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Practice-Based Research Paper Conference

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1 Practice-Based Research Paper Conference Presenter: Minahil Akhtar MSW Alumna, 2016

2 PRP title: “This Indian dance is so cool”: Identifying and analyzing racialized discourses in music videos Research question: How is the notion of the Other discursively produced in and promoted through 21st century western music videos?

3 Theoretical Framework
-Post-structuralism- post-colonial movements critical race scholarship whiteness studies

4 Methodological Framework
-Foucauldian informed Discourse Analysis- To examine the creation of knowledge, power and subject-formation through music videos To challenge notions that “value one way of talking about reality over others” To problematize the manner in which texts themselves have been created, reproduced and ordered speaking of their social and historical positioning

5 Data Set 8 music videos: Oldest video was released in 2011
Most recent video was released in early 2016 Dark Horse by Katy Perry, Lean On by Major Lazer ft. Dj Snake, Bounce by Iggy Azalea, Looking Hot by No Doubt, Princess of China by Coldplay and Rihanna, and Hello Kitty by Avril Lavigne, Burqa by Lady Gaga and Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay and Beyonce

6 Analysis & Research Findings
Synthesis of the data revealed 4 broad discursive themes: -chaos (Others are depicted as lost and confused) -slavery (white masters and cultural Others as slaves, dichotomies) -lack of autonomy (loss of free will, choices, and varieties) -danger (racialized bodies are portrayed as wild, disobedient and primitive)

7 Analysis & Research Findings
All of the videos produced binaries and differences with a specific focus on the lauding of one race over another The white liberal subjects present in the videos are shown as kind, noble, possessors of humanistic features and culturally adaptable Others are depicted as savages, unclean, sub-human and culturally wild The Other body is mystified and appropriated to best fit the white song artists and overall western consumers

8 Concluding Thoughts The very construction of racial binaries can be understood as a way of exercising control and power over subjects Portrayals of identities are lacking and incomplete The music videos strive to exalt liberal white subjects while denigrating racialized Others


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