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Passage 11 Sir Walter Raleigh 1.

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1 Passage 11 Sir Walter Raleigh 1

2 Title Study Sir Walter Raleigh
What do you think this passage is about? A biography?

3 A biography is simply the story of a life
A biography is simply the story of a life. Biographies can be just a few sentences long, or they can fill an entire book—or two. Very short biographies tell the basic facts of someone's life and importance. Longer biographies include that basic information of course, with a lot more detail, but they also tell a good story.

4 Skimming Read the first sentence of each paragraph and choose a word to fill in the blank. This passage tells the story of _________. A. Sir Walter Raleigh B. tabacco

5 Biography of Sir Walter Raleigh
Sir Walter Raleigh ( 1552 – 29 October 1618) was an English writer, poet, soldier, spy(间谍)and explorer(探险家)who is also largely known for popularising(推广) tobacco in England. 5

6 Little is known for certain of his early life, though he spent some time in Ireland. He rose rapidly in Queen Elizabeth I‘s favour(好感), being knighted(被封骑士) in 1585. 6

7 In 1591 he secretly married Elizabeth Throckmorton, one of the Queen‘s ladies-in-waiting(贴身侍女), without the Queen’s permission(允许), for which he and his wife were sent to the Tower of London. After his release(释放), they retired to his estate(封地) at Sherborne, Dorset. 7

8 After Queen Elizabeth died in 1603, Raleigh was again imprisoned(入狱)in the Tower, this time for being involved in the Main Plot(主要阴谋。指詹姆士一世经历过的一连串天主教极端份子的意图暗杀事件),against King James I(英王詹姆士一世). 8

9 In 1616, however, he was released(释放)in order to conduct(实施)a second expedition in search of gold. It was unsuccessful. He returned to England, was arrested and executed(处死)in 1618. 9

10 1. Where was tobacco first gown?
Scanning: 1. Where was tobacco first gown? 2. What was tobacco mostly used for in the early days? 3. How many characters are mentioned(提及)in the passage and who are they? 10

11 Queen Elizabeth the first
Christopher Columbus Jean Nicot Queen Elizabeth the first 11

12 Define their roles with the key words given: (角色定位)
1.Christopher Culumbers--…(intruduce)… 2. Jean Nicot--- …(nicotine)… 3. Sir Walter Raleigh--- …(smoke)… 4. Elizabeth I--- …(England)… 12

13 Page Ex. 1 & 2

14 Assignment Read one of these people's biography and introduce him/her to your classmates. Think over what should be included in your introduction. 14

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