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ClubRunner and Rotary International Database Integration

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Presentation on theme: "ClubRunner and Rotary International Database Integration"— Presentation transcript:

1 ClubRunner and Rotary International Database Integration
Introduction and Overview Introduced: November 2010

2 ClubRunner Confidential
Agenda Introduction – OneRotary Initiative API vs. Integration Supported Updates and Privacy Importance of RI Member ID RI Member Access Portal (MAP) Getting Started Future Plans and Enhancements Q&A ClubRunner Confidential

3 ClubRunner Confidential
Introduction ClubRunner Database – Club/District/Zone Hosted by ClubRunner’s Data Centers Independent of Rotary International’s Databases in Evanston, Illinois Double data entry for Club Secretaries Semi Annual Reports (SAR) notification system (Old RI Reporting) ClubRunner Confidential

4 ClubRunner Confidential
OneRotary Initiative Allow software providers to connect to RI Databases to synchronize member updates ClubRunner worked closely with RI to pioneer this initiative and set technical guidelines ClubRunner first and only company to have this integration (as of November 2010) Released to all ClubRunner customers November and available today. ClubRunner Confidential

5 API vs. Email Integration
Previous Notification System: Every time a member profile is updated, software sends updates to Wait one to two weeks for data to be processed by RI Data Services Division Exceptions/errors – further delays No feedback on new member additions

6 API vs. Email Integration
New API Integration System: ClubRunner and RI databases tied via a secure connection Every time an Active or Honorary member profile is updated, ClubRunner updates RI database in real time Wait a few minutes for update to go live Strict business logic layer for catching exceptions and protect data integrity

7 Email Integration (Old)
RI Data Services Division (Manual Data Entry) Member Updates ( s) ClubRunner Rotary International No confirmation of changes No security or business logic layer No return of RI Member No. 1 to 2 weeks = LOW ACCURACY

8 Web API Integration (New)
Security Rules and Privacy Settings API Library Member Updates (Web Service) ClubRunner Database Rotary International Database Return RI Member No. HIGH ACCURACY & DATA INTEGRITY

9 Supported Updates Available Updates to Existing Members:
Name changes (Mandatory) Gender Home & Work address (At least one address is mandatory) Home Phone Work Phone Cell (Mobile) Phone Home Fax Work Fax Date of Birth Sponsor Classification Work Website

10 Supported Updates New Members:
Add New Member – Automatic Transmission to RI RI Member No. populated on ClubRunner member profile Updates to that member from that point are automatically synchronized Supports transferring members Can take a few minutes to complete (If any errors happen an will be sent to RI which will take serval days to update)

11 Supported Updates Terminated Members:
When member terminated – RI is Automatically updated Future updates to that member no longer synchronized (only Active and Honorary)

12 Supported Updates Executive and Directors List (Club Officer Information) When member is added to the Executive list – RI is Automatically updated Rotary only collects the following titles President Secretary Treasurer Executive Secretary/Director Membership Chair Foundation Chair

13 Supported Updates The Database Integration also syncs Club Information with RI: Club ID Club Meeting Place Club Meeting Address Club Meeting Date Club Meeting Time Club Website Club Address Club Phone and Fax number Club Mailing Address

14 Privacy Options Club and Member Privacy Options:
Club decides which fields to share with RI Found under RI Integration link, under Membership tab Individual members can further decide to opt out of certain fields Found in Member Profile, under Privacy tab

15 RI Member No. This is the key to making successful updates
Found within ClubRunner member profile, under Rotary tab Automatically populated once you switch on API Integration Allow one hour for completion Unmatched members report found in RI Integration Compare and Synchronize link, under Membership tab

16 Compare & Synchronize Allows you to compare your member data in ClubRunner with what is available in Rotary Internationals’ Member Access Sync data between two systems by “pushing” from ClubRunner to RI or “pulling” data from RI to ClubRunner Remove inconsistencies between two systems Add member directly to RI Add member to ClubRunner

17 Getting Started Opt in on Rotary’s end from My Rotary
Opt in at ClubRunner Set your Club’s privacy options Wait for RI Member No.s to get populated (under one hour) Continue to make updates through ClubRunner as before

18 ClubRunner Confidential
My Rotary ClubRunner Confidential

19 ClubRunner Confidential
My Rotary Login Screen ClubRunner Confidential

20 ClubRunner Confidential
Opt in at Log in as Club President, Secretary or Executive Secretary/Director Click on Manage on the top menu and click the Club Administration link ClubRunner Confidential

21 ClubRunner Confidential
Opt in at Click on the Add or Remove Vendor Partner Organization link ClubRunner Confidential

22 ClubRunner Confidential
Opt in at Scroll to bottom of page, and look for Partner Organization section Click on the Add Partner Organization link ClubRunner Confidential

23 ClubRunner Confidential
Opt in at Select ClubRunner from drop down menu Read the terms and conditions, and if you agree, press I Agree button ClubRunner Confidential

24 ClubRunner Confidential
Opt in at ClubRunner Log into your ClubRunner site Click on the RI Integration Settings or RI Integration link Clubs with ClubRunner: Clubs without ClubRunner, on the District: District Administrators, on the District: ClubRunner Confidential

25 ClubRunner Confidential
Opt in at ClubRunner Check the checkbox to switch on integration Customize your privacy options by selecting the fields to synchronize Press the Update Privacy button to save the changes ClubRunner Confidential

26 ClubRunner Confidential
Opt in at ClubRunner Verify your Rotary Club ID is properly set by going to Edit Club Info & Settings from the Admin page Enter your Club ID if not already populated, then press Save Changes ClubRunner Confidential

27 ClubRunner Confidential
Opt in at ClubRunner If you have some members who prefer not to send data updates, go to their ClubRunner member profile, and select the Privacy tab Uncheck the fields which you do not wish to share with RI for that member ClubRunner Confidential

28 ClubRunner Confidential
Ongoing Updates Now that Integration is switched on, continue to make updates through your ClubRunner site ClubRunner Confidential

29 ClubRunner Confidential
Ongoing Updates Click on Edit to make changes ClubRunner Confidential

30 ClubRunner Confidential
Ongoing Updates Click Save, and synchronization with RI will happen automatically ClubRunner Confidential

31 Future Plans and Enhancements
Ongoing plans to expand to more types of updates To stay to date on this project or review help documentation: ClubRunner Confidential

32 ClubRunner Confidential
Q&A ClubRunner Confidential

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