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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

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1 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET
17년 11월 24일 19시 40분 34초 Introduction Dr. Monir Hossen ECE, KUET Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 Agendas of This Lecture
Introduction Differences with ad hoc networks Applications Characteristics Challenges Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

3 Introduction Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are networks that consists of sensor nodes which are distributed in an ad hoc manner. WSN consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions: - Temperature - Sound - Pressure - Home automation - Traffic control - Healthcare application Main Devices of WSN Sensor Nodes and PANC Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

4 Characteristics of Wireless Sensor Networks
WSNs mainly consists of sensor nodes. Sensor nodes are - Low power device Consist of limited memory Energy constrained due to their small sizes. Wireless networks can also be deployed in extreme environmental conditions and may be prone to enemy attacks. Although deployed in an ad hoc manner they need to be self organized and self healing and can face constant reconfiguration. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

5 Design Challenges of WSN (1/2)
Heterogeneity => The devices deployed maybe of various types and need to collaborate with each other. Distributed Processing => The algorithms need to be centralized as the processing is carried out on different nodes. Low Bandwidth Communication => The data should be transferred efficiently between sensor nodes. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

6 Design Challenges of WSN (2/2)
Large Scale Coordination => The sensors need to coordinate with each other to produce required results. Utilization of Sensors => The sensors should be utilized in a way that produce the maximum performance and use less energy. Real Time Computation => The computation should be done quickly as new data is always being generated. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

7 Operational Challenges of WSNs
Energy Efficiency Limited storage and computation Low bandwidth and high error rates Errors are common Wireless communication Noisy measurements Node failure are expected Scalability to a large number of sensor nodes Survivability in harsh environments Experiments are time- and space- intensive Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

8 The Growth of Sensor Networks
WSNs grown from simple point-to-point networks with simple interface protocols providing sensing and control information. The sensor node has increased onboard intelligence and processing capabilities thus providing it with different computing capabilities. The development of the Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP), reduced the cost of integrating various networking schemes into a plant wide system. The development of other communication protocols allowed simultaneous analog and digital communications created a sensor network. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

9 Enabling Technologies
Embed numerous distributed devices to monitor and interact with physical world Network devices to coordinate and perform higher-level tasks Networked Exploit collaborative Sensing action Embedded Control system w/ Small form factor Untied nodes Sensing Tightly coupled to physical world Exploit spatially and temporally dense, in situation of sensing and actuation Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

10 Application Examples Smart home/Intelligent buildings Biomedical
Military Industrial & Commercial Traffic Management & Monitoring Disaster relief applications Environment control and biodiversity mapping Facility management Machine surveillance and preventive maintenance Precision agriculture Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

11 Smart Home / Smart Office /Intelligent buildings
Sensor nodes controlling appliances and electrical devices in the house. Better lighting and heating in office buildings. The Pentagon building has used sensors extensively. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

12 Biomedical / Medical Health Monitors Glucose Heart rate
Cancer detection Chronic Diseases Artificial retina Cochlear implants Hospital Sensors Monitor vital signs Record irregularities Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET L

13 Military Remote deployment of sensors for tactical monitoring of enemy troop movements. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

14 Industrial & Commercial
Numerous industrial and commercial applications: Agricultural Crop Conditions Inventory Tracking In-Process Parts Tracking Automated Problem Reporting RFID – Theft Deterrent and Customer Tracing Plant Equipment Maintenance Monitoring Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

15 Traffic Management & Monitoring
Future cars could use wireless sensors to: Handle Accidents Handle Thefts Sensors embedded in the roads to: => Monitor traffic flows => Provide real-time route updates => Monitor the speed of a car Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

16 Disaster Relief Applications
Wildfire detection: Sensor nodes are equipped with thermometers and can determine their own location. Deploy the nodes using airplane/ helicopter Control of accidents in chemical factories Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

17 Environment Control and Biodiversity Mapping
Control the environment with respect to Chemical pollutants – a possible application is garbage dump sites Surveillance of the marine ground floor; an understanding of its erosion processes is important for the construction of offshore wind farms. Use of WSNs to gain an understanding of the number of plant and animal species that live in a given habitat (biodiversity mapping). Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

18 Facility Management In the management of facilities larger than a single building, WSNs also have a wide range of possible applications. Examples- keyless entry applications, where people wear badges that allow a WSN to check which person is allowed to enter which areas of a larger company site. detection of vehicles that pass a street outside of normal business hours. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

19 Machine Surveillance and Preventive Maintenance
Fix sensor nodes to difficult-to-reach areas of machinery where they can detect vibration patterns that indicate the need for maintenance. Examples for such machinery could be robotics or the axes of trains. Other applications in manufacturing are easily imaginable. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

20 Precision Agriculture
Applying WSN to agriculture allows precise irrigation and fertilizing by placing humidity/soil composition sensors into the fields. A relatively small number is claimed to be sufficient, about one sensor per 100 m × 100 m area. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

21 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET
Thanks for Your Kind Attention Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KUET

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