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Going Fast Going Together Center Lyndon Rego Patrick Sweet Leadership

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Presentation on theme: "Going Fast Going Together Center Lyndon Rego Patrick Sweet Leadership"— Presentation transcript:

1 Going Fast Going Together Center Lyndon Rego Patrick Sweet Leadership
for Creative Leadership

2 Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun. – Randy Pausch
Ice Cream for Innovation! Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun. – Randy Pausch Competing in the City of Sweets

3 Time to Mingle! How do you define collaborative leadership? (A-C)
Why is collaborative leadership important? (D-F) Where do you see collaborative leadership occur? (G-K) Where is collaborative leadership most needed? (L-P) What is an enabler of collaborative leadership? (Q-T) What gets in the way of collaborative leadership? (U-Z)

4 The Challenge of Collaborative Leadership

5 “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together”
An Unfair Trade? Super Faster Better Together “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together” ― African Saying

6 All Together Now! Organizations of the Future

7 The Maker Movement Manifesto Mark Hatch
Play-Fair! The Maker Movement The world is a better as a participatory sport: Make | Play | Share Support | Learn The Maker Movement Manifesto Mark Hatch

8 Lean Startup Cycle Go Lean! The Lean Startup Eric Ries
The Lean Startup Eric Ries

9 Hack + Marathon (or Sprint)
Let’s get Hacking! Hack-a-thon A hackathon is process where a group of people collaborate intensively on a project. Hack + Marathon (or Sprint)


11 Tackling a Systemic Challenge How Might We…?
Target a big, hairy issue we need to wrestle with to achieve greater collaborative outcomes? Write in block letters on an index card Frame it as a “how might we…” Make it clear, short and crisp Don’t write your name on card! E.g. – How might we enhance public-private partnerships? Empower youth to tackle local challenges?

12 Tackling a Systemic Challenge Select Ideas to Hack
What do we want to tackle today? Write HMW at top of a flip chart Select into groups (6) – law of two feet About 8-10/group 45 minutes Why do we need to tackle this issue (pain/gain)? What needs to be done? How will we make it happen? So What difference will solving the problem make (the payoff)? SO WHAT? WHY? HOW? WHAT?

13 Tackling a Systemic Challenge Select Ideas to Hack
What do we want to tackle today? Write HMW at top of a flip chart Select into groups (6) – law of two feet About 8-10/group 45 minutes Why do we need to tackle this issue (pain/gain)? What needs to be done? How will we make it happen? So What difference will solving the problem make (the payoff)? HMW… SO WHAT? WHY? HOW? WHAT? Big idea:

14 Tackling a Systemic Challenge What’s the Big Idea?
Each team: enter your big idea Everyone: Vote each idea up or down



17 “Play is the highest form of research.”
― Albert Einstein

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