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Introducing Macromedia Flash 8

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1 Introducing Macromedia Flash 8
Tutorial 1 Introducing Macromedia Flash 8

2 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Objectives Discover the types of Web media you can create using Flash Compare vector graphics and bitmap graphics Start Flash and explore its main program window elements Display grid lines, guides, and rulers New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

3 Objectives (continued)
Set a document’s properties Learn about strokes, fills, and colors Select and modify objects Use Flash Help New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

4 What is Macromedia Flash 8?
Program developed by Macromedia, Inc. Originally use: making fast-loading Web animations Has evolved into a full Web site production tool Interactive media created with Flash Animated logos Web site navigational controls Entire Web sites New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

5 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Types of Web Media Web pages communicate using various media Types: text, graphics, animations, sounds, videos HTML: used to integrate media into Web pages New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

6 Bitmap and Vector Graphics
Pixel: smallest element making up a picture Bitmap graphic: matrix of colored pixels Examples: files with .jpg and .gif extensions Vector graphics are specified with formulas Image shapes are defined by color, outline, and position Images are resolution independent and scale well Images created in Flash are in the vector format Bitmap files may be imported into Flash New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

7 Bitmap Graphic Compared to Vector Graphic
Figure 1-1 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

8 Bitmap and Vector Animation
Animation: virtual motion due to sequencing stills Bitmap animation Puts bitmap still images into motion for Web viewing Implemented using a sequence of bitmap frames High overhead involved in changing screen colors Vector animation Consists of a listing of shapes and their transformations Produced with less overhead and resolution independence New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

9 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Web Media in Flash Documents: Web media created in Flash Include static images as well as animations Documents must be referenced in an HTML file Types of Flash documents FLA (.fla) file: used to author Flash content SWF (.swf) file: viewed by end-user in a Web browser SWF files require a Flash Player plug-in ActionScript: code used to enhance interactivity New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

10 Flash Player Plug-in Context Menu
Figure 1-2 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

11 Viewing Examples of Flash Documents
Admiral Web Design Web site: showcase for Flash Objective: view animations at showcase Web site Make sure Flash Player plug-in is installed Video stream plays while file is downloaded New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

12 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Sample Flash Graphics New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

13 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Starting Flash Two ways to start Flash Click Start  All Programs  Macromedia  Macromedia Flash 8 Double-click Flash program icon (if on desktop) Actions you can perform from the Start page Open recently used files or create a new document Take a quick tour of Flash Flash program window has various components New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

14 Main Components Of The Flash Program Window
Figure 1-4 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

15 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Previewing Documents Preview Flash document to review changes made Several ways to preview your document in Flash Preview or play animation within Flash program window Publish file to play in a separate Flash Player window Publish file to play in your default Web browser New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

16 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Simplekite Document Figure 1-6 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

17 Simplekite Document Playing In Flash Player Window
Figure 1-7 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

18 Flash Program Window Elements
Stage Site for creating, importing, assembling graphic objects Work Area Gray area surrounding the stage Timeline Controls and coordinates frames and layers in document Frame: container representing a unit of time Playhead: marker indicating currently selected frame Layers: organize images, animations, and other objects New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

19 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Flash Timeline New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

20 Flash Program Window Elements (continued)
Tools panel Provides tools for manipulating Flash graphics Operations: draw, paint, select, modify graphics Four areas: Tools, View, Colors, Options New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

21 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Tools Panel Tools Figure 1-11 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

22 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Panels Actions performed with controls in Flash panels Viewing properties of objects Changing the properties of objects Panel set: several panels grouped together Figure 1-15 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

23 Panels In Their Default Layout
New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

24 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Organizing Panels Using the panel title bar View panel name on the title bar Options menu control is located on right side of title bar Expand or collapse panel by clicking title bar Right click title bar and use Group With to create a group Moving a panel Position pointer on left edge of the title bar Ensure that pointer changes to crossed double arrows Drag title bar to new location New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

25 The Property Inspector
Panel located at the bottom of the Flash program window Provides easy access to common object attributes Adapting Property inspector to an item Simply select a tool or other graphical object Attributes of currently selected tool or object are reflected Figure 1-19 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

26 Property Inspector with an Object Selected
New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

27 Changing the View of the Stage
Zoom tool: used to enlarge or reduce Stage size Using active Zoom tool against the Stage Click a part of the Stage to enlarge or reduce it Alternative: use rectangular selection marquee Some commands on the View menu Zoom In or Zoom Out commands Magnification command Hand tool: moves Stage without magnification change New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

28 Displaying the Grid, Rulers, and Guides
Appears as a set of lines on the Stage behind all objects Grid lines do not become part of your document Rulers Vertically displayed on left edge of Stage window Horizontally displayed on the top edge of Stage Window Guide Line used in conjunction with rulers to align objects Can be moved to a specific part of the Stage New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

29 Grid Displayed on the Stage
Figure 1-26 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

30 Changing the Document Properties
Properties common to all Flash documents Title, Description, Stage size, background color, frame rate Document Properties dialog box Used to change a document’s properties Opening the Document Properties dialog box Click Modify on the menu bar Next click Document Changes in Document Properties reflect on Stage Figure 1-28 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

31 Document Properties Dialog Box
New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

32 Working with Objects in Flash Strokes and Fills
Drawing and painting tools Line, Pen, Pencil, Oval, Rectangle, and Brush Places where colors may be selected Tools panel, Property inspector, Color Mixer panel Strokes: lines that you draw Fills: areas you paint with color Figure 1-30 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

33 Sample Shapes with Fills and Strokes
New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

34 Drawing and Grouping Objects
Merge Drawing model Objects in a layer occupy the same plane Object laid over another merges with or segments other Object Drawing model Shapes drawn on a layer are independent Activated by clicking Object Drawing in Tools panel Preventing objects from impacting each other Group objects together or place objects in separate layers New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

35 How Objects Interact with Each Other
Figure 1-31 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

36 Color Controls and the Color Mixer
Strokes and fills can be drawn with different colors Select color swatch using the eyedropper tool Swatch: color square in the color palette 216 Web-safe colors based on RGB (red, green, blue) Two types of gradient: linear and radial Places where colors may be selected Colors are of Tools panel, Property inspector, Color Mixer Figure 1-34 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

37 Color Palette For The Fill Color Control
New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

38 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Selecting Objects Selection tool Used to select strokes or fills Can also be used to select groups of objects Features of the Selection tool Snap to Objects, Smooth, and Straighten modifiers Figure 1-37 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

39 Selection Tool Modifiers
New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

40 Selecting Objects (continued)
Anchor points: reference points on strokes, outlines Subselection tool reveals anchor points Applying the Subselection tool to an object Select Subselection tool in Tools panel Click a stroke or outline of a fill Creating tangent handles near an anchor point Click an anchor point on a curved line New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

41 Changing a Curve’s Anchor Point
Figure 1-40 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

42 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Lasso Tool Two ways to use the Lasso tool Select several objects at one time Select an irregularly shaped area of an object Draw a free-form selection marquee around the area Tasks performed on a lassoed object Move the selection Apply other effects; e.g., change color of selected fills New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

43 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Getting Help in Flash Flash Help system is a great resource Two ways to access Flash Help system Click Help  Flash Help Click Help on a panel’s option menu Flash Help displays in two-panel window Figure 1-45 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

44 New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8
Help Panel New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8

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