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Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration

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1 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
I. CHURCH ORGANIZATION A. Biblical Basis 1. Ever since the fall of man, God has called people and individuals to be witness in the world. 2. The NT refers to these people as the “called out ones,” the ekklesia. 3. Acts 7:38. The children of Israel are called the church in the wilderness. 4. Matthew 16:18. First usage of the world ekklesia. 5. Followers of Jesus used the word to fefer to the chosen people and the followers of Christ.

2 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
I. CHURCH ORGANIZATION A. Biblical Basis 6. Further statements about the church: a. Eph 4:12 “the body of Christ.” b. I Tim 3:15 “The church of the living God.” 7. In the church Christ is to be glorified a. Eph 5:27. “A glorious church.” b. Eph 3:6; 2:12-22 Within the church the are no barriers c. John 3:16; Gal 3:28. The basis for coming to Christ and the church is believing.

3 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
I. CHURCH ORGANIZATION “No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste is recoqnized by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by creation, and all are one through redemptiion. Christ came to demolish every wall In Christ there is neitrher Jew or Greek, bond nor free. All are brought nigh by His precious blood.” Christ Object Lessons, p. 386 Eph 5:29 Christ created the church and He sustains the church.

4 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
I. CHURCH ORGANIZATION A. Biblical Basis 8. The church is an organism Different between an an institution and organism Backward looking, not forward looking Protective vs Innovative Memorial vs Dynamism

5 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
I. CHURCH ORGANIZATION A. Biblical Basis 8. The church is an organism a. Eph 4:12 The body of Christ (functioning) b. 1 Tim 3:15 “The church of the living God.” c. Eph 4:15,16 There is growth and maturity d. Eph 2:20 Apostles and prophets are members o this organism e. 1 Cor 12:12-31 We are members of the one body f. Eph 2:20; 1:22,23; 5:23 Christ is the head g. Eph 5:25-30 Christ loves the church. h. “I testify my brethern and sisters that the church of Christ, enfeebled and defective as it may be, is the only object on earth on which He bestows His supreme regard...” Testimonies To ministers, p The church is a missionary organism. Matt 28:19, The church must never forget the reason for its existence

6 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
I. CHURCH ORGANIZATION B. The Adventist Philosophy of church organization 1. The universal order suggests organization a. Example of good organization (1) Moses –his division of authority with the children of Israel. divided by tribes, positioned about the sanctionery. Divisions suggested by Jethro dividing the tribes into 1,000s, 100s,50s, 10.

7 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
I. CHURCH ORGANIZATION B. The Adventist Philosophy of church organization 1. The universal order suggests organization a. Example of good organization (2) The rotation of the priests in the sanctuary service. (3) “Order in the law of heaven, and it should be the law of God’s people on the earth.” Testimonies to Ministers, p. 26. (4) “Order is to be evidenced in the church to be the end of time.” Testimonies to Ministers, p. 26.

8 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
I. CHURCH ORGANIZATION B. The Adventist Philosophy of church organization 1. The universal order suggests organization b. It became clear to the pioneers of the church that organization was vital to the health of the church. “As our number increased, it was evident that without some form of organization there would be great confusion, and the work would not be carried forward successfully. Testimonies to Ministers, p. 26.

9 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
I. CHURCH ORGANIZATION B. The Adventist Philosophy of church organization 1. The universal order suggests organization c. Purpose of Organization (1) To provide fellowship (2) To provide a method by which the gospel would be tajen to all communities. (3) To provide support for the ministry (4) To process a legal organization to hold legal title to property. (5) To develop support materials for evangelism- Sabbath School supplies, literature for unchurched people (6) To provide support materials for assimilation of new members and the spiritual growth of all members.

10 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
I. CHURCH ORGANIZATION B. The Adventist Philosophy of church organization 2. Forms of Church Organization a. Episcopal– church government by bishops with three orders: bishops, priests, deacons. b. Papal – church government in which the authority is vested in the Pope with four orders: cardinals, archbishops, bishops and priests. The individual member has no authority in the church administration. c. Independent or Congregation – the local church has the final authority in its own communion.

11 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
B. The Adventist Philosophy of church organization 2. Forms of Church Organization d. Representative – church government which rests in the authority of the church membership. Representatives from each church meet in caucus to elect an executive commiitee and officers who are responsible for the leadership of the organization between constituency sessions. Representatives from the churches are elected by the church membership. The seventh-day Adventist Church is organized under this form of govedrnment.

12 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
B. The Adventist Philosophy of church organization 3. Four Steps in Advntist Organization a. The Local church b. The Local Mission/Conference c. The Union Mission/Conference d. The General Conference and all of its Division 4. How to relate to the officers and directors of the conference. a. The officers give guidance and direction to the overall work in the conference

13 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
B. The Adventist Philosophy of church organization 4. How to relate to the officers and directors of the conference. a. The officers give guidance and direction to the overall work in the conference (1) They are the pastors friends. We are part of a team. (2) A pastor can find them to be able to give good counsel. (3) Personal problems can at times be discussed with the ministerial secretary. (4) Problems in the church can be discussed with the Executive Secretary, President, or Ministerial Secretary (5) Financial problems in the church can be discussed with the Treasurer. (6) Communicate with the officers concerning the distict activities.

14 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
B. The Adventist Philosophy of church organization 4. How to relate to the officers and directors of the conference. b. The directors of the departments are resource people. (1) They are consultants. (2) They are specialists in their area (3) Invte them to help train church members

15 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
C. The Mission of the Church 1. Mission is the vital to the church a. Mission is a continious reminder that the church is on earth for a purpose. b. A congregation needs to be constatntly informed concerning its mission. One cannot be too redundant. c. “A Church is a mission living by the foolishness of God in a world that sometimes hates it, sometimes in different, and sometimes seeks to take it captive. Any church that does not recognize the basic purpose for its existence is in jeopardy of its life. “The predicament of the church in America is precisely that it does not recognize that it is a missionary situation.” George W. Webber, God’s Colony in Man’s World, p. 29 d. The Parable of the Life-Saving Station Redundant = berlebihan. Jeopardy = bahaya “Keadaan gereja di Amerika justru tidak mengakui bahwa itu adalah situasi misionaris." George W. Webber

16 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
C. The Mission of the Church 1. Mission is the vital to the church e. The Scripture constantly warn the church against institutionalism. (1) Matt 28:19,20 -- Christ Mandate (2) Acts 1:8 -- Christ commission to the twelve (3) 1 Cor. 9:18-23 – Paul’s insatiable desire to win all people to Christ. (4) Rev 2:4,5 – Christ warns the church not to lose its concern for the lost through losing its first love. f. The church will always find itself in tension between the command to come out and the comment to gpo into the world. g. The church’s keys to success are genuine friendship and disinterested service. h. When the church sees the desperate need the members will be able to pray with meaning. Matt 9:26-10:10 Insatiable = tak terpuaskan Tension = ketegangan Disinterested = tdak memihak

17 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
C. The Mission of the Church 2. Statement of Mission a. A statement of mission is essential to the success of the church’s ministry (1) The Adventist church must aways remain a movement-- an organism, not an institution. (2) Therefore, the church must be structured and directed as an organism rather than as an institution. (3) “The church of today is failing to fulfill its purpose largely because it has ceased to be an organism. (4) How can the church structure as an organism? a. Priorities -- growth or maintenance b. Pastor centered or people centered (5) As organize as organism, need spiritual preperation b. Spiritual preperation (1) The local congregation is to becomne a Christ-centered fellowship. (2) It’s atmosphere or climate must be so appealing that It will draw people to Jesus Christ and the church.

18 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
C. The Mission of the Church 2. Statement of Mission c. The concept of the church (1) A fellowship of believers who care about one another. (2) A fellowship of believers who care about the lost. d. The meaning of Ministry (1) The pastor and the members are ordained by baptism to perform ministry. (2) The members witnes by each one exercising his gift. e. Spiritual Gifts (1) Gifts are for the building up of the body of Christ in ministering to one another. (2) Gifts are used to worship God (3) Gifts are used to reach out to those who want to know Christ.

19 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
D. General Policies of the Church 1. Statement of Mission The Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual—area of the manual with which the pastor needs to be familiar. a. Churh Membership b. Church officers and their duties c. The services and meetinngs of the church d. Auxiliary organizations of the church and their officers e. Ministers and workers in relation to the church f. The church election g. Gospel Finance h. Standards of Christian living i. Church Discipline j. Organizing, Uniting and Disbanding church k. Divorce and Remarriage l. The pulpit m. The North American Supliment

20 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
D. General Policies of the Church 2. The General Conference Policy Manual All actions of the Annual Council are recorded in this manual. It generally deals with Institutions, conferences and their relationship to employees. 3. The Local Conference Policy Book Each pastor in the conference is supplied one of these books. It explains policies in relationship to the local church and the conference. It includes policies concerning the conference worker.

21 Ch. 2. Church Leadership and Administration
E. Denominational Campaigns 1. How to support campaigns Train members to lead the campaigns. Support the leaders of the campaigns by remarks in sermons, newsletters or special letter. Emphasize people won and members’ growth trough reading magazines. Plan well in advance for a successful campaign.

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