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Infrared Spectroscopy of the H2/D2-O2 van der Waals Complexes

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1 Infrared Spectroscopy of the H2/D2-O2 van der Waals Complexes
Hayley Bunn & Paul Raston Infrared Spectroscopy of the H2/D2-O2 van der Waals Complexes The 71st International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy June 2016, Champaign-Urbana

2 Past work H2 has a quadrupole and Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) spectra (H2)2 and (D2)2 A. Watanabe and H. L. Welsh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13, 810 (1964) O2 observed in ISM in 2007 (in ρ Opiuchi cloud) B. Larsson, et al., A & A 466, 99 (2007) Low energy scattering experiments of H2-O2 S. Chefdeville, et al. Science. 341, 1095 (2013) Theoretical H2-O2 – 5 rotationally bound states Y. Kalugina et. al. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, (2012) H2-N2 A.R.W. McKellar, J. Chem. Phys. 93, 18 (1999) University of Adelaide

3 Past work H2 has a quadrupole and Collision Induced Absorption (CIA) spectra (H2)2 and (D2)2 A. Watanabe and H. L. Welsh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13, 810 (1964) O2 observed in ISM in 2007 (in ρ Opiuchi cloud) B. Larsson, et al., A & A 466, 99 (2007) Low energy scattering experiments of H2-O2 S. Chefdeville, et al. Science. 341, 1095 (2013) Theoretical H2-O2 – 5 rotationally bound states Y. Kalugina et. al. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, (2012) H2-N2 A.R.W. McKellar, J. Chem. Phys. 93, 18 (1999) University of Adelaide

4 Infrared spectra of H2-N2 A. R. W. McKellar
A.R.W. McKellar, J. Chem. Phys. 93, 18 (1999) University of Adelaide

5 Far IR of H2-O2 S(0) S(1) University of Adelaide

6 Far IR of H2-O2 Selection rules for quadrupole-induced dipole moment transitions are Dl = ±1, ±3 (Dl = ±1 for dipole induced), allowing for P (Dl = -1), R (Dl = +1), N (Dl = -3), and T (Dl = +3) branches University of Adelaide

7 Far IR of H2-O2 University of Adelaide

8 Experimental University of Adelaide

9 Experimental University of Adelaide

10 Radiation Synchrotron Source Globar Source University of Adelaide

11 Mid IR H2-O2 University of Adelaide

12 Mid IR H2-O2 Transition S1(0) S1(1) N(7) 4-7 4477.94(0) 4692.62(26)
3-6 (5) (0) N(5) 2-5 (36) (45) N(4) 1-4 (45) (27) T(1) 4-1 (2) (16)* T(2) 5-2 (61) (6)* T(3) 6-3 (21) (1) T(4) 7-4 (1) (2) T(5) 8-5 (7)* (3) University of Adelaide

13 Mid IR H2-O2 University of Adelaide

14 Far IR D2O2 University of Adelaide

15 Far IR D2O2 T N P R T N R P University of Adelaide

16 Summary/Conclusion Far IR of H2O2 Push limits of Mid IR of H2O2
Tried D2O2 H. Bunn, T. Bennett, A. Karaylian, P. L. Raston, ApJ 799, 65 (2015) University of Adelaide

17 Acknowledgements Paul Raston (supervisor) Greg Metha (supervisor)
Greg Metha’s group Dom Appadoo Andy Wong University of Adelaide

18 - - - - - - - - Extra stuff + + + + + + + +
The leading electrostatic contributions originate from the leading multipoles in H2, N2, and O2 (i.e. quadrupole). The most favourable arrangement for the pairs of opposite quadrupoles is: - + - - + + + - - + - - + + - + University of Adelaide

19 Mid IR Q branch assignment
Transition Q1(0) * P(7) 6-7 P(6) 5-6 P(5) 4-5 4148.9 P(4) 3-4 ** P(3) 2-3 ** P(2) 1-2 ** (others?) R(1) 2-1 ** R(2) 3-2 ** R(3) 4-3 ** R(4 or 5?) * R(0)?? Extremely Tentative University of Adelaide

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