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Type Topic in here! Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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1 Type Topic in here! Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Who Discovered America?
POWERPOINT JEOPARDY Who Discovered America? Conquerors Native Americans J. Smith & Pocahontas Misc 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 In 1492 this gentlemen “discovered” America

4 This group of people traveled across __________some 30,000-15,000 years ago

5 America was named after this 14th century explorer

6 This group of people discovered America in 1000 AD

7 This man started a settlement in America during the 12th century called Vinland

8 This civilization controlled most of the Americas for nearly 50 years

9 First man to have an expedition circumvent the globe

10 Came to America and destroyed the Aztec Civilization

11 Made the Incas fill up a room with gold and then conquered them all

12 The Aztecs thought the Spanish were Gods. What was the name of that God?

13 This tribe was located in Mexico, built temples and sacrifice was a main ritual

14 This tribe, located in Peru was known for their roads, gold and farming techniques

15 This tribe had a calendar, form of writing, built temples and pyramids

16 When John Smith and other colonists landed in Jamestown this tribe helped them find food

17 These are the name of Native Americans that built their homes in the southwest as well as into the side of mountains

18 John Smith was from this country

19 John Smith met the leader of this tribe whose name was..

20 John Smith was brought before the emperor at a house in the woods with two great stones where he lay his head down. What happened here?

21 Pocahontas is _____ years of age when her and John get married

22 John Smith and Pocahontas traveled back to England and had a son whose name was..

23 Long period of time when earth had a great reduction in temperature

24 Columbus landed in the Bahamas and called the people…

25 The Treaty of Tordesillas established an imaginary line running down this ocean

26 Native Americans taught the Europeans local farming methods and introduced them to new..

27 Native Americans had established communities throughout North America and there were over _____Nations and languages

28 Final Jeopardy We Americans perceive time as one event following the other. Native Americans have and had a different view of time. Please demonstrate or describe how Native Americans perceive time…

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