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Character Chart greed lust, gluttony, or vice hypocrisy, deceit

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1 Character Chart greed lust, gluttony, or vice hypocrisy, deceit
Key Actions What the Character Character Description and Words Represents Mr. Medbourne Prosperous merchant > lost his fortune in foolish speculation Calculates money to invest in a scheme to harness whales to pull icebergs to East Indies greed Colonel Killigrew Wasted best years and health in “sinful pleasures”; “brood of pains”; torments of soul and body; gout Ogles the widow; flirts with her; sings a drinking song; “My dear widow, you are charming”– Widow knows his compliments not always truthful. lust, gluttony, or vice Mr. Gascoigne Ruined politician; obscure (unknown) instead of infamous; of little importance anymore Empty speechmaking; rattled forth same old sentences about patriotism, glory, rights—well worn political ideas; whispers secret deals hypocrisy, deceit Widow Wycherly Great beauty in her day; scorned into seclusion by people in high society because of scandalous stories about her and men Once a lover to each of the three men, who fought over her; primps in mirror—curtseys –loves herself more than anyone; asks Dr. H to dance; caught in their passionate grasp--blushes vanity, immorality Dr. Heidegger Fifty-five years old; occult; his medication killed his fiancé –not good doctor? Sits in a thronelike chair; provides youth; warns about making same mistakes of youth; doesn’t dance Father Time

2 What the Symbol Symbol Description What happens to it Represents
Bronze bust of Hippocrates Over the bookcase; father of medicine When supernatural occurs, he says, “Forbear!”; Dr. H “consults” the bust at times medicine Oaken closet Contains a skeleton – “skeleton in the closet” means secret in past Rattles when black book is moved or dusted. Secrets of past mistakes, sins Mirror (looking glass) Contains spirits of Dr’s deceased patients Dead patients peep forth when black book is moved or dusted /reveals or reflects images of the four that are still old truth Portrait of young woman Faded portrait of Dr’s dead fiancé—died because of medicine from Dr. She steps out when black book is moved or dusted. the past, lost love Black book Big, black book of magic Contains an old rose within its pages, causes other supernatural occurrences occult Rose/ butterfly Old, withered, dead Regains youth when touched by water, and then quickly dies. passage of time Water Fountain of Youth When old four drink it, they regain their youth. youth

3 Element Story Fit Description
Gothic Elements Element Story Fit Description Dark, gloomy setting Dr. Heidegger’s study Dim, old-fashioned chamber, cobwebs, dust… Supernatural Elixir, mirror , skeleton, bust of Hippocrates, rose, butterfly Elixir creates youth, mirror –dead peeping, skeleton rattling, bust of Hippocrates speaking, rose & butterfly become dewy and youthful Occult Black book Causes supernatural happenings Portents, omens, legends Fountain of Youth The four drink and become young like the rose Tone, atmosphere Four friends/neglected setting Old, melancholy friends with wasted lives/ dusty, cobwebbed study

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