsibilities Develop and apply efficient procedures for performing Government contract quality assurance actions under the contract.

9 Policy Requirements – DFARS 246.102
DCMA Policy Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Policy Develop and manage a systematic, cost-effective Government contract quality assurance program. Formal audits are one of DCMA’s cost-effective programs.

10 Policy Requirements – Quality System Audit
FAR DFARS DCMA Policy Quality System Audit System Audits shall be conducted on the QMS standard identified in existing contracts or Letters of Delegation (LOD).

11 Definitions Management System – set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives, and processes to achieve those objectives Note 1: A management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines, e.g. quality management, financial management or environmental management. Note 2: The management system elements establish the organization’s structure, roles and responsibilities, planning, operation, policies, practices, rules, beliefs, objectives and processes to achieve those objectives. Note 3: The scope of a management system can include the whole of the organization, specific and identified functions of the organization, specific and identified sections of the organization, or one or more functions across a group of organizations. (ISO )

12 Definitions (cont.) Quality Management System (QMS) – Part of a Management system to direct and control an organization with regard to quality. (ISO ) Audit – A systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled.

13 Definitions (cont.) Internal Audit – Also referred to as first party audits; conducted by, or on behalf of, the organization itself for management review and other internal purposes, and can form the basis for an organization’s declaration of conformity. External Audits - Generally called second and third-party audits. Second party audits are conducted by parties having an interest in the organization, such as customers, or by other persons on their behalf. Third-party audits are conducted by external, independent auditing organizations such as those providing certification/registration of conformity. (ISO )

14 Importance of QMS Audits
Lesson Topics: Importance of QMS Audits Audit Types Five Principles of Auditing System Audit Decision Factors Initiating an Onsite System Audit System Audit Activities System Audit Checklists and Support Documents

15 Topic 1: Importance of QMS Audits
Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) procedures Continual QMS improvement Plan Do Plan Do Act Check Act Check

16 Plan Do Act Check Shewhart Cycle
Created by Walter A. Shewhart ( ), a physicist known as the father of Statistical Quality Control. Four-step model for carrying out change. Repeat PDCA cycle again and again for continuous improvement. Plan Do Plan Do Act Check Act Check

17 Plan Do Act Check PDCA Procedure
Plan: Recognize the need to plan. Do: Take action, put the plan in motion. Check: Measure and analyze the results. Act: Implement change based on results. Plan Do Plan Do Act Check Act Check

18 Continual Improvement of the QMS
Figure: ISO 9001:2008 Process-based Quality Management System Continual improvement of the Quality Management System Customers Requirements Satisfaction Management responsibility Resource management Product realization Product Measurement, analysis, and improvement Input Output Key Value-adding activities Information Flow

19 Question and Answer What is one of the goals of a Quality Management System? To recognize an opportunity. To perform audits on suppliers. To take action on problems found. Continuous improvement.

20 Audit Types Lesson Topics: Importance of QMS Audits Audit Types
Five Principles of Auditing System Audit Decision Factors Initiating an Onsite System Audit System Audit Activities System Audit Checklists and Support Documents

21 Three types of audits: Topic 2: Audit Types First Party Second Party
Third Party

22 First Party Audit Internal Audits
Organizations (suppliers) conduct audits on themselves. Internal auditing is required by most higher level QMS standards. Identify? Compare? Confirm? Recommend? Eliminate?

23 Second Party Audits External audits Customer audits
Conducted by the Second Party to the contract. DCMA represents the customer when delegated GCQA. Joint DCMA/customer audits satisfy DCMA Policy requirement Identify? Ensure? Determine? Monitor? Implement? DCMA Quality System Audit is a 2nd Party Audit focused on the supplier’s QMS compliance to customer requirements.

24 Third Party Audits External audits by an objective party.
Conducted by organization or contractor not party to the Government contract or contract being administrated by DCMA Quality Assurance (QA). Does NOT satisfy DCMA Policy requirement Usually paid for by supplier for QMS certification purposes.

25 Five Principles of Auditing
Lesson Topics: Importance of QMS Audits Audit Types Five Principles of Auditing System Audit Decision Factors Initiating an Onsite System Audit System Audit Activities System Audit Checklists and Support Documents

26 Topic 3: Five Principles of Auditing
American Society for Quality (ASQ) Quality Engineering (QE) 19011S Principles Ethical Conduct Fair Presentation Due Professional Care Independence Evidence-based Approach

27 Ethical Conduct The foundation of professionalism.
The following personal characteristics are essential to auditors: Trust Integrity Confidentiality Discretion

28 Fair Presentation Report the following materials truthfully and accurately: Audit findings Audit conclusions Audit reports

29 Due Professional Care Apply diligence and judgment in auditing.
Do not wash over issues, but do not be rigid in approach either. Diligence Judgment 29

30 Independence Impartiality Objectivity
Forms the basis for the impartiality of the audit and objectivity of the audit conclusions. Impartiality Objectivity

31 Evidence-Based Approach
The rational method for reaching reliable and reproducible audit conclusions in a systematic audit process.

32 SYSTEM Audit Decision Factors
Lesson Topics: Importance of QMS Audits Audit Types Five Principles of Auditing System Audit Decision Factors Initiating an Onsite System Audit System Audit Activities System Audit Checklists and Support Documents

33 Topic 4: System Audit Decision Factors
Higher-level quality requirements System audit: Surveillance Frequency Scope Standards ISO 19011 ASQ/ANSI/ISO 19011S SAE AS9101

34 QMS Requirements (1 of 4) QMS Review Cycle Higher-Level Quality Requirement (FAR ) Results of Risk Assessment Customer Required

35 QMS Requirements (2 of 4) Higher-Level Quality Requirement (FAR ) QMS Review Cycle Initial Quality System Audit as soon as possible on new contractor or contractor with new requirement, NTE 2 yrs from contract date. Baseline to assess adequacy & compliance of QMS. Subsequent audits based on risk. Update according to supplier performance history. Escalate to Full system audit if systemic issues identified via GCQA surveillance. Results of Risk Assessment Customer Required

36 QMS Requirements (3 of 4) Higher-Level Quality Requirement (FAR ) QMS Review Cycle Results of Risk Assessment “Yes” to Risk Statement Generator question 17, “Does supplier have a higher-level quality requirement (FAR )?” Performance Factors and DC&A Scope of audit based on Risk Impact. Frequency & intensity based on Risk Likelihood. Customer Required

37 QMS Requirements (4 of 4) Higher-Level Quality Requirement (FAR ) QMS Review Cycle Results of Risk Assessment Customer Required Customer requires DCMA system audit. Customer requests DCMA participation in system audit. Customer requests to participate in DCMA system audit. NASA - Every 3 years (may be extended based on certain criteria).

38 Question and Answer Does the QAS’s participation in a QMS audit conducted by the customer satisfy the DCMA policy requirement for system audits? Yes No

39 QMS Audit Surveillance
Formal notification to supplier Coordination with other Government parties

40 Question and Answer Where in the Risk Profile and Plan Tool would the QAS identify the contractual requirement for a higher-level QMS? Data Collection & Analysis tab Performance Factors -11 tab Risk Statement Generator tab Facility Process List

41 Audit Frequency Initial (Baseline) audit within 2 years.
Subsequent audits based on Risk. QMS elements risk assessed separately …..Frequency & Intensity of ongoing audits based on Risk. Focus on elements of high and moderate Risk Likelihood.

42 System Audit Scope Full Partial
All factors/clauses addressed during a single event Baseline QSA performed as Full audit Full system audit if systemic issues identified via GCQA surveillance. Partial May audit one or more QMS elements Based on risk when a QMS element is determined to be a potential risk cause To facilitate planning when time is a constraint (audit of individual elements scheduled/performed based on risk)

43 Standard Used Audits are conducted using the following common and established methods: ISO 19011 ASQ/ANSI/ISO 19011S SAE AS9101 Information Handling Services (IHS) Global website: ma_OC/haystack/index.cfm

44 Initiating an Onsite SYSTEM Audit
Lesson Topics: Importance of QMS Audits Audit Types Five Principles of Auditing System Audit Decision Factors Initiating an Onsite System Audit System Audit Activities System Audit Checklists and Support Documents

45 Topic 5: Initiating an Onsite System Audit
Five Steps for Initiating an Audit Appoint Team Leader Define objectives, scope, and criteria Determine feasibility of the audit Select the Audit Team Establish contact with the auditee

46 Step 1: Appoint Team Leader
Arranges for the audit. Sets up the schedule. Divides the work among the team. Conducts meetings. Collects feedback. Produces the report.

47 Step 2: Define Objectives, Scope, and Criteria
Develop Audit Plan defining conduct of the audit. From the contract quality requirements, determine audit: Objectives Scope Full Partial Criteria, compliance to quality standard Sample System Audit

48 Step 3: Determine Feasibility of the Audit
Consider the following questions: Is there sufficient and appropriate information for planning the audit? Is there adequate cooperation from the auditee? Is there adequate time and resources to conduct the audit?

49 Step 4: Select the Audit Team
Once the Team Leader determines the audit is feasible, he/she solicits the First Line Supervisor (FLS) for assistance to select the audit team. QA personnel & technical specialists must possess the necessary competencies to support the QSA.

50 Step 5: Establish Contact with the Auditee
Initial contact should be made by the Team Leader. Contact can be formal or informal.

51 System Audit Activities
Lesson Topics: Importance of QMS Audits Audit Types Five Principles of Auditing System Audit Decision Factors Initiating an Onsite System Audit System Audit Activities System Audit Checklists and Support Documents

52 Topic 6: System Audit Activities
System audit activities include: Review documents prior to onsite visit (Adequacy) Prepare for the onsite visit Conduct an onsite audit (Compliance) Document audit findings Conclude the audit

53 Document Review Prior to Onsite Visit
Prior to onsite visit, review the following: Relevant QMS documents Records Previous audit reports

54 Preparing for the Onsite Audit
Prepare the Audit Plan Assign work to the team Prepare work documents

55 Conducting an Onsite Audit
Conduct the opening meeting Communicate during the audit Explain roles of guides and observers Collect and verify information

56 Documenting Audit Findings
Generate audit findings Prepare audit conclusions Conduct the closing meeting

57 Concluding the Audit Complete the audit
Conduct audit follow-up, if required

58 SYSTEM Audit Checklists and Support Documents
Lesson Topics: Importance of QMS Audits Audit Types Five Principles of Auditing System Audit Decision Factors Initiating an Onsite System Audit System Audit Activities System Audit Checklists and Support Documents

59 Tools and Additional Guidance (1 of 3)
AS9100 Rev C ISO Checklist ISO-9001 Internal Audit Checklist PDF AS9100C Electronic Checklists

60 Tools and Additional Guidance (2 of 3)
AS9100C Handcarry Checklists Audit Checklist for the Evaluation of Calibration Systems ISO Check List Rev 2 ISO modified Check List

61 Tools and Additional Guidance (3 of 3)
ISO Audit- Check List ISO cl MIL-I-45208A Check List MIL-Q-9858A Check List

62 Summary Having completed this lesson, you should now be able to:
Relate the importance of QMS audits to DCMA GCQA surveillance. Distinguish between the three types of QMS audits: First Party, Second Party, and Third Party. Recognize the five principles of auditing. Identify factors that affect the decision to conduct an audit. Outline the steps for initiating an onsite audit. Lesson 4: Safety Stock

63 Summary (cont.) Having completed this lesson, you should now be able to: Relate the importance of the document review to the onsite audit. Outline the audit activities. Describe how GCQA audit data is analyzed. Find commonly used audit checklists and other audit support documents. Lesson 4: Safety Stock

64 Questions

65 Review Question 1 What policy establishes the Government’s responsibility to plan and develop procedures for conducting Quality Assurance surveillance of its procurements? FAR FAR FAR FAR

66 Review Question 2 What is the maximum interval to conduct an initial QMS audit according to DCMA policy? 2 years 6 years, 3 months 3 years Never

67 Review Question 3 What is one main reason driving the decision to audit a Quality Management System? When performance history warrants. When requested by the supplier. When requested by DCMA. When there is a change of leadership at the customer site.

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