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SCCP User Adaptation Layer

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1 SCCP User Adaptation Layer
47th IETF Meeting: Adelaide, Australia draft-loughney-sigtran-sua-00.txt John A. Loughney

2 Why SCCP-users can run over IP.
There are existing, proprietary solutions (i.e. - TCAP over IP). All IP 3G Networks are currently in development, which use application protocols over SCCP, but IP for transport. Point-to-point and via Signaling Gateways. Simplifies the protocol stack.

3 How Keep SCCP-User lower interface intact. Allow protocol options.
Connection-less & connection oriented, etc. Transfer SCCP-User messages over SCTP/IP. CAP/TCAP, MAP/TCAP, RANAP, etc. Allow flexible protocol & architectural implementation. Support for distributed IP-based signaling nodes. Inter-work with legacy SS7 networks.

4 General Architecture Protocol Stack
******** SS7 *************** IP ******** * SEP * * * * * * or * * SG * * ASP * * STP * * * * * ******** *************** ******** | AP | | AP | | SCCP | | SCCP | SUA | | SUA | | MTP3 | | MTP3 | | | | | SCTP | | SCTP | | MTP2 | | MTP2 | | | | | L1 | | L1 | IP | | IP | | | | |

5 General Architecture Example
AS3 ASP3 ASP1 ASP2 Signaling Gateway AS1 AS2 ASP1 ASP2 SCTP Associations SS7 Network AS4 ASP1 ASP2 Note: The Signaling Gateway may be realized as a cluster. Application Servers may be distributed as well.

6 All-IP Architecture Protocol Stack
* * * * * AS * * AS * *(ASP) * *(ASP) * ******** ******** | AP | | AP | | SUA | | SUA | | SCTP | | SCTP | | IP | | IP | | |

7 All-IP Architecture Example

8 Messages Data Transfer Messages Connection Messages
Data Transfer (DATRA) Data Acknowledge (DAACK) Connection Messages connection request (CONRE) connection acknowledge (CONAK) release request (RELRE) release complete (RELCO) reset confirm (RESCO) reset request (RESRE) Application Server Process Maintenance (ASPM) Messages ASP Up (ASPUP) ASP Down (ASPDN) ASP Active (ASPAC) ASP Inactive (ASPIA) ASP Takeover (ASPTO) Notify (NTFY) No Active ASP (NAASP) SUA Management Messages Error (ERR) Audit (AUD) Stream Configuration (SCO) Stream Configuration Acknowledge (SCA) SS7 Signaling Network Management (SSNM) Messages Destination Unavailable (DUNA) Destination Available (DAVA) Destination State Audit (DAUD) SS7 Network Congestion State (SCON) Destination User Part Unavailable (DUPU) Other Vendor-Specific Message (VEND)

9 To Do Improve all-IP architecture. Administrative resources for AS.
Avoid dual client & server ASP. Specify in a more detailed way which protocols features are mandatory and those that are optional. Add more use cases & examples. Rework management messages. Application Server Process Maintenance Messages. SS7 Management Messages Approve draft for WG status (yes / no)?

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