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Question Authority? By: Christina Harkness, Sarah Kindorf, Brendan Kelley,  Jade Sternod and Bo Shaffer. 

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Presentation on theme: "Question Authority? By: Christina Harkness, Sarah Kindorf, Brendan Kelley,  Jade Sternod and Bo Shaffer. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Question Authority? By: Christina Harkness, Sarah Kindorf, Brendan Kelley,  Jade Sternod and Bo Shaffer. 

2 Question: Unquestioning allegiance to authority invites abuse of power
Question: Unquestioning allegiance to authority invites abuse of power. After overthrowing Mr. Jones and establishing their new government, the animals blindly follow Napoleon, failing to question his revisionist policies. Their submissiveness serves only to invite further abuses of power. Take a position on this issue. Write an arguable claim with a "skeleton" of evidence as support. Claim: Our side of the argument is that in governments, the people should question their leaders situations to prevent the abuse of power. 

3 Reasoning  (why and animals blindly followed Napoleon and the consequences that followed)
In Animal Farm, the animals blindly followed Napoleon leading to his abusive actions towards the people of the farm and his transformation into their old oppressor. During the "reign" of Jones all the animals experience the same abusive actions together so once Napoleon comes into action the animals assume he wouldn’t use the same hurtful power on them.  Napoleon also starts to threaten the animals through his protective dogs and killing powers also causing the animals to stay quiet about the disapproving actions happening to them. The animals submissiveness to their leaders further abuse puts them right about in their original oppressive situation.  Another reason the animals may have overlooked the problems surfacing could be because of the fight and sacrifice they went through to gain their rebellion and they may fear that by standing up and causing outcries that their precious rebellion may end.  Also the pigs who were considered the higher and smarter animals were the ones responsible for changing the commandments so the animals didn’t notice or disagree with the changes but, when the did realize what was going on they may have been scared or unwilling to share their opinion. 

4 Evidence "the pigs had succeeded in reducing the principles of Animalism to Seven Commandments"(chapter 2, pg. # 24).  "Man serves the interests of no creature except himself. And among us animals let there be perfect unity, perfect comradeship in the struggle. All men are enemies. All animals are comrades." (Ch.1, Pg. 10) "It was at about this time that the pigs suddenly moved into the farmhouse and took up their residence there. Again the animals seemed to remember that a resolution against this had been passed in the early days"(chapter 6, pg # 66). "Napoleon himself was not seen in public as often as once in a fortnight. When he did appear, he was attended not only by his retinue of dogs but by black cockerel who marched in front of him." (Ch.8, pg. 91)

5 Counter Claim: That in governments the people can blindly follow their leader and resist to question their actions. Reasoning for counter claim:  Reasoning for our argument: 1. Some may say that people should follow their leader despite their questions of their leadership because of the accomplishment that follows. In Animal Farm the animals did fight and accomplish many deed's such as being the first farm run without humans, having their own hand made windmill and winning battles against the other human farmers.  1. But even though the animals did accomplish important things under the leadership of Napoleon they suffered more than they enjoyed both their lives and masterpieces. The few accomplishments of the farm could be used by the pigs/leaders if a situation arose were a animal questioned their leadership and actions towards the other "comrades" the pigs could prove they were doing good for the animals shown through their few good dead's.

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