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Freight Demand Modeling & Data Improvement Strategic Plan

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1 Freight Demand Modeling & Data Improvement Strategic Plan
SHRP2 C20: Freight Demand Modeling & Data Improvement Strategic Plan Implementation Update

2 SHRP2 projects nationwide
SHRP2 at a Glance SHRP2 Solutions –63 products Solution Development – processes, software, testing procedures, and specifications Field Testing – refined in the field Implementation – 350 transportation projects; adopt as standard practice SHRP2 Education Connection – connecting next-generation professionals with next-generation innovations 350 Bryan – we don’t expect that you will provide or read all of this information to the audience. Feel free to go through these general SHRP2 slides quickly, sharing as much of this information as you are comfortable with, the rest is to help you answer any questions that may come up. SHRP2 is a collaborative effort to develop products and processes that can be used by transportation agencies to address key challenges, including safety, aging infrastructure, and congestion. TRB has now completed the SHRP2 research, and FHWA and AASHTO are jointly implementing the resulting SHRP2 Solutions. Implementable products were developed in four focus areas to meet common transportation challenges, and help the transportation community enhance the Nation’s highway system. These four focus areas are: Safety is identifying the driver behaviors and roadway characteristics that cause and avert collisions, so that better countermeasures can be developed. Reliability is championing more predictable travel times through systems management and operations improvements. Capacity – (the focus area that this group likely has the most interest in) is bringing greater collaboration to road building to minimize delays and disruption while meeting environmental, economic, and mobility needs. Renewal - is based on the “Get in, get out, and stay out” philosophy. It addresses aging infrastructure through rapid design and construction methods that cause minimal disruption and produce long-lived facilities. In many cases, the products are processes, software, testing procedures, and specifications designed to fill knowledge gaps that have prevented existing innovations from being used more widely. SHRP2 Solutions can fit into existing agency processes and help practitioners advance the state of the practice—by being smarter, using resources more wisely, and engaging key partners in decision making. Last year, we also launched a new initiative called SHRP2 Education Connection. This opportunity is designed to introduce SHRP2’s proven innovations and technologies to the next generation of transportation professionals encouraging academia to incorporate SHRP2 Solutions into transportation coursework—and bringing SHRP2 products into the classroom. SHRP2 projects nationwide 2

3 C20: Products Road Map: Aimed to improve freight data sets & freight modeling practices. Strategic Plan: Targets priority (research) needs, innovative ideas & solutions for wide application. Analysis: Current state of practice, freight decision making needs & identifying the gaps between current freight forecasting models & actual real-world needs.

4 C20: Goals for National Implementation
State DOTs, MPOs, local agencies and the private sector are broadly aware and build professional capacity to utilize current and future freight data and modeling initiatives and advancements in the field. New and enhanced methods, tools and approaches for freight data and modeling are developed and documented for widespread distribution and adoption on a national basis. State of the practice is advanced through data quality and modeling improvements and refinements so that freight considerations are more fully integrated into transportation decision-making.

5 C20: Local Initiatives Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) Purpose: To foster fresh ideas & new approaches to freight demand modeling & data collection that ultimately enhance decision-making.

6 C20: Implementation Assistance Program ($2.45 million)
Innovations in Local Freight Data Pilot Assistance Program (7 projects, 150k each) Identify & adapt disparate sources of data Refine current data sources Develop new data sources on smaller geographic scales Behavior-Based Freight Modeling Pilot Assistance Program (4 projects, 350k each) Advance ‘tour-based’ & ‘supply chain’ freight modeling Improve the understanding of decision-making by freight agents & their implications for network modeling 6

7 C20: Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) - Projects

8 IAP Projects Recipient: Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
State: Pennsylvania Pilot Type: Local Data Enhancement of visualization tools through PhillyFreightFinder. Freight performance measures & bottlenecks. Prioritize projects & understand benefit to improving freight system. Analytical framework to connect regional economic development with freight. Data preparation for regional freight demand model.

9 IAP Projects Recipient: Florida DOT State: Florida
Pilot Type: Local Data Describe the petroleum supply & demand chain in south Florida using a combination of conventional & innovative data sources. Identify technologies that can distinguish tanker trucks & tanker rail cars from other vehicles in the traffic stream & testing those technologies for large-scale deployment.

10 IAP Projects Recipient: South Dakota DOT State: South Dakota
Pilot Type: Local Data Obtain an understanding of agricultural trends & issues in South Dakota Obtain an awareness of existing data sources used in the State’s agriculture industry Develop an approach to integrate agricultural & transportation data sources Test & evaluate the approach in a real-world location Document the replicability of the approach to other agriculture scenarios & locations

11 IAP Projects Recipient: Mid-America Regional Council State: Missouri
Pilot Type: Local Data Use commercial waybill data to demonstrate impact of congestion on freight cost. Analytical approach to identify commodities & shipment routes originating in region. Extract pertinent information from the freight waybill data. Calculat performance measures to understand how congestion affects shipment costs.

12 IAP Projects Recipient: Capital District Transportation Committee
State: New York Pilot Type: Local Data Identify freight data sources & gathering available data. Collect data related to freight trips, generation & services from private-sector sources. Clean & format data for data fusion & integration. Initiate development of dynamic freight database for the CDTC region.

13 IAP Projects Recipient: Washington State DOT State: Washington
Pilot Type: Local Data Food distribution supply chains in central Puget Sound & cross-State supply chains. Understand interplay between public policy, market forces & supply chain behavior. Interviews & surveys to collect information on related industries & likely behavioral responses (route/mode choice) to various policy/market conditions. Support freight trip modeling by collecting truck count data.

14 IAP Projects Recipient: City of Winston-Salem State: North Carolina
Pilot Type: Local Data Identify freight model design & future data collection needs for the region. Identify & tabulating regional freight facilities. Conduct freight carrier survey to support development of a tour-based truck model.

15 IAP Projects Recipient: Maryland State Highway Administration/ Baltimore Metropolitan Council State: Maryland Pilot Type: Behavior-based Model Develop behavior-based freight model to support freight plans & projects. Develop economic behavior tour-based truck model with logistics supply chain model. Develop multilevel modeling system: National supply chain model, Regional truck touring model. Develop a comprehensive multimodal freight database.

16 IAP Projects Recipient: Wisconsin DOT State: Wisconsin
Pilot Type: Behavior-based Model Concept for supply chain & tour-based freight/truck model. Represent characteristics of shipments, supply chains & distribution channels. Develop modeling framework that represents the full supply chain. Develop modeling framework that captures trip-chaining. Represent commodities produced & consumed by different industries.

17 IAP Projects Recipient: Maricopa Association of Governments
State: Arizona Pilot Type: Behavior-based Model Freight models integrated within state-wide & regional travel forecasting models. Provide understanding of freight transport community, including shippers, carriers, customers & other elements of supply chain. Develop understanding of freight movement across different industry sectors. Service availability, pricing & reliability as performance measures for industry sectors. Develop improved understanding of intermodal freight movement.

18 IAP Projects Recipient: Portland Metro State: Oregon
Pilot Type: Behavior-based Model Model is a variation of the "hybrid" approach that will simulate behavior at two levels: Macro scale: simulated flows of commodities between industries. Micro scale: tour model will synthesize businesses by type, size & location. Broaden array of economic policy questions that freight model can inform. Achieve greater consistency & improved data flows between the state & regional models.

19 C20: National Initiatives
Promote Advanced Research activities Incorporating Land Use & Demographic Trends into Freight Trip Demand Analysis Behavioral/Agent-Based Supply Chain Modeling AASHTO Freight Modeling & Data Expert Task Group Regional Freight Data & Modeling/Tool Standardization Workshops FMIP Portal – ‘Freight Information Place’ Collaboration, Knowledge Sharing & Outreach Practitioner Handbook Project Case Studies Briefings Peer Exchanges Cross-agency trainings Conferences & presentations Executive training Champion outreach Organize & Facilitate Peer Exchanges Identify Champions & Engage Agencies Mainstreaming Data & Modeling Update National Policies & Resources

20 Regional Workshop Outcome
Identify Freight Data/Program Improvement Needs Identify Areas of Collaboration and Standardization Develop Action Plan for Next Steps

21 Forum Outcome: Action Plan
What Brings us Together? What are your data needs and gaps? What data are you missing and might need in the future? Let’s Make Coalitions. What are the partnership opportunities? Who are your potential partners? Let’s Advance our Priority. What are the follow up actions to advance regional Collaboration?

22 Update on Regional Workshop Schedule
2016 2017 Orlando, FL Southeast: AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN Aug Portland, OR Cascadia-Northwest: AK, ID, OR, MT, WA, WY Sep Washington, DC Mid-Atlantic: DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV Nov 16-17 Dallas, TX Lower NAFTA: AR, KS, LA, MO, OK, TX Jan 24-25 Chicago, IL Midwest: IA, IN, IL, KY, MI, OH Feb 15-16 Minneapolis, MN Upper NAFTA: MN, NE, ND, SD, WI Mar Phoenix, AZ Southwest: AZ, CA, CO, HI, NM, NV, UT Apr 5-6 Hartford, CT Northeast: CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT May 10-11

23 For More Information Implementation Leads: Additional Resources:
FDOT SHRP2 Solutions 5/25/2016 For More Information Implementation Leads: Additional Resources: Pam Hutton AASHTO Implementation Manager Matt Hardy AASHTO Product Lead Katelyn Dwyer Program Manager for Freight GoSHRP2 Website: AASHTO SHRP2 Website: GoSHRP2 Alert Sign Up: For more information on Freight policy, please feel free to reach out to me. My address is on the screen at I will be happy to answer all your questions or direct them to the appropriate person. 23

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