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Kondo Effect Ljubljana, Author: Lara Ulčakar

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1 Kondo Effect Ljubljana, 20.1.2016 Author: Lara Ulčakar
Mentor: prof. dr. Anton Ramšak

2 Introduction History and properties of metal at low temperatures Models Kondo effect in quantum dots Calculation methods Conclusion

3 Discovered in 1934. Unusual scattering process of conduction electrons: Electrical resistivity increases with lowering temperature, Kondo resonance in the density of states. It took 30 years before first theoretical framework appeared: Kondo's and Anderson's perturbative calculation in early 1960s, Wilson's nonperturbative approach in 1974 and exact solution in Today: testing ground for other many-body problems, quantum dots.

4 Properties of metal at low temperatures
Electric resistivity: Normal metal: drops with lowering temperature and saturates at very low. Superconductor: at critical temperature suddenly drops to zero. Normal metal with magnetic impurities: drops with temperature but at low temperatures starts to rise logarithmically: KONDO EFFECT!

5 Properties of metal at low temperatures
First observed in 1934, then took 30 years to link this with magnetic impurities. Anderson model in 1961: The key ingredient is the Coulomb interaction between electrons on impurity site. explains formation of magnetic moments in metals. Kondo model: Antiferromagnetic coupling of impurity and spin density of surrounding electrons: By applying third order perturbation, Kondo showed resistivity growth: Incorrect at T = 0, because resistivity does not really diverge! Wilson's RG theory: Below conduction electrons form a singlet state with impurity divergence vanishes.

6 Properties of metal at low temperatures
Magnetic susceptibility is a sum of: Pauli term: of electrons in host metal, temperature independent. Curie-Weiss term: from magnetic impurities: Low T: But instead of following the Curie-Weiss law, it is constant!

7 Kondo model In 1964 Jun Kondo proposed the Kondo model:
Large reservoir of noninteracting electrons is coupled to the impurity by Heisenberg-like interaction term: / creates/anihilates a straight wave with and spin . This model in equivalent to Anderson model at lower temperature. Impurity spin Kondo interaction term Electron spin density Electron eigenenergy Band Hamiltonian

8 Anderson impurity model
In 1961 P. W. Anderson proposes the Anderson impurity model: Large reservoir of noninteracting electrons, coupled by to impurity site with energy and on site Coulomb repusion . : energy of localized electron on impurity. / creates/anihilates an electron spin , bound to impurity. Hybridization Hamiltonian Overlap of atomic potential Hamiltonian of isolated impurity Coulomb repulsion

9 Anderson impurity model
Only in presence of local magnetic moments form: (Energy of the system grows for if 2 electrons per impurity.) Eigenstates of an isolated impurity are : Density of states: Isolated atom: Delta functions at and Atom, coupled to metal leads: Two resonances of width:

10 Magnetic moment formation
Anderson model: Magnetic moments appear in parameter regime: Virtual exchange processes: Leads to spin-flip processes. Effectively works as antiferromagnetic interaction.

11 Magnetic moment formation
Criterion for local moment formation: obtained by Hartree-Fock approximation: Equivalent to noninteracting model with: Solutions are found self-consistently:

12 Kondo effect in quantum dots
Quantum dot: isolated island of electrons, connected by electrodes to two electron baths: Parameters like and can be tuned very easily. Conduction through quantum dot: : low, because no empty states near on the dot. : high, because of the resonance state at on the dot. Vg+U Vg+U Vg Vg

13 Kondo effect in quantum dots
Density of states: Conductance through the dot:

14 Cheminal potential of electron bath

15 Calculation methods Poor Man's Scaling: Anderson, Sets stage for Wilson's RG approach. Numerical renormalization group: Wilson, Gives first explanations for finite resistivity and constant susceptibility at Nobel prize in 1982. Fermi liquid theory: Nozieres, Yamada, 1975, 1/N expansions: 1980s, Exact analytical solution by Bethe Ansatz: Andrei, Wiegmann, 1980.

16 Exact methods: renormalization group approach
Renormalizable systems: self-similar when observed from different scales. RG idea: transforms the system to larger scales: After one RG transformation Anderson impurity model is transformed to the Kondo model: Less degrees of freedom More complex couplings

17 Conclusion Kondo effect occurs in:
Metals with magnetic impurities: resistivity's growth with lowering temperature. Quantum dots: Almost total electrical conductance because of the Kondo resonance in density of states. Models: Kondo model, Anderson impurity model. Methods to solving the problem: Nonperturbative renormalization group theory, Many others. Still actual because of development of nanotechnology. Its numerical approaches are now used to solve other heavy fermion problems like high-temperature superconductors.

18 Thank you for your attention!

19 Literature

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