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6-Axis OIS IMUs: InvenSense IMU in iPhone 7 Plus and STMicroelectronics LSM6DSM Complete reports and comparison of the latest generation of inertial measurement.

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Presentation on theme: "6-Axis OIS IMUs: InvenSense IMU in iPhone 7 Plus and STMicroelectronics LSM6DSM Complete reports and comparison of the latest generation of inertial measurement."— Presentation transcript:

1 6-Axis OIS IMUs: InvenSense IMU in iPhone 7 Plus and STMicroelectronics LSM6DSM
Complete reports and comparison of the latest generation of inertial measurement units for consumer optical image stabilization applications Inertial measurement units (IMUs) for optical image stabilization (OIS) are a new technology adopted by the main suppliers of high-end smartphones. Two main companies produce them: InvenSense and STMicroelectronics, both of whom have developed a new generation of IMU dedicated to OIS, which goes on smartphones’ motherboards. InvenSense’s latest customized version can be found in the iPhone 7 Plus, as usual. Title: 6-Axis OIS IMU Pages: 300 ( ) Date: December 2016 Format: PDF & Excel file Prices: - EUR 3,290 each - EUR 5,500 bundle of 2 reports + detailed comparison The 6-axis IMUs are located on the motherboards of high-end smartphones and other consumer products, which constrains their size, and more importantly their power consumption. Until recently, the main trend for OIS was to integrate a 2-axis gyro in the camera module in addition to the IMU located on the main board. But now, there is a new trend towards offering a complete mainboard IMU featuring the OIS function, and so both InvenSense and STMicroelectronics have released devices that do this. InvenSense has been the first to integrate its OIS IMU device in an actual consumer product, with a custom version for the Apple iPhone 6. In the iPhone 7 Plus, Apple uses a new custom version of the InvenSense ICM in a 3x3mm 16-pin package compared to a 2.5x3mm 14-pin package. STMicroelectronics has released the LSM6DSM, providing a smaller device with a footprint of 2.5x3mm. The LSM6DSM aimed to replace the former combination of the IMU LSM6DS3 and the 2-Axis gyro L2G2IS. Ultimately, both players can offer very low cost OIS IMUs thanks to die size reduction and process optimization. Both analyzed IMUs are a combined 6-axis X, Y, Z accelerometer and gyroscope. System Plus Consulting has analyzed the devices in two reports, which can be purchased separately or together in order to compare the technology and pricing of the main smartphone OIS IMUs, including the previous generations. The bundle features a complete comparison with technical choices, performance studies and cost estimations. It will show the differences, highlighting which is the leading-edge company in accelerometer and gyroscope design. COMPLETE TEARDOWN WITH: Detailed photos Precise measurements Materials analysis Manufacturing process flow Supply chain evaluation Manufacturing cost analysis Estimated sales price Comparison between STMicroelectronics and InvenSense OIS IMU Comparison between devices in STMicroelectronics’ IMU portfolio Comparison with InvenSense’s previous custom IMU in Apple’s iPhone 6S

TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview/Introduction Company Profile and Supply Chain Physical Analysis Package Package views and dimensions Package opening Package cross-section ASIC Die View, dimensions, and marking Delayering and process Cross-section MEMS Die Cap removed Sensing area Cross-sections of sensor, cap, sealing Manufacturing Process Flow ASIC Front-End Process ASIC wafer fabrication unit MEMS process flow MEMS wafer fabrication unit Packaging process flow Package assembly unit Cost Analysis Yields Hypotheses ASIC Front-End Cost ASIC Back-End 0: Probe Test and Dicing ASIC Wafer and Die Cost MEMS Front-End Cost MEMS Back-End 0: Probe Test and Dicing MEMS Front-End Cost per Process Steps MEMS Wafer and Die Cost Back-End - Packaging Cost Back-End - Packaging Cost per Process Steps Back-End - Final Test Cost IMU Component Cost Estimated Price Analysis Comparison with InvenSense IMU MP67B and Sensor Hub ICM-30360 Comparison with STMicroelectronics LSM6DS3 and LSM6DSL AUTHORS: Stéphane Elisabeth Stéphane has a deep knowledge of materials characterizations and electronics systems. He holds an Engineering Degree in Electronics and Numerical Technology, and a PhD in Materials for Micro-electronics. Véronique Le Troadec (Lab) Véronique is in charge of stru- Author (Lab): Véronique Le Troadec cture analysis of semi-conductors. She has a deep knowledge in chemical & physical technical analyses. She previously worked for 20 years in Atmel Nantes Laboratory. Véronique is in charge of structure analysis of semi-conductors. She has a deep knowledge in chemical & physical technical analyses. She previously worked for 20 years in Atmel Nantes Laboratory. ANALYSIS PERFORMED WITH OUR COSTING TOOLS MEMS COSIM+ AND IC PRICE+ System Plus Consulting offers powerful costing tools to evaluate the production cost & selling price from single chip to complex structures. MEMS Cosim+ Cost simulation tool to evaluate the cost of any MEMS process or device: From single chip to complex structures. IC Price+ The tool performs the necessary cost simulation of any Integrated Circuit: ASICs, microcontrollers, DSP, memories, smartpower… IC Price+ MEMS CoSim+ Performed by

RELATED REPORTS 2‐Axis Gyroscopes for Optical Image Stabilization: STMicroelectronics L2G2IS and InvenSense IDG‐2030 InvenSense ICM-30630 Tri-Core 6-Axis Sensor Hub BOSCH Sensortec BMF055 Cortex M0+ 9-Axis Sensor Hub in SiP Complete reports and comparison of the latest generation products for smartphones from the leading optical image stabilization gyro players. World’s first tri-core 6-axis motion tracking solution with integrated sensor-hub framework software. Industry’s first Custom-Programmable System-in-Package 9-Axis Motion Sensor. Pages: 192 ( ) Date: November 2016 Full report: EUR 3,290* Bundle of 2 reports: EUR 5,500* Pages: 153 Date: April 2016 Full report: EUR 3,490* Pages: 246 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Each year System Plus Consulting releases a comprehensive collection of new reverse engineering & costing analyses in various domains. You can choose to buy over 12 months a set of 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 or 15 Reverse Costing® reports. Up to 47% discount! More than 40 reports released each year on the following topics (considered for 2016): MEMS & Sensors (20 reports): Gyros/Accelerometers/IMU Oscillators/RF switches Pressure sensors/Gas sensors Power Electronics & Systems (12 reports): GaN and SiC devices Inverters & modules Automotive radars Head Up displays, Displays ICs (3 reports): Multimedia SoC Ethernet for car IC, etc. Imaging & LEDs (11 reports): Camera modules, Infrared sensors & cameras LEDs Advanced Packaging (5 reports): WLP, TSV Embedded devices, etc. Performed by

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ORDER FORM Please process my order for “6-Axis OIS IMU” Reverse Costing Reports Ref.: SP16291 InvenSense 6-Axis OIS IMU in iPhone 7 Plus EUR 3,290* STMicroelectronics LSM6DSM 6-Axis OIS IMU EUR 3,290* Bundle of 2 reports + detailed analysis EUR 5,500* Annual Subscription (including this report as the first of the year): Ref.: SP16297 3 reports EUR 8 400* 4 reports EUR * 5 reports EUR * 7 reports EUR * 10 reports EUR * 15 reports EUR * *For price in dollars please use the day’s exchange rate *All reports are delivered electronically in pdf format *For French customer, add 20 % for VAT *Our prices are subject to change. Please check our new releases and price changes on The present document is valid 6 months after its publishing date: December 2016 SHIP TO PAYMENT Name (Mr/Ms/Dr/Pr): Job Title: Company: Address: City: State: Postcode/Zip: Country: VAT ID Number for EU members: Tel:   Date: Signature: DELIVERY on receipt of payment: By credit card: Number: |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| Expiration date: |__|__|/|__|__| Card Verification Value: |__|__|__| By bank transfer: HSBC - CAE- Le Terminal -2 rue du Charron St Herblain France BIC code: CCFRFRPP In EUR Bank code : Branch code : Account : IBAN: FR In USD Bank code : Branch code : Account : IBAN: FR Return order by: FAX: MAIL: SYSTEM PLUS CONSULTING rue La Nouë Bras de Fer 44200 Nantes – France Contact: TEL: BILLING CONTACT First Name: Last Name: Phone: ABOUT SYSTEM PLUS CONSULTING System Plus Consulting is specialized in the cost analysis of electronics from semiconductor devices to electronic systems. A complete range of services and costing tools to provide in-depth production cost studies and to estimate the objective selling price of a product is available. Our services: TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS - COSTING SERVICES - COSTING TOOLS - TRAININGS - Performed by

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Reports are established in PowerPoint and delivered on a PDF format and the database may include Excel files. “Seller”: Based in Lyon (France headquarters), Yole Développement is a market research and business development consultancy company, facilitating market access for advanced technology industrial projects. With more than 20 market analysts, Yole works worldwide with the key industrial companies, R&D institutes and investors to help them understand the markets and technology trends. Scope The Contracting Parties undertake to observe the following general conditions when agreed by the Buyer and the Seller. ANY ADDITIONAL, DIFFERENT, OR CONFLICTING TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY THE BUYER AT ANY TIME ARE HEREBY OBJECTED TO BY THE SELLER, SHALL BE WHOLLY INAPPLICABLE TO ANY SALE MADE HEREUNDER AND SHALL NOT BE BINDING IN ANY WAY ON THE SELLER. 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The Seller reserves the right to check from time to time the correct use of this password. In the case of a multisite, multi license, only the employee of the buyer can access the report or the employee of the companies in which the buyer have 100% shares. As a matter of fact the investor of a company, the joint venture done with a third party etc..cannot access the report and should pay a full license price. Termination 7.1 If the Buyer cancels the order in whole or in part or postpones the date of mailing, the Buyer shall indemnify the Seller for the entire costs that have been incurred as at the date of notification by the Buyer of such delay or cancellation. 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The Seller may, from time to time, update these Terms and Conditions and the Buyer, is deemed to have accepted the latest version of these terms and conditions, provided they have been communicated to him in due time. Governing law and jurisdiction 9.1 Any dispute arising out or linked to these Terms and Conditions or to any contract (orders) entered into in application of these Terms and Conditions shall be settled by the French Commercial Courts of Lyon, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction upon such issues. 9.2 French law shall govern the relation between the Buyer and the Seller, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Distributed by Performed by

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