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Jeopardy! Begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy! Begin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy! Begin

2 Who? Kennedy Foreign Policy At Home Rights Nam $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 Who? - $100 Who said, “I pledge to get the country moving again?”

4 Who? - $200 He resisted the cry for the FBI to investigate organized crime and CR violations?
J. Edgar Hoover

5 Who. - $300 Who was the president of Ford before becoming Sec
Who? - $300 Who was the president of Ford before becoming Sec. Of Defense? C1-$300 Robert McNamara

6 Who? - $400 Who lead the “March on Washington” in 1963 to support JFK’s civil rights legislation?
Martin Luther King Jr.

7 Who? - $500 Who ran against LBJ in 1964?
C1-$500 Barry Goldwater (AuH2O)

8 Kennedy - $100 JFK’s most ambitious proposal and why?
C2-$100 Land a man on the moon

9 Kennedy - $200 After meeting Krushchev about Berlin in 1961, JFK called up reserve troops. How did Krushchev respond? C2-$200 Russians built the Berlin Wall

10 Kennedy - $300 What is the term for his foundations for a realistic policy of peaceful coexistence with the Soviets? C2-$300 Detente

11 Kennedy - $400 He is the assassin of JFK?
C2-$400 Lee Harvey Oswald

12 Kennedy - $500 Two 1st for JFK?
C2-$500 1st Catholic President Youngest President

13 Foreign Policy - $100 When JFK finally sent American troops to Vietnam he called this this?
Military Advisers

14 Foreign Policy - $200 This plan called for Cuban anti-communists exiles to take their homeland back? (- bad idea) C3-$200 Bay of Pigs fiasco 1961

15 Foreign Policy - $300 Cuba caused a game of “nuclear chicken” between the U.S. & U.S.S.R. What eventually happened? C3-$300 Krushchev blinked (backed down)

16 Foreign Policy - $400 JFK visited Berlin
Foreign Policy - $400 JFK visited Berlin. What was his most famous statement? What does it mean? C3-$400 Ich bin ein Berliner

17 Foreign Policy - $500 The Soviets crushed a rebellion in Czech in 1968
Foreign Policy - $500 The Soviets crushed a rebellion in Czech in The U.S. did this? C3-$500 Nothing

18 At Home - $100 LBJ’s famous policy at home?
War on Poverty Great Society

19 At Home - $200 LBJ’s policy for the elderly?

20 At Home - $300 This amendment abolished the poll tax (pay to vote)?
C3-$300 24th

21 At Home - $400 He was elected President in 1968?
Richard Nixon

22 At Home - $500 Violence & cynicism were the cries of these young people of the 60’s?
Students for a Democratic Society SDS

23 Los Angeles Watts riots
Rights - $100 The voting rights act of ’65 were passed and a riot broke out in this western city? C4-$100 Los Angeles Watts riots

24 Rights - $200 He was a black muslim who favored black separatism & hated all whites?
Malcolm X

25 Rights - $300 He was famous for the “Black Power” movement
Rights - $300 He was famous for the “Black Power” movement? (It will smash everything western civilization has created) C4-$300 Stokley Carmichael

26 Rights - $400 He was killed in Memphis Tennessee in 1968?
C4-$400 Martin Luther King Jr.

27 Rights - $500 The call (cry) of black militants in the 60’s?
Burn, baby, burn

28 Nam - $100 U.S. involvement deepened when the Viet Cong attacked this U.S. AF base in 1965?

29 Nam - $200 This was the U.S. basis for going full speed into Vietnam?
C4-$200 Gulf of Tonkin

30 Nam - $300 The North Vietnamese struck with full fury at U. S
Nam - $300 The North Vietnamese struck with full fury at U.S. troops early in 1968? C4-$300 Tet Offensive

31 Vietnamization (Johnson Policy)
Nam - $400 The idea of shifting the war burden to the Vietnamese themselves was called? C4-$400 Vietnamization (Johnson Policy)

32 Nam - $500 This was the term for peaceniks?

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