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My film will be called agent 7- working title

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1 My film will be called agent 7- working title
Tagline (history can be rewrote) goes down the lines of we are able to rewrite history with the use of time travel

2 Basic idea We follow the life of a group on gang members and a agent from the future. ( allow me to show two different perspectives of the story) The gang members cause distress and death to get what they want. But an agency in the future is contracted to take them out and bring back the leader to preform a gene wipe-out. This means they take the DNA and genes from an individual and remove any tracking of that throughout history. The agent who's job it is to take the group members out finds himself warming to life on earth and emotions and feelings arise which is said to be removed during the cloning period of the agency. No body to take back to his world and his emotions and feelings being aware off by the agency, he finds them to be on his case

3 Target audience My target audience will be an 18+ audience , preferably males. Who enjoy sci-fi and action. I've chosen this audience to ensure I am able to carry out the vision of being able to add violence.

4 Act 1- will see a group of gangs members who set out to kill and influential individual who are under attack from an agent from the future who's contracted to get judgement We follow their journey after killing the individual and what they plan to do next. But within act 1 we see an agency 140 years in the future preparing to recall upon that murder. Act2 – the agent finds out he is from a cloned species where he's been bread to kill. He becomes unstable throughout this act. When he finally comes face to face with the gang members we see a huge battle which lasts throughout act 2 Act 3 will show the gang member coming face to face with the agent and the agent will finally bring justice. Unhappy with his life in the future he takes of his mask reviling his identity and kills himself creating a dramatic end

5 Climax Exposition Resolution
Agent kills leader+ Members Rising action Agent comes to terms with what he's done out of rage. Awaits his fait The agent coming Face to face with Gang members Falling action Exposition The agency removes the agent Agent is called Out to kill gang Members Resolution

6 Characters Agent 7 An omnipotent being from the third world with unbelievable strength and characteristic. He is a part of a cloning programme which has taken part in the future in the aim to create the perfect bounty hunters for the agency. Although He is unlike the other clones he is able to feel emotions and feelings. He will play a hero/villian role where the audience will find it hard to choose a side he is on.

7 Gang leaders and memebers
All the gang members are very much just a target for the agent the go after in the film as he will be the main interest of the audience. I will create other gang members to ensure it looks like a dense gang with the use of sfx and chrome keying. I will touch upon this later

8 USP The story line is very much unqiue and action packed.
It is different from anything else as the audience will find it hard to like a certain character because there will be no known hero style character in the film.

9 locations I've chosen these two locations because they will help to ensure that I give of the look that it is an un-urbanised area. This will ensure that we don’t disturb the public I've also chosen them because they are remote and easy to get to, ensuring we can get as much filming done.

10 when I would have started preproduction on the 28th of January and finish by the 6th February I want to begin filming by the 6th of February and go on through till the beginning of march to ensure I have plenty of time to edit my film. My editing stage is crucial to the success off the film

11 Editing As I touched upon before the editing stage is very crucial and will ensure my film is successful. I said I wanted to add more gang members with the use of visual effects. I will use chrome key techniques along with motion tracking to ensure I pull of this effect. It will be done in software such as after effects and song vegs

12 Budgeting I plan to use the canon 5D as ,as a group of 3 we have extensive knowledge of how to use this camera and what internal settings will achieve the best effect possible. The grace tripod system is also an essential stability within the frame of shots. The go pro will help us to pull of the first person view shots And the zoom digital recorded will ensure dialogue is captured in high quality

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