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2017 WVASFAA Spring Conference

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1 2017 WVASFAA Spring Conference
Financial Aid Basics 2017 WVASFAA Spring Conference Danielle M. Duvall Shepherd University

2 Application Process Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
College Applications Scholarship Applications Loan Applications

3 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
A standard form that collects demographic and financial information about the student and family May be filed electronically, by phone, or by using a paper form Available in English and Spanish May be filed at any time during an academic year, but no earlier than October 1st prior to the academic year for which the student requests aid FAFSA on the Web Worksheet is available

4 FAFSA on the Web Log-in using FSA ID
Replaced Federal PIN in 2015 Both student and parent (if dependent student) must have their own FSA ID to sign FAFSA Good reasons to file electronically Built-in edits to prevent costly errors Skip-logic allows students and/or parent to skip unnecessary questions Option to use Internal Revenue Service’s Data Retrieval Tool

5 IRS Data Retrieval Tool
Only available if using FAFSA on the web; applicant may submit real-time request to IRS for tax data IRS will authenticate taxpayer’s identity IRS sends real-time results to applicant in new browser window Applicant then chooses whether or not to transfer data to FAFSA Some will not be able to use Data Retrieval Tool Amended Tax Returns Married, Filing Separate Tax Returns Problem with Social Security Number

6 IRS Data Retrieval Tool is Currently Unavailable
IRS and ED statements about the IRS Data Retrieval Tool: March 10, 2017 The IRS Data Retrieval Tool on and is currently unavailable. We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. However, at this time, the IRS anticipates the online data tool will be unavailable for several weeks. March 30, 2017 To protect sensitive taxpayer data, the IRS and FSA announced today the Data Retrieval Tool on and will be unavailable until extra security protections can be added. While we are working to resolve these issues as quickly as possible, students and families should plan for the tool to be offline until the start of the next FAFSA season.

7 Verification Approximately a third of all financial aid applicants are selected for a review called verification Institutions must collect documentation to verify Identity Household Size Taxable & Untaxable Income Student’s file will remain incomplete and no federal or state aid will be awarded until the verification process is finalized May result in a correction being made to student’s FAFSA by institution New in If the student is selected for verification and did not file a tax return, they must submit a Letter of Non-filing obtainable from the IRS

8 Dependency Override Financial aid administrators have the authority to make a dependent student independent in certain cases. Some examples include but are not limited to: Parental abuse Parental abandonment The institution will: Request documentation Review each situation on a case by case basis Professional judgment decisions are final and cannot be appealed Student must present evidence of situation from a third party with knowledge of the family situation Teacher Social Worker Member of Clergy Court Law Enforcement

9 Special Circumstances
A special circumstance appeal may be submitted to the institution if the student or student’s family has experienced an unusual circumstance that cannot be reported on the FAFSA. Some examples include: Change in employment status Unusual medical expenses not covered by insurance Change in parent marital status Unusual dependent care expenses Student cannot obtain parent information The institution will: Request documentation Review each situation on a case by case basis Professional judgment decisions are final and cannot be appealed

10 Financial Need COA EFC Need

11 Expected Family Contribution
The EFC is a measure of how much the student and his or her family can be expected to contribute to the cost of the student’s education for the year. Remains the same regardless of institution Calculated using data from the FAFSA along with a federal formula Made up of two major components Parent Contribution Student Contribution

12 Cost of Attendance Can vary widely from one institution to another
An estimate of a student’s educational expenses for a period of enrollment. Can vary widely from one institution to another Direct and indirect costs combine to create total Cost of Attendance Direct Costs Tuition & Fees Room & Board (on campus) Indirect Costs Books & Supplies Transportation Personal Expenses Room & Meals (off campus)

13 Sources of Financial Aid
Federal State Institutional Private

14 Types of Financial Aid Gift Aid Self-Help Aid
Financial aid is funding provided to students and families to help pay for postsecondary educational expenses. Gift Aid Scholarships Grants Self-Help Aid Employment Loans

15 Scholarships PROMISE Institutional Scholarships Private Scholarships
Merit-based scholarship for West Virginia residents Annual awards of up to $4,750 Application and FAFSA due March 1st for first-time applicants Must have a 3.0 GPA in core classes and overall Renewable at 2.75 GPA for Freshmen and 3.0 GPA for Sophomores and above who complete 30 credits per academic year Institutional Scholarships Usually evaluated based on High School GPA and admissions test scores evaluated with admissions application Departmental waivers/scholarships based on merit Athletic scholarships Private Scholarships Based on merit, skill, or unique characteristic Apply for with individual organizations and companies

16 Grants Federal Pell Grant West Virginia Higher Education Grant
Awarded to eligible undergraduate students pursuing a first baccalaureate degree Actual award amount based on EFC and enrollment status Maximum award for is $5,815 Maximum award for is $5,920 West Virginia Higher Education Grant Need-based grant for West Virginia residents Must file FAFSA by April 15 (May 1st for ) Must have 2.0 GPA and complete 24 hours each academic year Award is $2,700 for EFC up to $5,234 and $2,300 for EFC from $5,235 to $10,000

17 Employment Federal Work Study Student Employment FAFSA required
Funding is limited so many schools will impose FAFSA deadlines Student must demonstrate financial need Student Employment Many institutions offer a non-Federal Work Study option for students who don’t qualify for Federal Work Study but could still benefit from a student friendly job to help cover educational and personal expenses May or may not be included in award package

18 Federal Loans Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
Six month grace period once student graduates or falls below half-time enrollment Subsidized does not accrue interest while student is enrolled at least half-time; unsubsidized does Undergraduate: 3.76% Fixed (May change July 1, 2017) Graduate: 5.31% Fixed (May change July 1, 2017) Must complete Entrance Counseling and sign MPN Year In School Annual Eligibility – Dependent Annual Eligibility - Independent Freshman $3,500 sub/$2,000 unsub $3,500 sub/$6,000 unsub Sophomore $4,500 sub/$2,000 unsub $4,500 sub/$6,000 unsub Junior $5,500 sub/$2,000 unsub $5,500 sub/$7,000 unsub Senior+ Undergraduate Aggregate Limit: $31,000 ($23,000 sub) $57,500 ($23,000 sub) Graduate Student Not Eligible $20,500 unsub Graduate Aggregate Limit: N/A $138,500 unsub

19 Federal Loans – continued
Direct Parent PLUS Loan Parent may apply at Subject to credit check May borrow up to full cost of attendance If parent is denied credit and does not seek endorser additional unsubsidized loan eligibility available for student $4,000 for Freshmen & Sophomores $5,000 for Juniors & Seniors+ Current interest rate is 6.31% fixed May change July 1, 2017

20 Private Loans Students may apply for non-federal educational loans through private banks and lenders Some lenders have parent loan options Private loans are subject to credit check Many require a cosigner Students should maximize their federal loan options before seeking a private loan

21 Financial Aid Counselor
Questions?! Danielle M. Duvall Financial Aid Counselor Shepherd University

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