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This is a Photograph of Me

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1 This is a Photograph of Me
Rachael Harrison

2 It was taken some time ago.
At first it seems to be a smeared print:

3 blurred lines and grey flecks blended in with the paper;

4 Then, as you scan it, you see in the left hand corner a thing that is like a branch: part of a tree (balsam or spruce)

5 Emerging and, to the right, halfway up what ought to be a gentle slope, a small frame house.

6 In the background there is a lake, and beyond that, some low hills.

7 (The photograph was taken the day after I drowned.

8 I am in the lake, in the centre of the picture, just under the surface.

9 It is difficult to say where precisely, or to say how large or small I am: the effect of water on light is a distortion

10 but if you look long enough…

11 Eventually

12 You will be able to see me.)

13 Poem Analysis paragraph
The poem “this is a photograph of me” is a free verse poem, written by Margaret Atwood. This poem utilizes aspects of nature which are observed in the photograph to symbolize the dominance of men over women in our oppressive society. The poem begins with a woman describing a blurry landscape photograph with a house, a lake, and a tree branch with some small hills in the background. The first few pictures used in my presentation are related to the scenic imagery she expresses in the poem. The woman in the poem then seems as if she is viewing the photo for the first time as she beings to point out significant aspects that have been distorted or overexposed to the elements. During the second half of the poem she reveals to the readers that the photo had in fact been taken shortly after the women had drowned in the lake that was described in the photo. A few pictures that were used were a distorted picture of a woman, and also a woman in a lake to represent the woman who had drowned and was speaking. She then informs the reader that if they look closely enough they will see her submerged slightly beneath the middle of the lakes surface. A picture resembling the lady of the lake was used in the presentation to help showcase the woman, but also to help represent a woman’s power. Atwood incorporated symbols within the poem which are perceived in the blurriness of the photo, the tree branch, the slope, the house, the lake, and the reflection from off of the lake. Each of these symbols have a direct or indirect meaning to how female oppression was and still is a concern within today’s society. The first minor symbol within the poem is the distortion of the lake, this represents the negative labels that are put onto women, which society does not look past to see what the real essence and importance of a woman is. The gentle slope, represents the challenges women have in overcoming female prejudice, but in actuality these challenges should be effortless but instead are a strenuous climb. The small frame of the house, symbolizes women as a whole and women’s place in society. The emerging tree branch, signifies the many problems or difficulties behind the unfair treatment of women. The major symbol within this poem is the women under the water, she symbolizes a women’s spirit and voice which is being veiled. The water veiling this woman symbolizes that the voice of a man which covers that the voice of a woman, as women is physically smaller than a man and is thought be less knowledgeable then one who is a man. Another symbol the water represents within the poem is the strong sense of femininity, which symbolizes the water as a gift from the womb of Mother Nature, as natural lakes are formed from flowing springs. And lastly the big picture, the photograph itself, is a black and white photo which is suggested as it has a blurry complexion and contains grey flecks. Overall this represents the time in history when prejudice against women was astoundingly prevalent. The main theme that this poem portrays to me is that feminine power is ready to be born into a world where gender equality is thriving.

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