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Time trends in patients with aggressive fibromatosis

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1 Time trends in patients with aggressive fibromatosis
Danique L.M. van Broekhoven¹, Dirk J. Grünhagen¹, Michael M.A. den Bakker², Thijs van Dalen³, Cornelis Verhoef¹ 1. Department of Surgical Oncology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 2. Department of Pathology, Maasstad ziekenhuis Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 3. Department of Surgery, Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

2 Incidence: 2 - 4 per milion people per year
Current literature Incidence: per milion people per year Source: Finnish studies in Treatment: watchful waiting instead of surgery

3 Study Aim Evaluate time trends in incidence and treatment Method National pathology registry PALGA PALGA data: Conclusions and encoding of pathology reports Query: Extra-abdominal and abdominal wall desmoid tumors

4 Results 1134 patients Male : Female = 29% : 71% Median age = 37 years (IQR 30-50)

5 Age OR P Age (years) <20 0,992 0,635 20-44 0,977 0,027 45-64 1,017
OR P Continuous years Age (years) <20 0,992 0,635 20-44 0,977 0,027 45-64 1,017 0,173 65-79 1,035 0,069 80+ 1,052 0,296

6 Localization OR P Localization Head/Neck 0,981 0,342 Trunk 1,057
OR P Continuous years Localization Head/Neck 0,981 0,342 Trunk 1,057 <0,001 Abd. Wall 0,972 0,008 Extremity 0,124 Other 1,012 0,626

7 Diagnosis OR (95%CI ) P<0.001

8 Treatment OR (95%CI ) P<0.001

9 Time trends Rising incidence (2.5 fold)
 Different diagnosis or better diagnostic tools?  True rise: Etiological factors? Rising incidence  Observed in all age groups, proportionally highest in older age  Particularly in trunk desmoids Work-up and treatment  Frequency pre-treatment biopsy >>  Non-surgical treatment >>

10 Time trends Rising incidence (2.5 fold)
 Different diagnosis or better diagnostic tools?  True rise: Etiological factors? Rising incidence  Observed in all age groups, proportionally highest in older age  Particularly in trunk desmoids Work-up and treatment  Frequency pre-treatment biopsy >>  Non-surgical treatment >>

11 Time trends Rising incidence (2.5 fold)
 Different diagnosis or better diagnostic tools?  True rise: Etiological factors? Rising incidence  Observed in all age groups, proportionally highest in older age  Particularly in trunk desmoids Work-up and treatment  Frequency pre-treatment biopsy >>  Non-surgical treatment >>

12 Time trends in patients with aggressive fibromatosis
Danique L.M. van Broekhoven¹, Dirk J. Grünhagen¹, Michael M.A. den Bakker², Thijs van Dalen³, Cornelis Verhoef¹ 1. Department of Surgical Oncology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 2. Department of Pathology, Maasstad ziekenhuis Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 3. Department of Surgery, Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

13 Etiological factor: Surgery

14 Etiological factor: Hormones

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