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Welcome to Parent College!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Parent College!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Parent College!

2 Course Overview Hello my name is: Araceli Morfin
I have been teaching Parent College for (4 years) I work at Roosevelt High School as the Bridge Coordinator Today we will explore your family values and help you develop goals and cover the necessary strategies to achieve the dream you have for your child.

3 Ground Rules/Norms Respect (person, time) Ask questions/Listen/Share
Apply your learning Step up step back Cell phone (vibrate or silent)

4 Learning Objectives Participants will:
Develop and share your vision for your child Identify and implement strategies to support your child at home Familiarize yourself with the correlations between good attendance, high school graduation, and college/career readiness Learn the rules regarding school attendance Great job in adding the objectives

5 Vision for My Child After 5 minutes or so have the parents open their eyes and write

6 What is Your Vision for Your Child?
WHAT you will do – what specific actions will you take? HOW: you will do it – what will be the quality of your actions (this is where you can articulate your values for how you want to interact with your family) WHY – what results or benefits you will you see when you look at your kids / your family in a few years? 

7 Build Study Skills and Strategies
1. Say “you can do it!” Tell your child you believe he or she is capable of doing the school work and then praise any progress. 2. Make homework and studying a priority at home. 3. Expect them to attend school everyday, do their assignments, and try their best 4. Keep reading time high and screen time low outside of school (video games, TV, social media, music, and cell phone games.) 5. Help your child learn how to find school help, such as staying after school to work with a teacher or tutoring.

8 The Importance of School Attendance
Chronic absence is one of the earliest indicators that a student may be off track. There is strong correlation between dropout and early illiteracy and chronic absence. On average, one student in America drops out every 26 seconds; 1.23 million per year Close to half of African American and Hispanic youth fail to graduate on time. Jobs that require post-secondary education will make up more than 2/3 of new jobs. According to the National Governor’s Association, dropouts cost the United States more than $300 billion per year. Studies show that truancy frequently leads to criminal activity, drug use, and incarceration. Making goals is important because they are difficult-we need to keep ourselves accountable. The stats show us that it is difficult but also shows us how important it is for us to stay on top of them

9 Attendance makes a Difference
The academic choices you and your child make starting in middle school will impact their transition to high school and college or vocational training. That is why your guidance and help with planning are key to your child’s future success.

10 Student Attendance = Student Success
School exposes children to language-rich environments they may not have at home. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to graduate! Good attendance builds habits, essential for success in school and life. Attendance indicates an engaged student; In states where funding depends on enrollment, good attendance pays for additional supports in the classroom.

11 Challenges with Attendance
Students fall behind and have a hard time catching up. Too many students missing too many days slow down classroom instruction and affect school climate. Unexcused absences will count as truancies. Affect your child’s grades. Affect your child’s participation in school activities. Unexcused absences can lead to legal consequences for your family. One day of school missed takes your child a WEEK to catch up!

12 Schools Student Attendance 2013-2014
Students at 96% School 35% JORDAN HS 63% MENDEZ HS 51% ROOSEVELT HS 85% ROOSEVELT HS MAGNET 60% SANTEE EDUC COMPLEX 59% GOMPERS MS 55% MARKHAM MS 70% HOLLENBECK MS 80% CARVER MS 81% STEVENSON 99th ST ES FIGUEROA ES 54% GRIFFITH JOYNER ES 74% HUERTA ES 62% RITTER ES 65% SUNRISE ES LAUSD attendance goal is 96% or better No more than 5-7 absences per year Chronic Absence is missing 10% or more Having chronic absence is an indicator a student is headed for academic trouble How are you contributing to your schools great attendance? How many days did your child miss?

13 Support Outstanding School Attendance at Home
Help your child get into the habit and learn the value of regular routines. Teach your child that attending school is non- negotiable unless they are truly sick. Build relationships with other families and discuss how you can help each other out (e.g., drop off or pick up children, babysit, translation assistance) in times of need or emergencies. Know your child’s school calendar! Plan vacations on scheduled time off. Return from school breaks by scheduled dates

14 When your child is absent …
Call the school informing them your child will be out for the day Write a note to the school informing the school why your child was absent If you know ahead your child will be out because of a doctor/dentist ask the teacher for any work your child can do in order for him/her not to fall behind When your child returns to school have him/her ask their teacher for any make-up work and ensure they complete it California Code of Regulations: A principal or teacher may require satisfactory explanation from the parent of guardian of a pupil, either in person or by written note, whenever the pupil is absent/tardy part or all of the school day. California Code of Regulations Title 5, Section 306 A principal or teacher may require satisfactory explanation from the parent of guardian of a pupil, either in person or by written note, whenever the pupil is absent/tardy part or all of the school day.

15 An Absence is Excused When
Reason Code #1 Due to his or her illness Having medical, dental, optometric or chiropractic services rendered. Attending the funeral services of a member of his or her immediate family California = 1 day Outside California = 3 days *A pupil absent from school for the above excused reasons shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence.

16 Thank you

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