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The Assassination and Murder of John F. Kennedy November 22nd, 1963


THE PLAYERS, THE EVIDENCE, THE TIMELINE PRESENTED BY : Don Gillson and Charlotte Charlotte Crowell

4 John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy
35th President of the United States Served from 1961 until his assassination in 1963


6 The Time Line of Events 11: 00:00 am Air Force One leaves Carswell AFB Fort Worth, Texas to Love Field Airport in Dallas, Texas 11: 21:00 am President John F. Kennedy; along with his wife arrive at Love Field and head to Dealey Plaza in Downtown Dallas

7 President comes to Dallas with three basic goals in mind
Help raise more Democratic Party presidential campaign fund contributions Begin his quest for re-election in November 1964; and, Help mend political fences among several leading Texas Democratic Party members who appeared to be fighting politically amongst themselves.

8 President’s Schedule while in Dallas.
The motorcade was scheduled to enter Dealey Plaza at 12:25 p.m., followed by A 12:30 p.m. arrival at the Dallas Business and Trade Mart Where President Kennedy would deliver a speech and share in a steak luncheon with Dallas government, business, religious, and civic leaders and their spouses. Running a bit behind.

9 Motorcade consisted of 6 vehicles; 1961 SS 100X Lincoln Continental
Including the 1961 SS 100X Lincoln Continental transporting: Special Agent Bill Greer (driver) Special Agent Roy Kellerman (right front), First Lady to Governor Nellie Connally (left middle) Texas Governor John Connally (right middle) First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy (left rear) President John F. Kennedy (right rear)

10 12:29:00 pm Presidental Limousine enters Dealey Plaza

11 12:30:00 pm President Kennedy’s Limo approaches the Texas School Book Depository A line of vehicles passes through Main Street, the President and his wife in the front car The car turned right and headed for the Texas School Book Depository, traveling at about 18-20mph. In the window at the eastern end of the sixth floor sat Lee Harvey Oswald, rifle at the ready.


13 Secret Service, Dallas Police, The President’s Motorcade unaware there was a man with a gun on the 6th floor of School Book Depository Some witnesses in the crowd see man with gun on sixth floor of Book Depository At the Book Depository the car turned left and began to travel away from Oswald.

14 12:30:45 pm Oswald fires the first shot through a gap in a tree, and missed as limousine makes turn on Houston onto Elm street. The bullet shot across the Plaza and hit the bridge, Oswald reloaded the rifle and fired again. This bullet hit the President in the back below his neck, came out of his throat, hit Governor Connally in his side, shattered his rib, came out his front, smashed his wrist and bedded itself in his leg. Connelly screams; “My God, they’re going to kill us all”

15 The Presidents Limo slows; Oswald fires again, hitting President Kennedy in the back of the head.
Two parts of the head flew up as blood and brain shot out of the hole. Mrs. Kennedy tried to climb over the back of the car to retrieve one of the pieces, but the bodyguard told her to get back in. 12:31:00 pm President Kennedy fatally wounded by 3rd shot and rushed to Parkland Hospital


17 12:33:00 pm Lee Harvey Oswald confronted by armed Dallas Policemen only about 90 seconds after last shot 12:33:45 pm Oswald seen leaving Texas School Book Depository through front door 12:40 pm Dealey Plaza and Book Depository sealed off my FBI and local police

18 President Kennedy declared dead at Parkland Hospital
1:00:00 pm President Kennedy declared dead at Parkland Hospital

19 1:00:05 pm Oswald seen arriving back at his home by his landlord 1:03:00 pm Oswald seen leaving his home and waiting at bus stop 1:15:30 pm Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippet shot dead less than a mile from Oswald’s home 1:16:00 pm 13 witnesses observe Oswald either shooting Tippet or fleeing the immediate scene.

20 1:22:00 pm Dallas Police Detective discovers a 8 pound, Italian-made 1938 Mannlicher-Cacano, 6.5 millimeter rifle equipped with a four power scope hidden on 6th floor of Book Depository

21 1:35:00pm Oswald ducks into Texas Theater to avoid detection 1:50:00 pm Dallas Police Corner Oswald in Texas Theater, while trying to arrest Oswald he is heard yelling “We’ll it’s all over now!” then punches a patrol man 1:51:00 pm Dallas Police beat Oswald and take him into custody


23 2:00:00 pm Secret Service Agents have huge confrontation with doctors over removing President’s body before undergoing a forensic examination by The Dallas Coroner 2:14:30 pm President Kennedy’s body seized by Secret Service from Parkland Hospital and driven to Air Force One 2:38:00 pm Vice President Lyndon Johnson sworn in by Sarah T. Hughes as the 36th President of The United States of America 6:00:00 pm Air Force One arrives at Andrew’s Air Force base and transports the President to Bethesda Naval Hospital for an autopsy and morticians preparations

24 7:05:00 pm Lee Harvey Oswald charged with “murder with malice” in the killing of Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippet 11:36:00 pm Oswald charged with the murder of President Kennedy

25 local night club owner Jack Ruby
“I AM JUST A PATSY!” November 24, 11:21am Oswald gunned down by local night club owner Jack Ruby

26 December 9th 1963 – FBI Report turned over to the Warren Commission that gave the theory that only three bullets were fired during the assassination. The first shot hit Kennedy The second shot hit Governor Connelly The third shot hit Kennedy in the head killing him FBI and Warren commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald fired all three shots

27 Let us put this into prospective
President shot by lone gun man Events filmed at three different angles Main footage shot by Abraham Zapruder Hidden rifle found in Book Depository Witnesses say they heard a total of three shots

28 Let’s take a look at these in more depth….
Lee Harvey Oswald charged with assassination Lee Harvey Oswald killed before any explanation by Jack Ruby Autopsy performed by Bethesda Naval Hospital FBI and Warren Commission conclude that the President was shot at three times with the third shot fatally wounding President Kennedy Let’s take a look at these in more depth….

29 Zapruder Film Regarded as most accurate documentation of the timeline of events up to the fatal shot and the motorcade speeding away It is a silent 8mm color home movie shot by Abraham Zapruder near the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza. Filmed scene with a Model 414 PD Bell & Howell Zoomatic Director Series Camera

30 Entire film sequence depicts the events in Dealey Plaza with 486 Frames or 26.6 seconds
The film was recorded on Kodak Kodachrome II 8mm movie safety film This film has been analyzed by the Warren Commission and featured as evidence in several congressional hearings on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Film has been used in several other media outlets; including Oliver Stones controversial film “JFK” which used the clearest copy of the film available to the public prior to the late 1990’s. This copy you can actually see Jacqueline Kennedy mouthing what appears to be the words “Oh, my God!”

31 President Kennedy’s Autopsy
Dr. Burkley and Admiral in the U.S. navy performed the procedure Findings A single bullet hole in the upper back hitting the President at about the level of the third thoracic vertebra, this finding is consistent with the bullet hole in the suit jacket worn by the President A second shot from behind created a large exit wound to President Kennedy’s head causing a mortal wound for the President.

32 A single bullet hole that passed entirely through the president’s neck from a level over the top of the scapula and lung; and along down through the lower throat. However, the full report debunks the shot through the back and as a single entry through the throat, projecting into Governor Connelly and deflecting back into President Kennedy to his head. Hence the “Magic Bullet”.

33 Magic Bullet Theory Theories behind how the President was shot
Where did the second shot come from? Did Oswald take the last fatal shot?

34 Or was there a second shooter beyond the Grassy Knoll?

35 Since Nov. 22nd, 1963 there have been over 2,000 books, dozens of television shows, countless movies, and myths surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. One of the main theories of this terribly tragedy is that the public execution of JFK was accomplished by a three man Mafia/CIA “firing squad” in association with a patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald. A new study by Texas A&M University shows that the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) analysis done at the time of the assassination was seriously flawed. In fact, there is ample evidence of a second shooter who worked in conjunction with Lee Harvey Oswald A new forensic study of one of the motorcycle patrolman escorting the motorcade on that day shows “that beyond a reasonable doubt” more shots were fired behind the picket fence on the Grassy Knoll

36 New compositional analysis not available in the 1960’s
The team found the bullet fragments involved in the assassination not as rare as previously recorded Their findings show that one of the 10 test bullets is considered a match from the one or more of the five existing assassination bullet fragments. Meaning that the bullets could have come from different bullets found at the crime scene Who is the figure leaving behind the picket fence right after the shots where fired?

37 Could there have been more than one shooter?
Was this a plot by the U.S. Government to silence JFK?

38 “The world will never know who the persons where that gave the “official” order to kill John F. Kennedy for those persons are either dead, close to death, silent in fear of death, or they choose to remain silent until death” – Robert G. Vernon November 22nd 1963 was the end of The United States as we once knew it. The end to Camelot.

39 Oswald was taken out before he could tell us the truth about what happened to the word
“I will always miss your leadership and knowledge Mr. President. I know you knew the truth and wanted a better tomorrow for all mankind. You where a seeker of the truth.” - Don Gillson


41 THE END Project Produced by : Don Gillson and Charlotte Crowell


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