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sUAS and High Spatial Resolution Mapping: Prospects and Issues

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Presentation on theme: "sUAS and High Spatial Resolution Mapping: Prospects and Issues"— Presentation transcript:

1 sUAS and High Spatial Resolution Mapping: Prospects and Issues
J.B. Sharma Department of Physics and The Institute for Applied Environmental Analysis University of North Georgia

2 Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS)
Weight less than 55 lbs Most suited for teaching, research, commercial, and numerous other types of applications Technology miniaturization allows powerful sensor deployment on sUAS Novel algorithms like Structure From Motion (SfM) allow for rapid image processing for orthophoto mosaics and 3D models FAA regulations are expected to simplify soon allowing for an emergence of a huge industry

3 The UNG sUAS Story Physics/Engineering has purchased an eBee Sensefly sUAS This will involve students primarily from but not limited to engineering, GIS/remote sensing Current legal environment permits ‘aeronautical’ test flights only with due diligence FAA is expected to clarify its rules by late summer 2016 It is expected that research/teaching flights over University property will be possible with minimal paperwork

4 eBee Specifications One of the lightest drones on the market 1.5 pounds. Wingspan: 38 inches Material: EPP foam and composite materials Propulsion: electric pusher propeller Data link: 2.4 GHz USB radio VIDEO

5 Runway 5 Approach

6 Gainesville Campus With Approach Path

7 Typical Flight Path

8 Oblique View

9 Command Bar

10 Generating a 3D Model

11 Oblique View of Camera Locations

12 3D Model

13 False Color Image








21 Difference between Aerial and UAS Point Cloud


23 Comparison of UAS derived DSM with Ground LiDAR DSM

24 Challenges of working with the eBee Images
RGB being 8bit while NIR is 12 bit Could not make nDSM from the DSM created by the eBee 1 inch per pixel creates such detail that over segmentation becomes a problem ‘Object Clutter’ resolved using morphological operations Data volumes can be very large for 3 cm imagery Geographic Object Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) automated feature extraction literacy is critical for large/repeated UAS operations

25 UNG-Oconee Land Cover Classification using eCognition

26 UNG Oconee Campus



29 Counting Trees

30 Counting Trees The evergreen coniferous trees can be ‘counted’ reasonably easily due to a definite cone shaped morphology that has a well defined maxima Deciduous trees are not easily countable as the tree crowns are not as easily seperable Where the deciduous crowns are seperable a local maxima is not easily identifiable More research needs to be done to resolve this problem The ‘Modifiable Unit Area Problem’ is related to the concept of a ‘meaningful’ object

31 Thermal Mapping

32 Energy Sustainability and Thermal Mapping
We are about to acquire a Thermal Camera for the eBee UAS Energy Audits of the University Facilities will be conducted Energy losses will be quantified along with developing a plan for limiting this losses A cost/benefit plan will also be developed 3D models can be converted to AutoCAD or other Engineering formats to allow numerical modeling of heat loss scenarios using MatLab or COMSOL

33 The ThermoMap Camera

34 Filing for a COA Very long process.. Especially the first time around
The first step is your University getting a letter of support from the Attorney General of your State Then, access to the FAA Online Portal is Granted COA then needs to be entered on the portal COA is very technical and needs an understanding of FAA regulations and terminology

35 UAS in Education and Workforce Development
As FAA regulations clarify by later this year this will open up multiple opportunities for education and research by Universities Students are very interested in learning to utilize this technology; it is a great recruiting tool for STEM disciplines The UAS sector has a lot of commercial applications and will develop into significant economic sector in the next few years Curriculum and courses need to be developed to meet this demand by both students and industry


37 Prospects… A very powerful tool for K12 and STEM outreach
Curricular integration into remote sensing and image processing courses including a standalone course in UAS applications The imperative for workforce development is urgent Novel miniaturized sensors include optical, radar, LiDAR and air/gas detection Emergence of a large economic sector of our economy that will greatly enable efficiencies and sustainability The future is looking up… and down…

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