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Instrumentation Activities at IFAE

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1 Instrumentation Activities at IFAE
Thorsten Lux

2 IWORID 2016 IFAE organized the IWORID 2016 in Barcelona
Mokhtar Chmeissani and T.L. local organizers More than 250 participants 4 intense days full of talks and posters about radiation imaging detectors Thorsten Lux

3 under discussion with ICIQ.
Organic solar cells F.Sanchez J.G.Macias M.Leyton T.Lux A.Toldra ICIQ + Confidential Characterization of organic solar cells as photosensors. Study time dynamics under several conditions (low light, short pulse, bias…) ~10% Efficiency as solar cells: Quantum efficiency as sensors ? Low noise but no amplification: Noise equivalence in # photons ? Organizing a 1 day measurement day at IFAE Sensor dynamics under discussion with ICIQ. Pros Cheap Large area deposition. Possible Integration with readout ? Low noise. Wide band detection efficiency. Cons Fast degradation. Slow (~us) No charge amplification. Exchanged one photo to make the short pulse higher Qeff clearer Pulse width scan

4 Perovskites for g and X-rays
ICIQ + F.Sanchez J.G.Macias New inorganic material for solar panels with large Z (lead). Efficiency close to 30%. Produced by ICIQ group Characterization as photodiode at IFAE Evaluate the potential of direct growing on the VIP chip IFAE/ICIQ. Confidential Efficiency 30%? Factor of ~2 more photoelectric at 511 Kev for PET. BIST IGNITE project submitted

5 Medipix4/Timepix4 IFAE long term member of Medipix2 collaboration
Medipix2 used for DearMama, Medipix3 for current RIS3CAT project Just joined Medipix4/Timepix4 collaboration based on FPA project Covering the contribution for the first 2 years Raimon Casanova PI (former: Matteo Cavalli-Sforza) IFAE will participate in design of Timepix4 Timepix3 Timepix4 Technology IBM 130nm TSMC 65nm Pixel Size 55 x 55 µm ≤ 55 x 55 µm Pixel arrangement 3-side buttable 256 x 256 4-side buttable 256 x 256 or bigger Operating Modes Data driven PC (10-bit) and TOT (14-bit) CRW: PC and iTOT ( bit) Frame based TOT and TOA Zero-Suppressed Readout < 80 MHits/s < 500 MHits/s YES TOT energy resolution < 2KeV < 1Kev Time resolution 1.56ns ~200ps Readout bandwidth 5.12Gb (8x Gbps) 20.48 Gbps (4x 5.12 Gbps) Front-end “with” Volcano No volcano  Dynamic gain But supply only 1.2V Thorsten Lux

6 HVCMOS pixels HV/HR-DMAPS activities at IFAE started in the framework of ATLAS HV/HR-DAMPS features: Sensors + electronics on the same device and fabricated with standard CMOS technologies Thick depletion region: ~ 100µm Fast collecting time: ~1ns Radiation hard Large fill factor (electronics over the sensor) Thinning and back side biasing

7 HVCMOS pixels HV/HR-DMAPS technology is being investigated for applications beyond HEP: Thick depletion region Soft X-ray detection/Near IR Back Side Illumination Higher quantum efficiency CMOS technology + monolithic device economical competitive IFAE’s activities on HVCMOS pixels beyond ATLAS: Development of MONOPC_LF ASIC: first HVCMOS chip for soft X-ray detection Joining efforts with other institutions. Interest of ALBA in this technology. First prototype will be delivered in March and characterized at IFAE AIDA-2020 proposal rejected in final stage, Producte proposal under evaluation MONOPC_LF Technology LFoundry 150nm HVCMOS Matrix 3900 x 1950 mm2 26 rows x 52 columns Pixel size 75 x 75 µm2 In pixel electronics Sensing diode Preamplifier Discriminator + 4b dac Counter

8 Light Trap for Gamma Ray Astronomy
project led by John E. Ward (D. Guberman, J. Cortina) basic idea: detect light with “large” WLS disk and guide it to small SiPM coupled to disk aim: replace expensive PMTs of a Cherenkov telescope by much cheaper light sensor Project was started around 2 years ago as Marie Curie project + SO Seed Funds Additional funds from MPI Munich Thorsten Lux

9 ... And possibly beyond currently developing SiPM readout for cluster of 7 light traps mechanical structure also under construction installation in Magic camera in May 2017 Interested in use electronics for other applications: we had similar idea for WA105 larger disk, about 20 cm diameter PMMA disk coated with TPB on top 2nd WLS fiber around disk read by 1 or 2 SiPMs Intensive MC study by PhD student still planned to do tests Thorsten Lux

10 Latest News ... SiPM baby board Light trap with disk
Light trap mechanics Full SiPM readout chain Cluster Thorsten Lux

11 Ultrasound for Underground Searches
Ultrasound used for medical imaging Could it be used for imaging of underground objects? Idea by Matteo Cavalli-Sforza Tested together with Mokhtar at Parc Tauli Hospital in Sabadell Nov We presented a "Llavor" proposal about 20 kEuro. Yes/no answer in 1-2 months from now. - Just now we presented BIST-ignite proposal for 20 k€, in collab. with Gustau Catalan (ICREA, ICN2). Focus on understanding ultrasound attenuation mechanisms in soil and and optimization of frequency range Thorsten Lux


13 3D Screen Printing of MPGDs
Lead by T.L. Thick Micro-Pattern-Gas-Detectors (MPGDs) interesting for several experiments as DUNE or DHCAL Current production process based on drilling holes hundred thousand holes per m2 1 m2 of THGEM takes about 50 hours 900 m2 for one DUNE detector: ~5 years more complicated geometries even more time consuming/ not possible idea to use 3D screen printing instead small tolerances of 10 m possible much faster and much cheaper completely new concepts might be possible AIDA-2020 proposal submitted but also rejected in final stage Thorsten Lux

14 3D Screen Printing of MPGDs
Collaboration of Fraunhofer Institute, Weizmann Institute and IFAE producing first prototype Funds from SO Seed money for this (10 kEuro) Production until June including several quality tests Crucial is the hole quality Tests in gas detector also at IFAE also foreseen Investigating in parallel possibility to submit FET-Open proposal in September 2017

15 Future Accelerator Project
Lead by Ilya Korolkov Thorsten Lux

16 Asteroid Result of PAU/DES/... work with CCDs PI: Cristobal Padilla
Thorsten Lux

17 Summary Number of instrumentation “side” projects increasing
Much more people and groups are working on these SO Seed money very helpful to start Efforts are undertaken from the beginning to find external funding Some already achieved external funds: High-T-Sc, Asteroid, light trap, ... ... and several proposals under evaluation currently Help to do networking with other institutes New lab spaces hopefully will also help to work more on these projects Thorsten Lux

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