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Electron Spin Resonance Experiment

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1 Electron Spin Resonance Experiment
Setup Aim This is a model experiment for electron spin resonance, for clear demonstration of interaction between the magnetic moment of the electron spin with a superimposed direct or alternating magnetic field. Introduction Electrons have intrinsic spin angular momentum that is independent its orbital angular momentum. In a magnetic field, the magnetic moment associated with the spin precess with a known frequency, the Larmor frequency. If a photon or electromagnetic radiation of the same frequency is applied to the electrons in the magnetic field, the spin of the electron will either flip. The flip is either from a lower energy spin to a higher energy spin or vice versa (stimulated transition). Full setup of experiment Electrical connections of experiment Procedures Observations and parallel to electron spin When the direct magnetic field Bo is applied, the magnetic axis of the balll precess. Since the precession frequency is proportional to the applied field, one may want to change the voltage from the power supply to observe this effect. A photon of frequency matching the energy difference of an electron in a uniform field causes its spin to flip. This experiment provides learners the opportunity to form a mental picture of quantum effect. Ball with central rod magnet (red is north pole) Main switch to control direct magnetic field Commutator switch control alternating magnetic field Teacher guide It may be useful to help students to recall on the concept of resonance before the experiment/demonstration. To equip students about gyroscopic precession (if it is not covered before) teachers may want to use the bicycle wheel on turntable demonstration. Electron spin has no classical equivalent. To provide a classical analog to spin resonance mental model, a spinning ball with a central magnet is required. It is good to remind students that although there are similarities with electron spin in this demonstration, electron spin is actually an intrinsic property. Once the equipment is setup properly, start the air blower which will cause the ball to spin. When the spin is steady, a constant magnetic field is switched on and the ball will precess. The period of precession is determined by the strength of the field. Choose two reference points on the precession cycle that are on opposite sides, flip the commutator switch from one side to another when the north pole of the magnet reaches these reference points. If your timing is good, the pole of the magnet will flip

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