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Presentation on theme: "Real Estate OBN REAL ESTATE OBN PITCH."— Presentation transcript:


2 Real Estate OBN Why a Real Estate OBN

3 Real Estate OBN Mission “to maintain and develop the existing network of students, alumni and affiliated professionals interested in the largest investment asset class”

4 Aims Real Estate OBN Share experiences and educate each other
Network with alumni Develop connections with the wider industry

5 How? Michealmas Term 2011 Real Estate OBN
Share skills among core students Educate the wider SBS student body Start connecting with alumni network (LinkedIn)

6 How? Hillary Term 2012 Real Estate OBN Company specific presentations
Larger career events (in collaboration with PE OBN) Alumni dinner (London)

7 How? Trinity Term 2012: Day conference Real Estate OBN
“RE & Infrastructure investment in developing countries” In collaboration with: PE OBN, SE OBN, Skoll Centre and OxHubs.

8 Key Performance Indicators
Real Estate OBN Key Performance Indicators Committee meetings: 2 formal per term 2 informal (pub) per term Include Prof. Andrew Baum (Reading?) and Alumni Chair Internal presentations: 2 in Michealmass 20 people attendance

9 Key Performance Indicators
Real Estate OBN Key Performance Indicators Alumni Network: Alumni Vice-Chair (LinkedIn management) 1 dinner in Hillary + 1 in Summer 5-10 alumni participants Alumni database Career events: 2 company presentations – 20 people each 1 larger career fair with PE OBN in Hillary

10 Key Performance Indicators
Real Estate OBN Key Performance Indicators RE in development conference : 2 Project Finance - HSBC, SC, IFC (?) 2 Private Equity RE – Actis, Blackstone SA, Ariya 1 Large developers (??) 1 Keynote speaker from political sphere (??) Networking reception & dinner Trinity to coincide with RE dinner

11 Budget Total = £1700 Real Estate OBN Michaelmas Hillary Trinity Total
N/A Presentations 2x150 Career Ev. 1x200 Dinner Sub 300 Conference 1000 Total = £1700

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