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1 Aztecs

2 Where? Located in the Valley of Mexico (present day Mexico City)
Large, shallow lakes Accessible resources Fertile soil


4 The Beginning First major civilization of Central Mexico was Teotihuacan People here began to build large civilization Became the center for trade (obsidian) After many centuries the city declines Toltecs become next group in power Very warlike people Used trade and conquest to flourish

5 Aztec Empire Arrive in Valley of Mexico around 1200 A.D.
Poor, nomadic group Began work as soldiers for hire Told by one of their gods to find a city of their own “look for a place where an eagle perched on a cactus, with a snake in its mouth” Founded their city on an island in Lake Texcoco and set up their capital of Tenochtitlan


7 Grow in Strength Joined forces with 2 other city states– Texcoco and Tlacopan – formed the Triple Alliance Population grows somewhere between 5 – 15 million people Power gained through conquest and loot they captured from these places Let some places keep their own ruler but required tribute

8 Aztec Society Emperor Nobles (Military leaders, priests, gov’t officials) Commoners (Merchants, artisans, soldiers, farmers with own land) Slaves/Captives

9 Trade and City Building
Controlled an extensive trade route Most items in market grown on chinampas Tenochtitlan becomes urban center Estimated population of 200k (bigger than any European city of the time) Built causeways from the island to the mainland Palaces, temples, markets, residential districts (connected by avenues) Aqueducts provide water



12 Religion Polytheistic
Held ceremonies to communicate with the gods and “win their favor” Sun God was one of most important Only made sun come up if there was human sacrifice Would carve out the hearts as an offering Needed a lot of war prisoners

13 Problems Montezuma II becomes emperor Spanish arrive in Mesoamerica
Aztec empire began to weaken Period of unrest and rebellion Spanish arrive in Mesoamerica Possibly the return of Quetzalcoatl (one of their gods) Hernan Cortes captures Montezuma, takes over the city and then kills him

14 The Mayans

15 Creation of Kingdoms Homeland of the Maya stretch from southern Mexico into northern Central America Took ideas from the Olmec people (oldest known civilization in the Americas) Mayans built glorious cities such as Tikal and Chichen Itza Had giant pyramids, temples, palaces, and stone carvings of the gods/rulers People chose to play games to keep the gods happy

16 Agriculture and Trade Mayan city-states were independent of each other
Linked by alliances and trade Would trade crafts and local goods Agriculture provides basis of life Beans, squash, and maize Practiced slash and burn farming or planted their crops above swamps and/or rivers

17 Kingdom Built on Dynasties
Farming leads to wealth and social classes Regarded as holy figure – position was hereditary (eldest son) Mayan King Nobles – Priests and leading warriors Merchants and Artisans (Skilled workers) Peasants

18 Mayan Religion Influenced most aspects of Mayan life Polytheistic
(Ex.) God of corn, death, rain, war, etc. Worshiped gods in many ways Prayed, made food offerings, body piercing, offered blood, human sacrifice Led to creation of the calendar, math, and astronomy Calendar influenced when they would plant crops, attack enemies, or crown a new ruler Based on observation of the planets, sun, and moon Introduced the concept of zero in math

19 Written Language Developed most advanced writing system in ancient Americas Used glyphs or symbols (about 800 symbols) Some stood for whole words and other for syllables Used to record important events in a book called a codex (only 3 have survived to today) Other books that tell stories also written Creation of the world in Popol Vuh Quote pg. 398

20 Decline of the Mayans Not sure how it ended
Late 800s -> Mayans begin to abandon their cities The Toltec invaded from the North into Mayan territory Large Mayan cities disappear Warfare between Mayan city-states Causes people to leave and a disruption in trade Over farming and population growth cause famine, food shortages, and disease

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