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The Fall of Classical Empires

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1 The Fall of Classical Empires
Han, Gupta and Rome SPEC

2 Why do empires fall? Try to think of three reasons an empire might collapse…

3 The world today seems absolutely crackers
The world today seems absolutely crackers. With nuclear bombs to blow us all sky high. There are fools and idiots sitting on the trigger. It's depressing, and it's senseless, and that's why... I like Chinese, I like Chinese, They only come up to your knees, Yet they're always friendly and they're ready to please I like Chinese, I like Chinese, There's nine hundred million of them in the world today, You'd better learn to like them, that's what I say. Chorus: I like Chinese, I like Chinese, They come from a long way overseas, But they're cute and they're cuddly, and they're ready to please. I like Chinese food, The waiters never are rude, Think of the many things they've done to impress, There's Maoism, Taoism, I Ching and chess. So I like Chinese, I like Chinese, I like their tiny little trees, Their Zen, their ping-pong, their Yin and yang-ese. I like Chinese thought, The wisdom that Confucious taught, If Darwin is anything to shout about, The Chinese will survive us all without any doubt. So I like Chinese, I like Chinese, They only come up to your knees, Yet they're wise and they're witty, and they're ready to please.

4 Emperor Wu was a hard act to follow!
Known as the "Martial Emperor," Wu Di was a fierce ruler His aggressive military policy resulted in the development of the Silk Road Under his rule the economy and trade could flourish


6 Reasons for the Fall of the Han Empire
Social Landholding elite held all of the power Disease Families were broken up as many joined the “floating population” of landless peasants Tensions were relieved somewhat when Wang Mang, the “Socialist Emperor “, seized power When the Yellow river (“China’s Sorrow”) shifted its course many starved to death or were killed in rebellions

7 Reasons for the Fall of the Han Empire
Political: Weak rulers, often dominated by court officials, allowed corruption to surface. Political fighting between eunuchs, Confucian scholar-gentry and nobles Bureaucratic corruption and bribery Power fell into the hands of local landholders and governors (decentralization) Because of no centralized power, China was vulnerable to the Xiongnu Political and Social: Only wealthy elite could gain political position

8 No one expects the Xiongnu!
The ruins of an ancient Chinese watchtower from the Han Dynasty, part of a line of rammed-earth fortifications built to repel the Xiongnu. No one expects the Xiongnu!

9 Reasons for the Fall of the Han Empire
Cultural Challenged by arrival of Buddhism Daoist backlash to harsh treatment of peasantry Yellow Turban Rebellion Economic Peasants abused by landlords, who avoided taxes by shifting the burden to the poor. Some of the peasantry were forced into slavery or into war bands by powerful nobles. A series of natural disasters further damaged the quality of life and the economy -9 million die Failure to implement land reform

10 Reasons for the Fall of the Han Empire
Many of the generals who defeated rebels like the Yellow Turbans ended up with independent power and armies more loyal to them than the emperor. Three generals proclaimed themselves emperor, and the "Three Kingdoms" vied against each other for 60 years.

11 Reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire
Social: Invasions from Germanic tribes The institution of slavery Decline in the traditional Roman civic duty Moral decay or decadence The decline of patriotism

12 Reasons for the Fall of the Roman Empire
Political: Problems associated with succession- 25 emperors in 20 years! Empire became too large for the government, and reform came too slowly and too late Government became dominated by the rich and military elites Citizens lost their interest in the government The military lost its prestige

13 Reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire
Economic: Dependence on foreign products Traditional work ethic declined Decline of cities’ infrastructure Trade deficit The high cost of military, welfare and government Class economic warfare between rich and poor Unequal taxation The small farm disappears

14 Reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire
Cultural State not united by religion or philosophy Divided by language Latin in west, Greek in east Christianity challenges traditional Roman institutions

15 Reasons for the Fall of the Gupta Empire
Political Inability to centralize the Raj princes Because of decentralization, no Indian leaders tried to unify the subcontinent Hun invaders from the North Around 480 C.E., they launched a full-scale invasion and were successful in capturing the northwestern part of the empire

16 Aftermath - Han Han Confucianism is able to hold society together despite the collapse of the government Note: No such self-sacrificing mentality existed in the western Classical Empires Note: 3 centuries before next united dynasty - Tang

17 Aftermath-Gupta Gupta Caste system holds society together
Hinduism gains more ground while Buddhism declines Huns become Hindu Even when Islam arrives in 7th Century, Hinduism remains strong Economic prosperity continues Regional factionalism prevents unification of sub-continent Note: India not united until British Raj

18 Aftermath- Rome The Eastern Roman Empire would adopt Christianity as the state religion, and merge religion and politics. Loyalty to one would yield loyalty to both. The Western Empire would not do this, so their was constant fighting between the Pope and state The east was older, richer and more stable than the west, with larger and most prosperous cities Trade and commerce flourish in the east Law and order existed in the east prior to Roman government existing

19 The east did not have to deal with foreign invaders or send help to the west after the bifurcation of the Empire The west had foreign mercenaries working in their military ranks (Note: not replaced until rise of nation states a millennium later)

20 What did the Romans ever give us? (Life of Brian)
Reg: All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us? Attendee: Brought peace? Reg: Oh, peace - shut up!

21 Comparison of Collapse
Students should be able to discuss similarities and differences in the following areas: Political corruption and infighting Decentralization Foreign invaders Social decay Disease (Han and Rome) Change in religious or philosophical systems

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