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Cyber Security in the Water Sector

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1 Cyber Security in the Water Sector
Author: Brandon Khoury Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lingfeng Wang Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

2 Research Objectives Highlight importance of cyber security in water sector Review historical progression Intrusion path analysis Means of risk mitigation and assessment

3 Background Vital to the daily function of the general population
Small amount of water plants provide service to over three quarters of U.S. population [1] Industry mission sight includes reliable and affordable water services

4 Background cont. Industrial automation technology Components
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) networks Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Components Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Human Machine Interface (HMI) Server/Client communication protocol Network connectivity

5 Sensor/Telemetry Site Growth vs. Time
Background cont. Sensor/Telemetry Site Growth vs. Time Source: See references [5]

6 Methodology Open ended methodology Deductive Inductive
General sources/inquires lead to more specifically focused research Inductive Specific technological factor leads to hypothesis on general vulnerability Confirm with research Synthesis of data – intrusion path analysis

7 Theoretical Intrusion Path

8 Intrusion Path cont. Denial of Service (DoS) scenario
Affects integrity (ability to function correctly and detect error/malicious activity) of system components [4] Capitalizes on water sector and SCADA weaknesses Lack of resources for incident detection Intrinsically archaic network architectures Complex hacking code and lack of anti-virus software Un-encrypted communication protocol, MODBUS for example

9 Risk Mitigation Technical: Process/Organizational:
Multi-Factor Authentication Virus protection software/intrusion detection Transaction logging (MODBUS) [2] Network segmentation Process/Organizational: Maintain IT staff Risk mitigation goals Performance metrics [5] Response/disaster recovery plan [3]

10 Example of simple network segmentation architecture
Risk Mitigation cont. Example of simple network segmentation architecture

11 Conclusion Why is this important?
Water industry designed without security as a primary concern Technological advances put sector even more at risk An attack could endanger public health Inhibit primary industrial functions that required water Upgrading to adequate security is a large task Time, Money, Manpower Constant quality control

12 Questions Questions? Thank you!

13 References [1] C. Copeland and B. Cody, “Terrorism and Security Issues Facing the Water Infrastructure Sector,” Congr. Res. Serv. Rep., pp. 1–6, 2010. [2] E. J. Byres, M. Franz, and D. Miller, “The Use of Attack Trees in Assessing Vulnerabilities in SCADA Systems.” [3] S. Panguluri, W. Phillips, and P. Ellis, “Cyber Security: Protecting Water and Wastewater Infrastructure,” Handb. Water Wastewater Syst. Prot., pp. 285–318, [4] S. Amin, X. Litrico, S. Sastry, and A. M. Bayen, “Cyber Security of Water SCADA Systems—Part I: Analysis and Experimentation of Stealthy Deception Attacks,” pp. 1–8, [5] Water Sector Coordinating Council Cyber Security Working Group, “Roadmap to Secure Control Systems in the Water Sector,” pp.5–37, 2008.

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