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Killington, Vermont, USA

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1 Killington, Vermont, USA
Kesteven and Sleaford High School Selective Academy Ski Trip 2017 Killington, Vermont, USA Thank you for attending

2 Staff Team Subject Leader French Miss M Adams Group Leader/Organiser
Subject Leader Physical Education Miss K Duffy Group Leader Teacher of Mathematics HoY KS3 Mr C Green Deputy Group Leader Assistant Headteacher Curriculum Mrs J Stacey Teacher of Physical Education Miss A Beckitt Subject Leader French Miss A Kilgannon Teacher of Physical Education HoY KS4

3 Format for the evening:-
Risk Assessment (Health & Safety) Overview of Trip - Routines at the resort Essential Trip Information. - Parents - Students Ski Clothing - Demonstration Tallington

4 Health & Safety Risk Assessment Information for parents
Identified Risks & Control Measures Information for parents Conduct of all Participants - students

5 USA – East Coast Killington ski area – Ski and stay Boston – Fly into
Hotel Roma

6 The hotel in Killington

7 The slopes - Killington

8 The Routine A Typical Day The Week Morning ‘wake up’ call
Breakfast Preparation for Skiing (Checklist) Collect Skis from ski room Meet instructor on the slope Ski session 1 Lunch on the slopes Ski session 2 Return skis Back to hotel – relax Evening meal Briefing Evening entertainment The Week * Departing From: Sleaford Train Station Friday 10th February Time to be confirmed Flight Departure: London Heathrow – BA Flight Arrive: Boston 14:20 (local time) Coach Travel: Transfer to Days Inn Saturday 11th – Wednesday 15th: Daily Ski Lessons AM: Ski Lessons Lunch on the slopes PM: Ski Lessons Evening: Meal and Entertainment Thursday 16th : Travel to New York via Shopping Mall Stay in New York – Travel Inn Hotel Friday 17th: Spend the day in New York Travel to airport Return Flight: Depart: EWR 21.25 Saturday 18th: Arrive London Heathrow 09.05 Coach Travel to return to Sleaford Time to be confirmed

9 Canon & Loon


11 New York Central Park New York by night ‘Top of the Rock’
9/11 Ground Zero Memorial

12 Clothing Requirements
On The Slopes Ski Coat and Salopettes Skiing Gloves Sports Sunglasses or Goggles Ski Socks Hat/Head band (Cover ears) Thermal Underwear Warm layers (Micro Fleece) Inner Gloves Scarf (Fleece) Snood Evening & Travel Clothing * Casual Warm Sports Clothing (Remember it can be -10°c) * Fleece * Joggers * Thick Socks * Fleece Hats * Shoes/Boots suitable for snow conditions. * Warm Hat (Fleece or Wool)   HELMETS Helmets are not compulsory in the USA but are a requirement for school parties as designated by Lincolnshire County Council. You will need to buy or hire one in the UK. Can hire from provider £25. Hire on the night £10

13 Rules For Students Students must only ski under the supervision of the Ski Instructors - Under no circumstances must students ski without the instructors Students should understand the ski-way code and safe skiing procedures. Listen to and follow the instructions of KSHSSA staff at all times. Know your group. Adhere to the safety information provided for Travel, Accommodation and Skiing As representatives of this school students must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times. Students must prepare themselves for the visit by working to the 12 wk Fitness Plan provided. At the resort students must eat regular meals – including breakfast At all times students must be in groups of 3 or more No students are to purchase or consume alcohol at anytime and smoking is not permitted on this trip. Students must inform staff if they are unwell or have an injury Room allocation & security. (Students must remain in their own rooms at specified times)

14 Ski Slopes The Ski Way Code SPEED AND SAFETY
Travelling effortlessly at speed is one of the great attractions of skiing. But speed brings with it an element of danger. Always be aware of this. · Keep your speed down on crowded slopes, in bad weather or if you are tired. · Keep your speed down around blind corners or over drop-offs. · Give other skiers a wide berth: even if you don't hit them, you may scare them. · Never ski beyond the limits of your equipment. The Ski Way Code 1) Respect for others - Be aware of all skiers / snowboarders around you and do not endanger them. 2) Control of speed - Only ski within the limits of your ability, and be sure you can always stop safely. 3) Choice of route - Pick your route carefully and be prepared to handle changing situations with skiers/ snowboarders and the mountain itself. 4) Overtaking - Always allow space for others to make their turns and remember that skiers/ snowboarders ahead of you have the right of way. 5) Starting or entering a piste - Look up or down the run and ensure space to avoid other skiers/ snowboarders paths. 6) Stopping on the piste - Always stop at the side of the piste, away from narrow places, blind corners or sudden drops. After a fall, move quickly to the side. 7) Climbing & descending on foot - If this is necessary, keep to the side, near piste makers. 8) Respect for signs & markers - Always obey signs. They provide vital information for you and your safety on the mountain. 9) Assistance at accidents & identification - Understand accident procedures and be prepared to help. Witnesses must provide names and addresses

15 Information for Parents
Risk Assessment for the whole trip. Full copy for your inspection Insurance – Extensive cover for health not for valuables. Cash £100 only. Clothing - Skiwear and Appropriate Casual Wear Baggage allowance 23kg Main Bag. Full student Medical Details are Required The exercise routine will be provided and a weekly session held. Students must maintain their fitness Week program. Printed Sheets Available Student must follow the instructions given by KSHSSA Staff & Ski Instructors Half Board. Special dietary requirements must be notified in advance. Drinks are not provided with the meals. Students will need to pay for drinks with the meals. Medication Details must be provided in writing – only medication named on the form can be taken. Pain Relief & Travel Pills specified and supplied; cannot be provided by staff. Spending Money - Suggested maximum £ Some of which can be held by Staff Hotel – Fire Drill. Security. Damage Deposit. Shared rooms – quad rooms 2 doubles.

16 Airport Information All travellers to the USA must have their own machine readable UK passport. (More than 6 months remaining) Names provided for airline ticketing MUST BE IDENTICAL to that of the passport. (Abbreviations are not accepted) ESTA application – copy to Miss Duffy $14 charge  The link will be ed to all on the contact list and should be completed with a copy to school by Wednesday 11th January 2017 All liquids taken in hand luggage must be 100ml or less and fit in a clear bag 25cm2


18 SKI SCHOOL Groups will be taught by fully qualified instructors
Students will be split into groups based on ability Group sizes will be an average 12 students to one instructor We have organised 4 hours of ski school per day

19 Why Killington? Equity Ski
Excellent slopes for beginners and intermediates & advanced Excellent standard of service at ski schools. English Speaking A very high likelihood of snow. Wide, sunny nursery slopes. Equity Ski Attention to detail – Health & Safety for school groups. Indp Auditing Ski Instruction by qualified instructors Customer Service – Knowledge & Advice Booking Security -ABTA bonded & Pre-Travel Insurance Trained staff at resorts Long working relationship with Fogg Insurance Services

20 What makes a successful Ski Trip ?
Student co-operation and interest The accuracy and reliability of the provider Support from the School & The Staff Team Ideal weather conditions Support from interested parents Thank you for supporting Skiing at KSHSSA

Beginners will start learning on gentle nursery slopes, but will soon progress onto the green marked runs These runs are nice and wide and are ideal for perfecting your snowplough turns. Great for building confidence and technique

22 INTERMEDIATE SLOPES These are the blue marked runs on the trail map
The resort has a great selection of sweeping blues and challenging red runs for intermediate skiers to enjoy These slopes will help students improve their technique safely and in control

23 ADVANCED SLOPES These are the black runs marked on the piste map
Advanced skiers are able to explore what the mountain has to offer They will have the opportunity to fine tune their technique

24 Tallington Dry Ski Slope

25 Beginners Ski Lessons – Tallington
Tallington - Dry Ski Slope Lessons    Key Points :- * Leaving KSHSSA pm * Returning KSHSSA 7.00pm Students will need the following items :- A thick pair of gloves; essential on the slope. A thick pair of socks. - Loose comfortable clothing. - Several layers, including a fleece. (Not your best gear, you may fall over several times !) - A waterproof coat - A warm hat A change of clothing. ( change of trousers essential) Appropriate pack up for one meal. Tallington Leisure Park ( ) Barholm Road Tallington, Stamford Lincs. PE9 4RJ

26 Tallington November 8th or 17th
Please read this carefully.   Beginners Only Tallington November 8th or 17th Come to school in your usual uniform Change at lunch time Leave your lesson at 3.25pm (Your Teacher will be aware but it is courteous to remind them at the start of the lesson) Collect your bag and go straight to the minibus The minibus will be parked near the main exit Please be prompt, we must leave at 3.30pm We are expected back at KSHSSA at 7.00pm, assuming usual travel conditions A reminder of the kit list is on the previous sheet. See me before the day if you have any problems. Mr Green All participants must have submitted a medical details form . Contact mobile for the trip

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