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ASB Relationship Banking

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1 ASB Relationship Banking
Introducing - RTF Bench Marking/Customer Feedback Programme Joint Initiative between ASB Bank Ltd and Ranqx

2 Today’s Agenda Brief background on ASB willingness to support RTF
Brief details of our partnership between ASB and Ranqx Ranqx Offering Live demonstration of Bench Marking/Customer Feedback Programme The Way Forward


4 "Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results, all the rest are costs." Peter Drucker 

5 Background – ASB and RTF
ASB Bank Ltd has been a trade association member of RTANZ since 03/ Member No: 47145 ASB’s experienced team of Asset Finance Specialists support RTANZ local/regional branches throughout the country ASB is always looking to find ways of adding value to our relationships be it our customers or intermediaries Both ASB and Ranqx are focused on delivering this added value to all your members of RTF including RTANZ, NZ Trucking and NRC

6 ASB and Ranqx Partnership
ASB has always been focused on technology to deliver superior banking and support services Ranqx founders have the passion, business skills, technology and commitment to deliver a key service to NZ

7 Ranqx Offering Ranqx provides both industry benchmarking and customer feedback live (24/7) services Accessed via Ranqx website members join online and input their own financial numbers or connect with Xero or MYOB to download numbers Members can compare performance to industry peers Financial information is anonymous and secure Members can opt for customer feedback and rating

8 Live Demonstration How are you doing?
Access powerful business information that lets you know how you perform. Share your results with staff or trusted business advisors.

9 The Way Forward ASB will provide 175 free licenses for the first year to members of the RTF Group of Associations To achieve win/win outcome for you and your industry we need members to participate To obtain free license either contact your local RTF association or contact Ranqx directly Thank you for this opportunity. THANK YOU

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