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To be active participators to explain how the hydrological cycle works as a system. Write down a list of keywords related to the water cycle by discussing.

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Presentation on theme: "To be active participators to explain how the hydrological cycle works as a system. Write down a list of keywords related to the water cycle by discussing."— Presentation transcript:

1 To be active participators to explain how the hydrological cycle works as a system. Write down a list of keywords related to the water cycle by discussing with those around you OCR B - Rivers & Coasts Unit

2 Water Cycle Animaniacs - you’ll love (and remember) it

3 Using the keyword list... Tick off the ones you remembered prior to the video Now add explanation to outline what each keywords means/does.

4 Domino Kagans Using you card, find someone else and make a link between it and your card. Then move on to someone else and repeat. For example, buses sometimes over take bicycles and splash them when it is raining. Luckily for bicycles when there is traffic they are much faster to get from A to B.

5 The Water Cycle as a System
Put the cards in four columns using below as a guide; Then place them in the corresponding place on the A3 Hydrological diagram Inputs - water entering the system through precipitation, Stores - water stored, can be temporary and is related to the amount of rainfall. Transfers - processes that move water through the system. Outputs - where water is lost to the system.

6 An example of the river system
Using the diagram and your notes add labels to the diagram. Colour-code the diagram according to whether each label is an INPUT, STORE, TRANSFER or an OUTPUT. Use p4-5 in OCR B Orange textbook for support

7 The Human Water Cycle Using your cards you need to arrange yourself from the following starting points; Precipitation, Soil moisture storage, Infiltration, Transpiration. Remember - some of these are not set in stone, as the order may vary depending on what processes could act on the water (drought, flood, heat).

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