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Family Life Education   Dr. David Schramm, Utah State University,

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Presentation on theme: "Family Life Education   Dr. David Schramm, Utah State University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Life Education Dr. David Schramm, Utah State University,

2 Research – 2 Questions To me, life is all about____________________
If I died tomorrow, what I would miss the very most would be ________________ “I’d be dead. Breathing.” “I’d be dead. Can’t miss anything when you’re dead, dude.”

3 Research – 2 Questions To me, life is all about____________________
36% - family, children, relationships 18% - happiness 11% - helping/serving others 11% - journey, experiences, choices 7% - God, religion 7% - improving yourself, change .007% - work, money

4 Research – 2 Questions 2. If I died tomorrow, what I would miss the very most would be ________________ 86% - family, children, relationships 14% - life, laughter, experiences, nothing, being a parent, marrying, nature,

5 This life is about connections (more responses)
“Giving, caring, connecting, healing, laughing, loving” “Family and friends, making personal connections, and making a difference in people's lives” “Meaningful relationships, authentic connection with others, making every effort to leave the world a bit better than how we found it”

6 Three Primary Areas Relationship & Marriage Education
Parenting Education Personal Well-being

7 Relationship & Marriage Education
What contributes to healthy green grass?

8 Relationship & Marriage Education
Helping things go strong vs teaching what to do when things go wrong

9 Deepening the Relationship Pool
8 Cups of Connection Kindness/Service Gratitude/Appreciation Affection/Admiration Time together/Shared meaning Forgiveness/Acceptance Loyalty/Commitment Shared humor/Playfulness Awareness/ Support

10 Parenting Strong Parents, Stable Children Five Protective Factors
4-hour training for professionals 8-hour training for parents Five Protective Factors Concrete Support in Times of Need Parent Resilience Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development Social and Emotional Competence of Children Social Connections 3 Objectives Increase Family Strengths Enhance Child Development Reduce Child Abuse/Neglect

11 Parent-Child Relationship Feeling Supported & Connected
Parenting Pyramid Positive Happy Parent Parent-Child Relationship Teaching Correction Feeling Supported & Connected Turn Outward or Turn Inward? Adapted from Parenting Pyramid, Arbinger Institute.

12 Parent/Child Relationship
Make Time for 9! Nine meaningful touches Nine minutes that matter First 3 minutes after children wake up and see you First 3 minutes after coming home for the day Last 3 minutes of the day before they go to bed Nine minutes of conversation Parent/Child Relationship Correction Teaching

13 Personal Well-being Improving My Life Journey 8-hour curriculum
Stress, strengths, mindfulness positive psychology, neuroscience happiness, & well-being Raising positivity “When you tilt toward the good, you’re not denying or resisting the bad. You’re simply acknowledging, enjoying, and using the good. You’re aware of the whole truth.” – Rick Hanson, Hardwiring Happiness

14 Family Life Education Dr. David Schramm, Utah State University,

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