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Global 9 - Review Mr. Centeno Periods 1 and 4.

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1 Global 9 - Review Mr. Centeno Periods 1 and 4

2 1. How did people get food before the Neolithic Revolution?
They were Hunter-Gathers. 2. People who do not settle are called: Nomads

3 3. What 4 rivers where civilization started:
Nile, Tigris/Euphrates, Indus, Yangzi Rivers 4. They started around rivers because: The rivers provide fertile land.

4 5. Two earliest world religions were:
Hinduism and Judaism 6. First great European civilization was: The Greeks

5 Athens and Sparta The Persians
7. City-state that started democracy? _______________ was militaristic?______________: Athens and Sparta 8. Athens was destroyed as a result of the conflict with the Middle East called: The Persians

6 Parthenon and Acropolis The Peloponnesian War
9. Athens had a Golden Age with the coolest building called ____________________ on the hill called_______________: Parthenon and Acropolis 10. Sparta and Athens fought a war leading to Greece’s decline called: The Peloponnesian War

7 11. This Greek/Macedonian Guy took over the Middle East:
Alexander the Great 12. He spread Greek culture referred to as: Hellenistic Culture

8 14. Rome’s first 500 years had this type of government:
13. Second great European civilization was Rome which lasted ________________ years: 1,000 14. Rome’s first 500 years had this type of government: Republic

9 15. Second half the government was:
Empire 16. Roman guy murdered by the Senate was: Julius Caesar

10 17. Roman guy who switched the government at year zero:
Augustus Caesar 18. The Golden Age of Rome was called: Pax Romana

11 19. Some amazing examples of Roman engineering:
The Colosseum, Roman Roads, Aqueducts 20. The Roman Empire converted to what monotheistic religion: Christianity

12 22. China was having a golden age which was the dynasty called:
21. Rome fell because: Corrupt government, high taxes, weak military, declining infrastructure, and invasions 22. China was having a golden age which was the dynasty called: Han Dynasty

13 The Gupta Civil Service Exams and Confucianism
23. China had tests called ___________________ based on the philosophy called __________________: Civil Service Exams and Confucianism 24. India has a golden age called: The Gupta

14 25. All 3 golden age civilizations were connected by the trade route:
The Silk Road 26. The new monotheistic religion spreading across the Middle East: Islam

15 28. In Europe the castle/lands economic system was ________________:
27. After Rome fell, western Europe fell into a period of chaos called: Middle Ages/Dark Ages 28. In Europe the castle/lands economic system was ________________: Manorialism

16 Feudalism and Chivalry Mansa Musa
29. The political system was ________________ and the Knights followed the Code of _________________: Feudalism and Chivalry 30. Western Africa had the civilization of Mali whose King was: Mansa Musa

17 Mecca and Spread Islam to Africa Genghis Khan and the Mongols
31. He went where and why?: Mecca and Spread Islam to Africa 32. A fierce warrior nomadic group who took over central Asia into Russia, India, and China was: Genghis Khan and the Mongols

18 33. This epic disease during the Middle Ages was called:
The Plague/Bubonic Plague 34. The Middle Ages was called the Dark Ages because: It was a time of death and no growth in Europe.

19 Europe, the Middle East, Muslims.
35. The event that ended the Middle Ages and started the Renaissance was: The Crusades 36. The Crusades were Christians from __________ and went to ____________ and killed ____________: Europe, the Middle East, Muslims.

20 37. The new artistic style during the Renaissance was:
Humanism 38. The Byzantine Empire fell to the ________________: The Ottomans.

21 Niccolo Machiavelli India and China
39. Michelangelo and Da Vinci were famous artists but who was the most famous Italian writer: Niccolo Machiavelli 40. The Age of Exploration was started by Europeans who wanted to get to: India and China

22 Spices – Cinnamon and Pepper Martin Luther
41. They wanted to go by water because the goods of the Silk Road were too expensive like: Spices – Cinnamon and Pepper 42. The Protestant Reformation was started by: Martin Luther

23 43. He disagreed with the Catholic Church and wrote the:
The 95 Thesis 44. The Chinese dynasty of the Ming also sent out a naval expedition lead by: Zheng He.

24 46. The Aztecs built ball courts and pyramids too and lived in/where?:
45. In Central America, the earliest great civilization was The Mayas 46. The Aztecs built ball courts and pyramids too and lived in/where?: Mexico – Latin America

25 48. They both were conquered by :
47. The Inca lived where?: Peru – Latin America. 48. They both were conquered by : The Spanish

26 The Encomienda System Slave
49. The Spanish settled the Americas setting up the plantation system of: The Encomienda System 50. Slaves from Africa were brought over to work in the Americas as part of the ______________ trade: Slave

27 The Middle Passage Taj Mahal
51. The slave journey across the Atlantic was called: The Middle Passage 52. Mughals were Muslim in charge of India and built what famous tomb? Taj Mahal

28 53. Tokugawa did what to Japan? Unified but Isolated Japan
54. Japan realized it fell behind and modernized itself this new government was ________________: Meiji Restoration

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