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iEARN Project Daffodils and Tulips

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1 iEARN Project Daffodils and Tulips
Primary school Antona Aškerca Rimske Toplice, Branch school Jurklošter, Slovenia Class 1, class 2, class 3 and a teacher Magdalena Stopinšek

2 First day of planting Our bulbs were planted on 26th November 2015.
 20 bulbs of tulips were planted outdoors. 10 tulip bulbs were put in the pot and 10 in the garden.  We started to measure the temperature of the air in September, once a week. Till 20th November, it was very warm for this time of the year. On 21st November it started to snow and there was a sudden fall in temperature because of a strong wind. On the day of planting it was 0°C.

3 Investigative question
 How does the place of planting affect the start of growing of a tulip? Hypothesis  We predict that the tulips in the pot will sprout and bloom earlier than the tulips planted in the garden.

4 Sprouting time  The first tulip sprouted in a pot on 29th February.
 The first tulip in the garden sprouted on 7th March. We feel sorry but we do not have any pictures as our computer broke down and we lost all our data.

5 Blooming time  First tulips bloomed around 20th April in the garden. They were 10 cm shorter than the tulips in the flower pot.

6 Withering time 19th May: The tulips in the garden have already withered, but the tulips in the pot are withering now.

7 Measuring the air temperature outdoors

8 Project Conclusion  At the beginning of our project we predicted that the tulips in the pot would sprout and bloom earlier. However, that was not true. The tulips in the garden sprouted and bloomed approximately a week earlier than those in the pot.  We also find out that blooming in the pot takes longer. In our opinion the gentle flowers in the pot near our school were more protected against weather inconvenience (wind, fluctuations in temperature).

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